Not to be outdone by the premier of Race Wars on Sirius tonight...

0  2015-07-08 by [deleted]


Go get em ant. Really fighting the good fight. We need people like him voicing their opinions on twitter.

What a fucking idiot.


Sure. His opinions are sometimes valid. But he comes across as a dolt these days.


it's everywhere, I watched at least an hour about it on CNN yesterday. they tie it into Donald trump's comments and make it into an illegal immigrants extravaganza

He left out "You kids get off my lawn!"

The blacks are ruining the US right? It's not the overseas war which served up young Americans to die for companies like haliburton, it's not he banks tanking the economy after the banks were deregulated in the 90's.

No no, it's the blacks. Somehow it's always the blacks, how about you say something about goldman sachs or the koch brothers


you faux intellectual

Biting, coming from someone who can't be bothered to use punctuation.


If you don't care about looking dumb as shit, or are oblivious to the fact that punctuation helps get your point across, then yes. You probably are sorta dumb.


Except, it's not actual ignorance or making honest mistakes. It's pure laziness, as you yourself admit with 'i just dont give a shit' -- which, btw, isn't convincing at all.

And yes, 'sorta' is the colloquial sort of language that you were attempting to summon with your 'on reddit' point.

One of the many differences is that my use of 'sorta' doesn't make a reader's eyes do more work.

That you don't understand the different between use of a colloquialism like 'sorta' and refusing to punctuate or capitalize anything in your babbling tract of rage is further confirmation of you being sorta dumb.


You got me. Your continued retreat into 'community college' and 'meaningful career' lobbing proves that I must be the one with three tons of unfulfilled aspirations on my shoulder.

I agree on all points, from retarded people not being able to read the fine print, but I blame the banks for offering said retards it in the first place.

the whole "pick a side" between democrats and republicans is the most stupid thing of all, Clinton deregulated the banks, a democrat. Obama bailed them out, another democrat. They are playing the same game, there is no sense feeding into the dualist climate, it's not a fucking sport like many people seem to belive



Yeah maaaan!!! Occupy Faux News!! Forget about people taking out loans they couldn't afford! Paying back loans is slavery anyway right?

So I should not put the shit on IVY league schooled bankers for putting the loans up? Nah maaaan those bankers good people right?

First things first, there are no good people. The bankers job isn't to be good people it's to maximize profit. It's your job as a consumer of a financial product not to be fooled by them. There is no difference between some of these sub prime and refinance loans and a pop up that says, "you have a virus, click here to remove" or a dick extension add. You should be smart enough to ignore the snack oil salesman and wise enough to know the "too good to be true" thing. .

People are retarded, I am not disagreeing with you on that. I am just saying some regulations has to be put on these banks to not do these things again.

You know you're obsession with race has grown to consume your entire life when you're tweeting this crap while on vacation in Hawaii.

So glad I stopped following a few weeks ago.

Oh, and stop USING TWITTER. It never helped you and cost you a 7 figure a contract gig. He's done almost 30,000 public tweets and he shouldn't have ever even made a Twitter account! He's complaining about black crime...on vacation in Hawaii. Obsessed much?


2015-07-08 01:45:46 UTC

Why can't law abiding citizens speak out about what they feel is ruining this country? We see it on a daily basis but dare not say a word.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

Hey Ant, you can say whatever you want if you're prepared to face the consequences of your actions. Oh, oopsie daisy, I guess you weren't. Have fun screaming racist shit with a bucket over your head until you collapse though.

That's like putting a proximity bomb around someones neck that'll go off if they leave a certain area and telling them they're free to go at any time. The censorship of private individuals and entities do not violate the 1st amendment, but they undermine the principles behind it which renders it moot.

This analogy only works if you made the bomb yourself and put it around your own neck. Have some personal responsibility instead of blaming everyone else for your shitty world views.

Who gets to determine what world view is non-shitty?

You do, and so do I, and everyone else in society. How is this such a hard concept for you to grasp?

Why can't comics try to be funny on their comedy programs? Jesus Christ, man. I agree with Ant on a lot of issues but hearing things I already agree with for an hour at a crack with little to no humor value or even attempts at jokes and comedy is not my idea of a good time for a comedy show. Everybody has told him he needs to cut the race, guns and taxes discussions to a minimum, if not almost entirely, and just be comedic on a comedy show. He has the least funny show on his network and its a shame that he lets his pathologies rule him.

What a fucking idiot. Why doesn't Ant ever want to discuss the underlying issues behind black crime in the U.S? Does he actually think it's exclusively because they're black?

Keep telling us about how no one can talk it about while you never stop talking about it. It's like he thinks that the way to fix it is just to acknowledge that black people are statistically more likely to commit crime, and that magically it will make it all go away.


You do, and so do I, and everyone else in society. How is this such a hard concept for you to grasp?