Looks like Ant wants Amy as a guest on TACS

6  2015-07-08 by Lilcumia


They seem to be friends and he's been on her show anyways. Or are we trying to make this something it isn't?

Haha wow look how desperate Ant is trying to suck up to Amy.

Or are we trying to make this something it isn't?

I think you just summed up this sub-reddit.

I think he's talked about wanting her on the show before

This isn't really a dig at Ant. More his stance will change depending on who it is. Did the apology clock not happen?

Or maybe he knows better than anybody that what you say can completely fuck you.

you really do follow ant creepily close

Following someone on Twitter is "creepily close?"

That's cool I just wanted all bases covered.

Career suicide if she did TACS.

Worst possible reaction to allegations of racism: guesting on TACS

Seriously. This is nothing but an extension of desperate elementary school Ant falling in love with his crush. Not that he's in love with the porcine provocateur, he just desperately wants her approval because it's a pretty (to him) face that has paid attention to him. If this were anyone else he'd be saying "fuck off you grovelling lib cunt bitch."

You're reading into it way too much. Amy is a comic and friend of the show, knowing her as Ant does he knows that she isn't some dumb SJW cunt who doesn't understand funny. Just a comic put in an uncomfortable position because of dumb SJW cunts who don't understand funny. Those are the people Ant's anger is reserved for, not the victim of the whole situation.

If you don't think she is trying to cultivate the approval of progressive feminists and their assorted hangers on I don't know what to tell you. Her objective is to be funny; I buy that -- but given that every other sketch is now trying to stick it to the white male patriarchy it's pretty clear she shares that point of view. Read that roundtable she was a part of with that pig Dunham. She is pretty clearly a dumb SJW cunt.

She might just be trying to pander to the retarded feminist audience, which has grown exponentially in recent years. When Amy first came out, she was really edgy and I actually enjoyed her comedy cause she didn't tiptoe around the racial stuff and legitimately made me laugh. Now that she has a show and has more of a spotlight on her, she obviously has to tame it down a bit and do a little pandering. We're just so used to honest, no-holds barred comedy because we are fans of Norton, Patrice, people who aren't afraid of losing fans because all of their fans are already degenerates who agree with them. But for higher level comics who have larger levels of fame, if it don't Play in Peoria they're screwed

The audience for feminist shit hasn't grown at all.

Penn & Teller's show that nobody knows about has twice the viewers Schumer's has. "Girls" gets the same ratings fucking "Red Eye" does—and "Red Eye" gets them at 3am, on uniformly negative press. It's the entertainment media (and corporate culture in general) that's gone prog-puritan, not the audience. "Peoria" is precisely who isn't being pandered to.

Right now the next Dennis Miller tour is selling out every flyover theater it's booked in. He still has as many fans as Louis does—and he's been press blacklisted for over a decade. Meanwhile Lena Dunham has been getting weekly puff pieces in the Times since she was ten years old and she can't fill a Barnes & Noble.

Schumer has to pander because she isn't big. The only audience for what she does is "the business" itself. Her job is to eat shit for its amusement. If she had a Peorian fanbase they'd want to hear her tell the press to go get raped by a pack of pool-diggers, not "I swear I'm born again now and I won't be funny anymore."

yea-she's gone full ultra-sjw and TACS is the last place she'd go

He's right though, it's better to give a fake apology if you're careers on the line.

Particularly if you have more than one.

I don't see what's wrong with what he said.

Everyone is bullshitting if they try to sit here and act like they wouldn't be like "Ok, I'm sorry I offended you," if it meant the difference between being ostracized and continuing on your path of fame and fortune.

The guys used to say the same shit about people they didn't even know. Some newsman would apologize and they'd be like "whatever, in the end we don't blame him you got to do what you got to do to keep your job."

I'm not even saying it's not hypocritical to do so, but it's unrealistic to expect anything different.

They all have personal relationships with Amy. What would you all have them do? Completely shit on her and write her off?

It's the age we live in now. It's the new McCarthyism.


Maybe it's just, times we're livin. Maybe it's just urban discipliiiiine.


You can live off a couple million easily so if I had that yeah I'd say go fuck yourselves

My point is it's easy for you to say that and judge someone when you've never been in that position.

If it could have saved his job at SiriusXM, Anthony probably would have issued some sort of apology for his twitter rant as well. We all do what we have to do to protect our money.

He's said in the past if offered the opportunity he wouldn't have apologized

It's easy for him to say that though, because he wasn't offered that opportunity. It may have played out differently if he had.

Edit: I'm not talking about an apology to the woman who assaulted him btw, because I agree that he wouldn't have caved on that(nor should he), just a standard bullshit apology towards anyone who was offended. I do think he would have done that if it could have saved his job.

"I apologize to the woman and her family!"

Honestly I think it's stupid, I think anyone who has seen me photographing black people in the street knows what I'm all about.

Well he certainly does have a lot of our money well protected in his bunker.

If you were in Brooklyn last year for that live event with Amy and Ant and saw how uncomfortable Amy was, you'd know that's an impossibility by now. Hard to see her doing his show.

What event? What happened?

The Kevin Corrigan Show at a bar in Brooklyn. A "live talk show" that isn't recorded, just done for a small crowd.

Panel included Ant, Amy, Taran Killiam (sp? he's some guy from SNL), Kevin Corrigian. Michael Che scheduled but he didn't show.

20 minutes in, Kevin brings up Anthony and without any prompting, a drunken Ant goes into describing the Times Square incident for the uninitiated and defending himself. Nothing he said was wrong, by the way, but he jumped right into it and it probably came off as antagonistic.

The very liberal crowd was NOT taking well to Anthony. Amy kind of went back and forth with Ant on why he was wrong to do what he did. SNL guy was slamming him a bit. 50% of the crowd was there for Amy and SNL dude and those people were vocally against Ant.

Amy at one point had to sheepishly tell these flannel-wearing douchey SJWs that "You guys, Anthony is my friend." "I love him." etc. I don't think she enjoyed the feeling of defending him.

Anywho, between that and her latest kerfuffle, I couldn't imagine her doing TACS anytime soon. Not because she hates Ant, but because she doesn't want to publicly be linked to him.

Sheesh, that actually makes me feel sort of bad for Schumer. What a complete clusterfuck.

Anywho, between that and her latest kerfuffle, I couldn't imagine her doing TACS anytime soon. Not because she hates Ant, but because she doesn't want to publicly be linked to him.

Just wait till the New York Studio maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

The NY studio will mean more appearances by the comics we love, hopefully 2/3/4 at a time. I don't know why people on here act like that's some far flung fantasy when it's clearly the case.

Thanks. You're right, doing TACS could only hurt her...or anyone else for that matter.

Didn't she invite Ant to her house in Long Beach (NY) for a 4th of July or Memorial Day or something just 2 years ago?

Sit down for a second. Something happened one year ago involving Ant that I think you need to know about.

I heard some silly rumor Ant got fired... is that it?

If you were in her shoes, you would be uncomfortable too. Like most fame driven people Amy is willing to morph into whatever she has to in order to achieve greater success & more lucrative deals.

Ant has said multiple times she's way too big for the show now.

Ant's just dying for a big "get" to help his failing show. He figures he might have a shot with Schumer since she was on O&A, he was on her show, and most importantly in his mind, "They called her a racist, too...just like me! TACS is the perfect place for her to have an open and honest blah blah blah blah!"

The ulterior motive is in full effect.

You gotta white knight pretty hard when you look like you went hunting with Dick Cheney.

I'm sure Amy's public relations team is yearning to book her on a podcast network whose shows have featured & promoted the beliefs of holocaust deniers & genocidal racists.

EDIT: Apparently subscribers of TACS cannot deal with the facts I mentioned and lack the balls to defend their heroes' promotion of holocaust deniers so they downvote like cowards...

I like how they're confused about whether to continue trashing her or is she cool since Ant wants her on the show.


That'll happen. Bitch probably already apologized for thinking about going on it

Because she just rips out apology after apology nonstop all over social media, blog interviews, morning tv talk shows, you name it. She's the apologizin' keeeidd.

werent people bashing jimmy for sticking up for her and now ant does and he gets a pass like always.

and ant is in dream land if he thinks she even remembers his name

You either value freedom of expression or you don't. The idea that only a handful of dedicated "crusaders" need to fight for it is excactly what gives the PC police so much leverage, particularly with regards to comics in the entertainment industry. They will always be able to pressure networks and production companies to blacklist certain unapologetic "trouble" comedians as long as that list remains relatively short. If a big enough percentage of hirable comics refuse to yield to the PC police, the big wigs in the industry will have no choice but to start telling the PC police to go fuck themselves.

Horribly unfunny ✓
Shockingly ugly ✓

Why again is anyone interested in her?

I wonder if Ant gave her a taste of his giant Italian sausage.

Amy will never go on his show. That actually would destroy her career at the speed of Gawker.

Could you imagine if she said no? The ONE media outlet she won't plaster herself all over?

"She's a funny woman." Haha good one, Ant.

I wish he would have spun that into why black people are so bad, but that's just me.

"Of course the media would talk about THIS instead of [insert recent crime involving black people here]."

I've never seen her show (or her standup for the last couple years, really). How'd Schumer go SJW?

What event? What happened?

Didn't she invite Ant to her house in Long Beach (NY) for a 4th of July or Memorial Day or something just 2 years ago?

If you were in her shoes, you would be uncomfortable too. Like most fame driven people Amy is willing to morph into whatever she has to in order to achieve greater success & more lucrative deals.

Maybe it's just, times we're livin. Maybe it's just urban discipliiiiine.


The audience for feminist shit hasn't grown at all.

Penn & Teller's show that nobody knows about has twice the viewers Schumer's has. "Girls" gets the same ratings fucking "Red Eye" does—and "Red Eye" gets them at 3am, on uniformly negative press. It's the entertainment media (and corporate culture in general) that's gone prog-puritan, not the audience. "Peoria" is precisely who isn't being pandered to.

Right now the next Dennis Miller tour is selling out every flyover theater it's booked in. He still has as many fans as Louis does—and he's been press blacklisted for over a decade. Meanwhile Lena Dunham has been getting weekly puff pieces in the Times since she was ten years old and she can't fill a Barnes & Noble.

Schumer has to pander because she isn't big. The only audience for what she does is "the business" itself. Her job is to eat shit for its amusement. If she had a Peorian fanbase they'd want to hear her tell the press to go get raped by a pack of pool-diggers, not "I swear I'm born again now and I won't be funny anymore."