Comedians discussing comedy or other comedians is a borefest.

11  2015-07-08 by TheActorGreggHughes

Always has been, always will be. No one cares about your craft. Second only to discussing free speech.


Comedians bashing "comedians" is fucking great

Bashing and talking shop are two vastly different things.

Joe Rogan fucking stinks at stand up.

I disagree. I really liked his Netflix special he put out a while ago. His delivery is very different from other Comics, which can put you off, but his material is interesting and funny.

He's god awful.There isn't a single fan at his shows who goes because they appreciate his comedy. They are literally ALL a bunch of young, pot smoking, pseudo-hippy/progressive, kids that are glued to the JRE because they are galvanized by Joe's bull-headed confidence.

You might be right about the fans, and I might not like Joe's current jokes - especially if he's got a pot gimmick like Doug Benson - but I think he's a pretty good comic. I'm not saying he's on the level of Burr, Patrice, or Kelly, but he definitely has good material.

You put bob kelly in your list of great comedians?

I love him. I think he's surpassed Burr with his most recent special. I think he could be better than what he is. I think hes stuck in not evolving because he thinks he needs to put in more time. He's headed for greatness.

Patton Oswalt's bit on how he liked Star Wars/ice cream but didn't give a shit about Darth Vader as a kid/how they mix the rock salt is pretty on point for this.

Patton rules, I honestly don't like him going on Opie's show, in my opinion he's too good for them

I really wish I had more Patton Oswalt in my life. Why the fuck doesn't this guy have a podcast or something?

I think for a few reasons, he's made a lot of money with stuff like ratatouille and he also does a lot of script punching up. I search for him every couple of weeks to find content he goes on a lot of other peoples podcasts.

"See, I go to a boxing trainer because it actually helps you become a better come---" "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHERE THE THINGS I LOVE COME FROM."

tell me something else colin quinn said first.

So I don't listen to the current show or have a Twitter account. I like Colin but the amount of ball washers the guy has is amazing.

And he deserves every single one of them, your point?

It's fine if they talked about other comics but they do that vague "comics code" shit where they don't name names. I hate that shit. That's why I love Ari. He always says exactly who he is talking about

Joe Rogan doesn't think so.

You should start a podcast bro.

Thats O-N-N-I-T dot com

Wtf maaaan, you're a shill for advertising these corporations maaaan....... Yo onnit just made a new bar of soap, best soap hands down. Fucking douche.

Good Guy Joe Rogan puts all his ads at the beginning of the podcast so they are easy to skip. Nice of him not to put them in the middle like most podcasters


Yeah, well, you know that's just like uh, your opinion, man.

It is good if they are

It's boring but I like it to an extent. Comedy is such a unique art form that I love hearing comics talk about what they like and don't like in comedy. Talking about their "Process" I don't care too much about.

But comics discussing what other comics they like is always interesting to me. The other shit not so much.

yeah everything sucks man

True, but they are a lovely balm for the wounds caused by complaining about intra-office/station politics.

i dont mind it if its a good comic doing it, plus its better than hearing actors or musicians talk about their art, at least they can be funny about it.

Comedians not being comedians is a borefest

If there isn't a joke coming out of comics mouth there is a 99% chance everything he's saying is worthless, boring and self absorbed. A comics favorite topic is how hard it is to be a comic and what saints they are for doing it.

Dennis Miller once said that Jerry Lewis is only funny when he is trying not to be and if you ever hear Jerry Lewis discussing seriously the "art" of comedy it was so fucking pretentious it became funny

That's why Seinfeld annoys me. He spends so much time talking about the process of being funny in the hope that no one will actually expect him to be funny.

It's funny when the comedian in question is Colin and then he calls in.

This is why I stopped listening to Bert Kreischer. He thinks telling jokes on stage is akin to turning lead to gold.

"When I'm doing the topless..."