A vomitorium is not a room where ancient Romans vomited.

24  2015-07-08 by fervt

The only thing that annoyed me more than the casual nature with which he told this spurious little fun fact, was that there was no one else in that entire room of fatheads that knew the real definition.


Sometimes it's good to remember that Jim is a high school dropout.

And Opie was a mass com major. And his concentration was fucking radio.


I've heard Rogan repeat this fact about 20 times on his podcast the past few months

Yeah rogan mentioned that every podcast for a fucking year. He gets all Rain Man like about certain topics


Nah, Rain Man was smart.

He didn't negatively influence impressionable young men either.

Gotta sell Regenokin, gotta sell Regenokin. Yeah...yeah...30 seconds to Regenokin.

He's a pseudo-intellectual boob complete retard.

he thinks he's an intellectual because he wrote a best seller about fucking trannies - meanwhile he'll as 18year old porn stars for their views on politics and philosophy out of some progressive "we can be smart toooo MAAAAAAAAAAAANN" sense of entitlement. my favorite colin moment is when colin called him out on being such a phony when he trys to sound smart.

How did that explanation of what vomitorium means not end in "or sumptin. tss."

Ehhh I tried to actually listen to that... cluckin fuckin hens.

The great civilization of Rome. The age of Tyrants, the Republic, the Empire, reduced to a bunch of people throwing up and eating again. If only Jimmy could see that he has disappointed Caesar.

I learned about this in an inner city urban school in 8th fucking grade. These morons cant even takena second to google the real definition. Wow

Yeah Colin Quinn also threw that one out in Long Story Short. How did that not get pointed out by the time they recorded the fucking thing.

It's defensible in Colin's context IMO because just the fact that people misinterpret it as a vomit room shows how much Rome was seen as an empire of over-decadence.

Nah, it's still wrong. And it wasn't an off the cuff comment in his case either. It was written and performed over and over. I love Colin, but he made the same mistake as Jimmy and did it over and over.

Opie should "broadcast"(which he loves to say, even though his terribleness isnt worthy of that word) from a vomitorium.

That's like something Chip would say:

"Tss a vomitorium... Is that a place people vomit or somethin?'"

vom·i·to·ri·um noun 1. each of a series of entrance or exit passages in an ancient Roman amphitheater or theater. 2. a place in which, according to popular misconception, the ancient Romans are supposed to have vomited during feasts to make room for more food.