I wish Sam nothing but the most success on his radio program.

53  2015-07-08 by arobben

APPPPREeeLLLL FAAAAAALLLss, hope he gets canceled and they replace his show with two hours of silence


"Saym....yu kan't do yur show....yur studio is filed with lemonayde...APPPPREAYL FAAAAAAAAAALLLLLS"

He'd still be getting coffees, if it wasn't for my David.

Sam's a nice guy and he worked his balls off. I never liked him on his own, and I don't listen, but I hope he does well. That appley-cheeked little bastert. (As Ron would say)

I agree. He's put in his due, and honestly, the only good thing with Opie and Jim. He set Jim up well with his characters, chimed in well enough. He was a good addition.

I think he's funny but he shouldn't be the central host of the show.

There is a certain charm about Sam that I definitely like. His show might not be targeted for my demo, which is why I don't totally love it, but I do listen. I probably laugh more during his show than Opie's lately.

The few times I've caught ERock's show was sorta the same thing related to not being in his demo. I have no idea what he's talking about, but the interview is awesome. So I keep listening. Very good interviewer.

tHeReS mOoN rOcKs iN HiS wIfEs CuNt.... apPrelL fAhHlLS

I do hope it's the most successful show on the channel boy would tits not like that

Shows developed on sirius/xm dont become successful unless. Its the "names" they buy from elsewhere who make the money. ESD told me Sam would be lucky if he was pulling in 50k per year by now.

Oh nice good to know but I mean success in Opies eyes like viral hits and raitings.

It's funny you should mention that; only a few days ago, I was listening to this clip about how they discussed Sam's salary. If he hasn't pulled in a salary over 50k in the last 4 years after making about 42k especially after the work he has put in (I love to hate the halfro but he really has put in an effort, regardless of other people's shit) that is just shameful; I hope that your estimate is seriously underestimated but it wouldn't surprise me if it weren't.

Continued Success.

I can't help but exhale sharply through my nose when I read that.

Anybody that can flip a coin with his ankle deserves success. For fifteen minutes.

I hated hearing that cackling little shit and cursed Opie for giving him so much air time at one point. Then I realized he only did so when Jimmy was out and would have been lost without him. I never thought I'd say this but the show needs him now more than ever.


If it was the Intern David and Sam Show --- I'd be all in.

But airing two hours of silence wouldn't make for a very interesting radio show.

oh literal Spokker

The Fez Show



is Sam done with Opie & Jimmy now?

What floor are they on? Can a plane be maneuvered into the confined space?

Maybe ISIS needs to know about those infidels.

Not encouraging anything, just wondering.


i waNT SaM tOo SHUDDuP!

Does his show have a subreddit?

Fuck you, Sam rocks! His show is entertaining, not laugh out loud entertaining but still better than listening to Opie.

You must be a wrestling fan.

Strangely I'm not.