Ricky Gervais on Opie & Jim Norton (07/07/2015)

0  2015-07-07 by dingobabie


I'm not an Opie hater, but I would happily see him shot for letting this obvious boring troll "Ken Steel" back on the radio after ruining the first 20 minutes of the Gervais interview.

He's a white sounding "black guy" and his name is "Ken Steel". Does he have a cousin called "Holden U. Up"?

They confirmed later in the clip he's an actual real nigger and they met him to take a photo about a year or two back.

Also niggers are simple and will never stop complaining. They feel that white people who are Americans owe them everything. They don't care that they are the ones who freed them or that Jews were the real slave traders who brought them here and owned them. There is a constant drum beat of not good enough from that community and the solution is more of my money. Thanks for reading.

Except he's obviously not black, idiot. He's a white guy who thinks he's really clever calling himself "Ken Steal".

so you stopped listening before sam or erock found the picture they took with him at a live event? cool.

Based on this and other comments you've made on this subreddit, I have to ask: Are you mentally handicapped?

based on your question I will assume you are either a nigger or a pussy. Am I right?

Well, you're 2ish for 2; I'm a nigga with a pussy.

fantastic nigger

Did saying that make you feel better? Now go outside and get some air. Good day.

No but this does: You have an irrelevant opinion and black women are statistically the least desirable of available pussy in 2015 'merica. Peace nigger

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