When a 5 1/2 befriends a 2 and they try to make comedy.

2  2015-07-08 by jammiesoff


The one girl seems harmless enough, just misguided. She's doing this comedy thing because too many dudes politely laughed at her 'jokes' (because she's HAWT) and she decided she had more of a knack for it than whatever useless thing she majored in.

On the other hand, Deadeyes mcChubRollz is the sort of girl that you pick up at the late night pizza stop versus in the bar. I can't imagine the amount of 'why not?' bangs she's gotten. What a joyless slob.

What a joyless slob.

i love this sub


i'd say it's more of a physical 7 and 4. but as for personality it's a 5 and 1.

its a set-up, if you see krystyna just hangs out with this gremlin to look hotter

Looking around google images for pics, you can tell the one with the round fuckbags goes to great lengths to protect flatso's feelings. If she's not wearing something that covers them up, she's making sure the camera doesn't go below shoulder level. Yet ol' frumpy's flapjacks are always front and center in every shot.

Honestly thought these were just two random talentless college students acting like retards until I recognized the names. This is astoundingly bad.

They don't even film the peoples reaction, it's all about them and showing the world how "quirky" they are. lulz sooooo random XD

Its also really cute that they use hair brushes and glue instead of mics! :)

To be fair, they are just as funny as a lot of 'successful' female comics, like Iliza schlesinger and Esther Ku, which is to say, not funny whatsoever.

Look at that forehead on fat arms.

Sorry about last night, guys we fucked, every Silverman, Lampanelli, Schumer bit. Yes there are funny women comics, but a disproportionate amount have absolutely no personality or quality outside of the fact that they have slits. It's subconsciously tantalizing to dullards. Who gives a shit? You'd be interesting and different if you were a weirdo virgin in your 30's - not a person that performs one of the most basic human bodily functions.

Thats terrible im sorry

If they got a decent camera, and learned how to edit out all punctuation, they could make YouTube videos of them talking about boring topics and make millions.

That zero content dull edge dollar is so hot right now.

The annoying one's posture is terrible.

Fat Jew detected


Is it hot enough for you?

Fuck, that sidebar pic of Opie in the Beautiful Mind window just made me laugh.

Oh good, more He-Man Woman-Haters Club shit. Yeah, we know, you don't like women, blacks, gays, immigrants, Muslims, etcetcetc. It must be exhausting to be so afraid all the time. No wonder you're all angry virgin bottoms.

Oh good, more He-Man Woman-Haters Club shit.


Come on...you know that's flawed logic in this case. Not a single moment of that video was even smirk-worthy, let alone funny.

All women comics aren't automatically bad because of their gender...and any criticism of any given female comic is not necessarily motivated by "woman-hating." Both of those extremes are equally sweeping generalizations.

Dude, this is about the 5,000 "angry boy posts about unfunny women" post on this loser sub and you know it. There are people on here who truly believe women cannot be funny. I've seen every female comic out there derided on this sub. Amy Schumer is one of the biggest in the nation--nothing but shit on here. I've seen Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Maria Bamford, Sarah Silverman--all universally shat on. And, though they are comics, their looks are discussed endlessly--like it has a bearing on anything.

I didn't even watch this clip because even if they were the female versions of George Carlin and Richard fucking Pryor, there would be assholes on here who said they sucked and were ugly. You know it's true.

Amy Schumer is one of the biggest in the nation--nothing but shit on here.

Wanna know who else is one of the biggest comedians right now? Jeff Dunham.

I've seen Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Maria Bamford, Sarah Silverman--all universally shat on.

Not on here you haven't, I've never seen one post about Amy Poehler or Maria Bamford. Never even seen Tina Fey brought up unless it's some shitty quote from her awful book.

And, though they are comics, their looks are discussed endlessly--like it has a bearing on anything.

Because it's a big part of their act and personality. They bring it up. They put their sexuality out there so you can't be mad that people talk about it. They do the exact same thing with Jim Norton, because he puts his looks and sexuality out there. You know who doesn't, though? Most other male comedians. The ones who do - like Louis CK or Kevin Hart - are mocked for their physical appearance. But you just conveniently forget those cause it makes you more comfortable to believe these gussied up mediocres are being persecuted.

I didn't even watch this clip because -

You're an overly-emotional cunt with an axe to grind?

I didn't say it wasn't. Yes, there's a large contingent sexless neckbeards who automatically resent anything with a vagina. Yes, they're often bitter misanthropes whose bias skews their views on comedy. That observation's been made plenty of times here.

But on the other end of the spectrum, you've got broads like Corinne Fisher (the brunette in this video), who will attribute ANY criticism of a woman -- even if it's completely constructive -- to rampant sexism/misogyny. They obviously don't hang out over here, but they're definitely a substantial group into today's climate.

In my view, they're the anti-matter to each other; opposite, yet symbiotic sides of the same coin, like Stormfront vs the New Black Panther Party, USA vs USSR, etc. They're all extremists, they all fucking suck, and the world would be better off if they both were transported to a deserted island somewhere where they could rip each others' throats out, and the rest of us could figure out some sort of way to live with each other without them fucking it up.

Watch the clip. I assure you, there's nothing worth defending in it.

Your point is definitely valid and I agree. But you have to remember: Black Panthers, radical feminists of all stripes, gay rights agitators, they're all reacting to a status quot that leaves them marginalized. Their radicalization is a lot more understandable, even when it's just as stupid, as the KKK, stormfront, etc., who are the ones who draw "first blood" on these issues. They are the keepers of the status quo, who benefit from someone else's marginalization. It's a fairly big difference and one that should be acknowledged.

And there are more sexless neckbeards on here than people like you or me. By far. You know as well as I do that most people on here are very racist and very sexist. That's why I wrote the first post. It's fucking sickening after awhile.

Black Panthers, radical feminists of all stripes, gay rights agitators, they're all reacting to a status quot that leaves them marginalized.

This is an utter and total lie. There are privileged middle-class black panthers, along with poor white trash kids who've been persecuted by blacks their whole lives who show no racist affiliations. Every single radical feminist I have ever seen has been some upper-middle-class white female, usually in academia or in some position of influence. And you know what? The Stormfront people would say the exact same thing, that they are reacting to a disproportionate black-on-white crime rate using the exact same cherrypicked, sensationalist examples as these other groups. People like you condemn generalizations and yet employ generalizations the moment it serves your point.

They are the keepers of the status quo, who benefit from someone else's marginalization.

Someone should walk into the Nation of Islam office and have a talk to them about how they benefit from the black community's marginalization of gays. But that will never happen because that doesn't suit your "whites vs. everybody" Americanized caricature worldview.

And there are more sexless neckbeards on here than people like you or me. By far.

I'd rather have funny neckbeards than pearl-clutching legbeards and Hard-Left baristas.

Not to go all cliche, but two wrongs don't make a right. Sweeping generalizations are very dangerous to take seriously, no matter which "side" is doing it.

Using your example, from a demographic standpoint, you could definitely make the case that blacks are more marginalized than whites. But let's say you've got a black teenager and a white teenager, both of whom are radicalized by pseudo-scientific bullshit they read online, and the black teenager is from a well-to-do upper-middle-class family in a wealthy suburb of a major urban center, while the white teenager is from some poor/working class -- and 99% white -- shithole in eastern Kentucky or West Virginia. The black kid is lucky enough to have grown up with a lot of opportunities, and half the white kid's family are severely fucked up with drugs, crime, poverty, etc. In that scenario (which does exist), is the white kid's radicalization really less understandable, purely by virtue of his race instead of his background?

LBJ said that “if you can convince the lowest white man that he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll even empty his pockets for you.” Most Stormfronters don't "benefit" from someone else's marinalization, per se. Red herrings like "thug culture," immigration, gay marriage, blah, blah, blah, blind them to the true causes behind their own marginalization. Just like the Nation of Islam, NBPP and Black Israelites fucking feed off working-class blacks' discontent by promulgating conspiracy horseshit about the Illuminati, Yakub, etc.

TL;DR: They all fucking suck, they're all fucking sickening, and -- regarding sexless neckbeards -- even a broken watch is right twice a day.

Dude, this is about the 5,000 "angry boy posts about unfunny women" post on this loser sub and you know it. There are people on here who truly believe women cannot be funny. I've seen every female comic out there derided on this sub.

True, but even broken clocks.

This sub has more hatred for a heterosexual white man than anyone else on the planet. Try again.

dude...how did you ever even find O&A? This is what the person who wrote that comment looks like to me: http://photos.modelmayhem.com/avatars/3/4/8/9/0/1/348901903_m.jpg

What, attractive?

Haha. Did you forget which sub you were in?
