Why I Can't Listen to the O&J Show Anymore (The Amy Schumer Comment)

50  2015-07-08 by BACON_EGG_CHEESE

I want to start by saying that the only reason I have continued to listen to the O&J show after Anthony's departure is solely because of Jimmy. He is extremely funny and entertaining and I was able to endure countless hours of listening to Opie and the now regular guests that I'm sick of (i.e. Jim Florentine, Rich Vos, Bob Kelly, Sherrod Small) because of Jimmy. That changed yesterday for me with his comment about Amy Schumer's apology and how he "gets it". For years, these guys have been so against the public groveling and pandering to the ultra PC. They have given so many people shit for the apology and have played and mocked it time and time again. What really pissed me off about yesterday was that Jim "gets" why Amy apologized because she has so much to lose. Every public figure only apologizes to the public because they have anything to lose, this is not something new. I feel that for Jim, he doesn't want to criticize one of his comedic buddies that can hurt his future career. Jimmy especially has been a big proponent of not censoring comics but when it comes to Amy, he has lost his spine. For this, I can no longer tolerate the O&J show.

P.S. Opie is so painfully not funny and tries so hard, he makes me cringe, especially with his Instagram posts. He is a nothing contributing zilch and I pray to God that he knows it.


that poor fucking cab driver

You are to photoshop what God is to earth.

Ol' lumpy legs

I didn't click....was it her Miss Piggy face?



I didn't click....was it her Miss Piggy face?



What is this your diary?


What is it, yer period?

Cranberry juice, please.

It's a natural diuretic.

I "get" your post, and I "get" why Norton is so self hating now.

You can't rant against people doing a thing, for hours, with that Angry Jimmy ("ENRAAAAAAGING!") voice, and then flounder like a baby when it helps your career.

I didn't blame Norton one bit for staying with Sirius because he needed a guaranteed income, but it's becoming clear that he puts that above his comedy, and nobody fucking listens to someone because they're good at self-preservation.

Jimmy doesn't have a spine is news to you? They've all been spineless cowards throughout the years. They rip on someone but as soon as they come in or call in they back down. Look at Scott Shannon.

Scott Shannon was actually pretty awesome, he joked with the boys and redeemed himself in my eyes. Whoopi and Sarah Jessica Parker are better examples of them just being backed into a corner.

They got Whoopi good though during the Imus thing. Jimmy hit her with the Ted Dansen blackface thing and she immediately hung up the phone.

They had to back down on Scott Shannon because he came on and was funnier in 10 seconds than Opie has been in his entire career. If anything, we dreamed how good a Scott Shannon and Ant show would have been instead of getting stuck with Tits.

Jimmy's said this numerous times before about "getting it" when someone apologizes. He said that about Tosh, he said it about O&A's dead-mayor apology. He even said it about Jonah Hill in his special. He piled on Jonah originally because the apology was awkward and uncomfortable. This has always been Jimmy's position.

It's not even an unreasonable position. As an entertainer, if you're going to have opportunities taken away from you because of something you said, rather than be principled and hold your ground which won't do shit for you why wouldn't you just bite the bullet and do a fake apology? Even Patrice said there is no reason to have integrity in this industry, it's just common sense

He would be an SJW if he said "Amy should have apologized because she was wrong to make those jokes," instead of what he actually said, which was "Amy would probably rather make an insincere apology than risk her career taking a hit."

Of course...but that's the only reason ANY of the apologize. It's only different because she's his friend. Period.

That's all true, but then the issue arises that he's been being fake to cow tail to Opie's ranting against apologists. Opie has no sense of accountability or what he would do if his job on the line. Although I don't worship Anthony it must be pointed out that he did not apologize for Sirius, whereas Opie would have immediately done so in order to save his job, even after 2 months of whining about apologists. How much more respectable would Jimmy be about this issue if he'd just said "this bit is kind of dumb...if your job is on the line you have to do what you have to do"? He may have even said as much but I'm having trouble remembering their specific opinions on the matter. Anthony seems to have been the only one who had any genuine dedication to what was being said in the bit. Opie is still 22 year old Opster who will say anything in the moment to make himself sound cooler and tougher and smarter on air than he really is.

I was listening to Carolla & Drew about a month ago, Drew was warning Adam about I think making fun of Asians or something, and Adam went on this beautiful "fuck you, I have a pirate ship" rant where he legitimately has to apologize to no one and told everyone to fuck off and kiss his ass, and dared them to protest. (Nothing happened)

I wish more people would take a page from that guy, I mean whether you're a fan of his or not, gotta love his balls. (I mean that in a figurative way)

That only works when you don't have corporate masters.

Absolutely. Which he does not, and breathing quite the rarified air.

How does he make money from his show? Doesn't he have sponsors?

He does, but he was like "Fuck them too," ha ha. He was like "What are they gonna do, show up at the Spike offices with sandwich boards (referring to Catch A Contractor)? How are they gonna carry that show with another comedian carpenter, you think those are a dime a dozen? Send the protesters down there, I'll give em the address to the Spike offices."

It was fucking great. And in the end, no one did shit. In all fairness it never got picked up on or was even in the press as far as I know, so he didn't have Amy Schumer pressure. But he's had shit like that before and never apologized.

He's great, but who the fuck watches that show? Plus, he has sponsors on his podcast too, right? Good for him. Also, I don't think Schumer got any pressure.

I watch it! I love Catch A Contractor. I love Bar Rescue too and I do a great Jon Taffert, but it blows my voice out so bad I swear to god I gave myself a horrendous cold last week and think I have bronchitis from it. I suffer for my art.

Shut up.

Kiss my butt.

It's because he's unapologetic. None of these people actually have to apologize because the people "protesting" them aren't actually following through on any sort of boycott, and sponsors don't actually have to pull out.

Yeah, even though I'm not his biggest fan, the dude hustles his ass off to do things his way.

Were you the guy bothering him(Jimmy) and looking like a complete idiot on twitter 15mins ago?








tss yeah why don't you tell us how you really feel

But Jimmy was right. Everyone knows that A-listers don't do anything to rock the boat. Schumer is on the precipice (if not already there) of being an A-list comedienne/actress. She has everything to lose (i.e. $$$$) if the SJWs turn on her.

It's the same reason Eddie Murphy refused to lampoon Cosby on the SNL reunion show. It's all about the money and being "safe" when you get to that level.

What could be safer than attacking Cosby?

yeah seemed almost honorable (in a Patrice sort of way), to tell these piranhas going after the next one to go fuck themselves.

Lots of A-list comics rock the boat

Jimmy meant that when celebs he's NOT friend's with apologize it's uuck... but with a friend...he totally gets it. Because she's worked hard to get to this level. The other celebs, that he doesn't know, haven't worked hard to get to their status. The hypocrisy in that rant was more apparent than Opie's tits in that pic above. Uuuuck Jimmy.

If Jinmy says he "gets" it, I don't take it as the same as Jimmy agreeing with the apology. More like he understands why she apologized.


So he didn't "get it" with ALL the others he's bashed over the years?

He did.

I think it's pretty obvious that Norton's anti-PC/I'll defend any comic's speech to the death type of philosophical stance is so filled with holes that it's not even a stance anymore in situations where it really matters. Jimmy has become a master of cognitive dissonance in the years since PC culture has built up and destroyed most comics.

That's more of PC culture's fault than Norton's though, you have to either adapt to your environment or fight the good fight alone like Patrice did and end up nowhere

Off mic he's probably a little disappointed, but he had to publicly defend his friend on air. I get why Jimmy "gets it."

Jimmy railed against Jonah Hill for apologizing.

You're goddamn right, i forgot about this, such a sad day.

Now today he ripped someone apart because they brought this up to him and him and Oqie had the balls to say that it's different now, because people's careers are being ruined. All the people in the past that they ripped for apologizing, were only apologizing to save their careers.

I wonder if Ant's firing is what pushed them to change their stance. Neither of them has half the talent Ant has and would never be able to pull off starting their own podcast (then growing it into a network).

He's got two shows that 95% of the country have never heard of and his own... that 85% of the country has never heard of. Network.... hahaha good one.

A network isn't defined by the number of listeners. Plus it's a growing platform obviously if he can afford to bring on more talent and is spending the money to build out a studio in the city. People aren't abandoning/complaining about his show like they are O&J.

People aren't abandoning/complaining about his show like they are O&J.

That's CLEARLY untrue. I still have some hope that TACS might turn it around with the New York studio, but Jesus, let's not pretend like everyone's satisfied with the show as is.

Where was the "ripping" directed in all of those past cases, though? At the person making the apology, or the network/company/organization forcing the apology?

Even if they picked apart and ripped on the words the person was saying, like with Jonah Hill, they did so knowing that the words were coerced. The person apologizing is always just the messenger, they've always understood that.

"I can't believe Jonah Hill is saying this shit," always meant "I can't believe people expect Jonah Hill to say this shit." in my view. The execution and presentation of his particular apology was uniquely pathetic, that's on Jonah, but the simple act of apologizing was not.

P.S. Opie is so painfully not funny and tries so hard, he makes me cringe, especially with his Instagram posts. He is a nothing contributing zilch and I pray to God that he knows it.

Do you just do an impression of Jim Norton from 2006 as your main personality?


He said there same thing about Tosh during the whole tape thing.

frankly, I'm rather sick of these ultra-sensitive, narcissistic comedians in general. They're so nauseatingly fragile but put on such a tough front. That time Bonnie opened her mouth is a great example

care to be more specific? Bonnie's kind of always opening her mouth.

Always opening her mouth and spilling out needy, whiny drivel

You dropping ant too? He did the same thing dummy.

When a friend of his who is a comic apologizes he puts on that cadence of "...yea man..it's like..it's a tough one man..", but if it's a corporation apologizing for a commercial or something that has no artistic intent except to sell a product, they are the biggest scum bag on earth.

At least Ant was honest on twitter, when talking about this. Jim is a real worm.

Not to mention he completely fell apart on that topic when Ant was fired. He basically said that (and I'm paraphrasing) that Ant should not have said what he said (or at least said it on Twitter), which is so against ANYTHING he has ever said in the past on this issue. In fact, he would attack the "regular joes" for not speaking out enough. And plenty of people would tell him that they can't because their livelihood is at stake and they don't have savings like O, A & J have/had (or have the opportunity to have) to make up for the loss of job. But Jimmy would get so annoyed with that argument anyway and yet when Ant was fired and Jim re-signed he basically said he had mortgage payments... Obviously we all understand that, but for so many years Jim would fight against that justification but when it suited him he used it. Honestly, that's when he lost me.




Jimmy has watched Louis CucK do a SJW heel turn to massive success and wished he could get in on that action. Jimmy knows you have to play the Hollywood liberal game to get anywhere.

The thing is, Jimmy is an old fart already.. If he still thinks his career is going to 'take off' he is delusional.. He just needs to stick with what is working and has worked, radio.

Louis hasn't changed at all. His standup is the same as it's always been, and he's always been a pretty liberal guy. We just don't have the opportunity to hear his more "outrageous" offhand comments anymore without his epic radio appearances.

Jim just talked about this very sentiment on the show maybe an hour after you posted this. You should probably check it out.

Do you know how far into the show? I'd like to check it out and see what he had to say.

It was maybe around 10 am eastern. Jim said he always attacked the people demanding the apology, never the people who gave the apology. Opie said he was different than that in that he absolutely attacked the apologizer in the past and he gave Imus as an example. But he said he gets it now in that they are taking livelihoods where as in the past there was no reason to apologize. Then I got home so I don't know what else was said.

I think shes really funny to be honest


I haven't followed this at all but I think his loyalty towards Amy supersedes his policy on this stuff.

"entertainer supports friend who gives him paying roles in tv and movies....film at 11!"

Jims a disingenuous worm. He's mostly sucked since Ant left.

What really pissed me off about yesterday was that Jim "gets" why Amy apologized because she has so much to lose... I feel that for Jim, he doesn't want to criticize one of his comedic buddies that can hurt his future career.

I dunno. Wasn't that his stance with Tosh and Tracy Morgan as well? It's fairly reasonable: they shouldn't have to apologize in the first place, but he's never been in their position, so it would be kind of shitty for him to insist that be would act differently.

Jim had the same sentiment with Ant. HE's consistent that you shouldn't have to apologize, but why not do so if it will save your ass(long as you dont grovel like Imus)

Pretty much this. Amy's apology was embarrassing, but Jimmy was on a show that apologized like this for the homeless charlie thing. To save your ass, you apologize, and thats what Jimmy was saying.

How about not listening because the show fucking sucks donkey dicks, make life easier brah

You should really be asking yourself, "Why did I listen to the O&J show ever?"

He prominently displayed the same quality every time Leno came up or they played a clip of Leno's monologue. He would laugh hysterically at the lamest joke and comment without any sarcasm that it was "edgy." People who help his career can do no wrong. They also pretend Imus is a comedic genius because he plugs their show occasionally on his.

P.S. Opie is so painfully not funny and tries so hard, he makes me cringe, especially with his Instagram posts. He is a nothing contributing zilch and I pray to God that he knows it.

Here's the real issue. Jimmy's being Jimmy, he's invested somehow in this Amy nonsense so of course he's going to give an opinion. What else are they gonna talk about? Bruce Jenner? They've got nothing, they've proven that over the last year. Thing is, I'd still listen to Jimmy & Ant talk about this shit with other comics. Opie is as you say 'a nothing contributing zilch.' There's yer problem.

Jimmy isn't Jimmy anymore. It's over. I recommend MLB channel.

You should not have been listening in the first place.


Is this new? He said the same thing about Tosh, Tracy, and others when they apologized.

Its the PC cops run amok, then theres the feminists taking our MAN cards, not to mention the PUSSIFACATION OF AMERICA.

AND THE FUCKICKING. SJWS' aaaaabhhbhghhhhh!!!!!

I just find out that the reason i like the O&A show is mainly because of Anthony, Jimmy, Patrice, and yes, Sam. After Patrice left us, and Anthony got fired, i still listened to the show because i can at least still listen to Jim, Sam, Erock, Travis & the gang. But now that Sam has his own show and we barely hear from Erock because of the new producer, i find myself listening to Sam's show everyday and not even miss the O&J show. Hopefully Jimmy will join Ant again someday but i have no more patience for Opie. At least now i have more shows to listen to, Ant's, Sam's, LOS, & Gavin's.

I do like that we hate all three of them now.

Who the fuck is gonna read that wall of text?

Absolutely. Which he does not, and breathing quite the rarified air.

Cranberry juice, please.

I watch it! I love Catch A Contractor. I love Bar Rescue too and I do a great Jon Taffert, but it blows my voice out so bad I swear to god I gave myself a horrendous cold last week and think I have bronchitis from it. I suffer for my art.

Shut up.