Opie and Anthonys on air relationship.

0  2015-07-08 by axeheadroad

We all know Opie is a humor black hole, but even when Opie would crack a joke more often than not Anthony would laugh, even when no one else did.

Also I would have expected Opie to be jealous of Ants sense of humor and deny him of laughs, but he rarely did. He seemed to honestly enjoy Ants sense of humah.


It's a fair observation but I think it had much more to do with the fact that Ant wanted to keep the laughter and flow going to make everyone's job easier. A bomb can be funny and not really interrupt things but only when the person bombing has a good sense of yuma about it. An Opie bomb brings a bit to a cold, dead stop. Plus tits will usually take a call 20 minutes later (long after the bit is dead) to try and help prove him right.

Yeah thats my take as well regarding Ant laughing at Opie, what im most surprised at is the lack of Opies jealousy showing through. Id expect him to bitterly accept then move on from Ants jokes more often.

They cancelled out each others shittiness.

I loved when it was just them two talking about some random subject. Opie could just be goofy and throw Ant softballs. Anthony was absolutely brilliant just reacting and explaining things to Opie / the audience. And they both knew radio.

I love Jimmy and he was usually there when something really hysterical went down, but overall I enjoyed no-jimmy shows the most. Their biggest mistake was letting Sam become the 4th mic. His nonsense fucked up their chemistry.



You're such a petty cunt. Your feelings are obviously still hurt over this.



I didn't go through your post history I bookmarked the link for such an occasion. You think your such king shit of this subreddit but the general consensus is you're just a faggot who everyone thinks is a joke. Yet you keep posting here. It's probably time you re evaluate your life because you are worse than benjamin. At least that guy was funny. You're just a sad cunt.

haha oh my. lets go through this...

I bookmarked the link for such an occasion.

Did you? Is today the highlight of your week? Is this what you have been eagerly waiting for...lol loser.

the general consensus is you're just a faggot who everyone thinks is a joke.

Ohhhh my. A sub full of autists that ironically follow a dead show on the east coast of the US on a antiquated satellite platform that has been dead for a year now? The consensus of this group is something that should concern me?...Lol, loser.

Yet you keep posting here.

I used to when it was relevant, and it was fun, but stopped. Unlike you...Lol, loser

You went two posts before using the autistic insult must be a new record for you stupid. And you haven't stopped posting. So you're in total denial about being a loser as well. In fact all you do is seem to project your own insecurities on others. You called me pathetic yet you replied to someone insulting you on reddit within three minutes suggesting you don't seem to have any sort of social life. Everyone sees through your false bravado, you're just a sad and probably fat lonely man.


Ant fake laughs at a lot of things. Opie wasn't jealous because he "was never supposed to be the "funny" one.""

"I'm not supposed to be the funniest guy in the room" - how about just not being comedic-arthritis and shutting your fucking yap once in a while Greg?

Opie would generally laugh at Ant's jokes, unless it was something that made Jimmy laugh hard, then he'd no sell.

I noticed that just recently.

I was listening to Norton laughing clips on YouTube and the times when Jimmy is dying Opie is usually like chuckles every few seconds and tries to keep moving like "alright enough already." You can hear it clearly in the mudslide line.


2 wrongs DO make a right.

Yeah thats my take as well regarding Ant laughing at Opie, what im most surprised at is the lack of Opies jealousy showing through. Id expect him to bitterly accept then move on from Ants jokes more often.