My serious, legit and realistic theory on Opie hiring the Stengels.

0  2015-07-07 by daterapebandit

Opie first hired them as strictly writers for the show, nothing more. Then he notced the shit he was getting from us and Twitter for hiring professional writers after burying guys like Howard for years for having paid writers come up with material for him. In a poor attempt to prove The Hater Agenda wrong, Opie started saying the Stengels weren't hired just for writing material, then decided to make both of them on-air personalities to prove to us they were never hired only to write jokes for him. Opie is the epitome of incompetence and narcissism.


This post is proof that sometimes hiring writers is a good thing.

what on Earth are you talking about? what was it in my post that was hard to understand or dissect?

Your post is more embarrassing than anything Opie has done.

You're the reason I don't condemn mass shooting sprees.


lol that you think Opie hired them. Couldn't read any further because of that.

Opie didn't hire them and he didn't know they were being hired. Sirius hired them to develop a replacement for Howard Stern. If that is Opie and Jimmy, well that's just great. If it isn't, it isn't.

They ain't cheap either.

wait wait legit AND realistic?!

You did it. Are you Harvard, Class of '01?

no, Reno City College '08.

Let's just hope their show gets picked up


This was a mystery?

The Stangles read and reply to tweets about them not even @ them. I suspect they read this reddit all the time. And comfort eat after. And during.

Opie didn't hire a thing. Management thought the show could benefit from these fat, untalented liars and Opie said Yes, Boss, whatever you say, boss.

He's been on his best behavior lately. He knows that he is extraordinarily lucky to still have his gig, with a raise no less. Opie likely only kept it because he was schmoozing behind the scenes, kissing their asses and buying them dinners and drinks and filling their heads with nonsense about being the "ship steerer" who could really make the show great without "that racist." Opie is a slimy, self-serving tool without any principles so he will do whatever demeaning thing the bosses tell him.

after the imposition, you are right about his justification to himself. opie might have even reasoned it was great to have those fat, dishonest loads on the show. The best way to trick a guy into doing something dumb is to get him to think it is smart and his idea all along.

The Stinkles couldn't even come up a name for their documentree show on Wed.

How about "This is cool, right guys?"

And even if Opie realizes the Stengels suck on-air, the fucking guy is willing to have an even more shitty show just b/c he has beef with his critics and solely to prove they were never hired just to write jokes, all only for spite and resentment towards us. People like Opie is everything that is/was wrong with not just the radio industry but also with show business in general.