Norton on Amy's apology

13  2015-07-07 by Lilcumia


All I heard was please Amy please let me in your next movie and pussy please

this is all the show is now, everybody tip toeing around everything.

Tip n' Toe in the morning

Tits n' the Toe In the morningggg (sing songy jingle)




Almost like the casing of an egg...I forget the on the floor. I imagine a man, with a proud chest, pedestrianising on these casings. I don't know what any of this means...maybe it was a dream.

please let me in your next movie

And don't cut me out this time!

That's just it. His friends will continue to give him pity parts that they know will be cut and he'll continue to do the "poor me" schtick.

they don't want him to unfollow them on Twitter

I just know everything I've ever said and done will be validated if I'm in a shitty comedy

Oh I don't blame Jim one bit.

It's just, when you make your career, make a name for yourself calling people out when they're phony, and then get the spine of a jellyfish whenever it's your turn at the plate...well...

I'd love for Amy's career to be destroyed by unfunny feminists like herself.

On a long enough timeline, it will. Women possess no concept of loyalty.

After they tear her down, they can get back to complaining about the lack of successful female comics

She opens for him and all he gets, in her first starring role in film, is a line that's eventually cut.

Jim is not an actor. He should quit trying.

Amy gives alot of good comedians work. She's the last person anyone should say doesn't do enough for people.

You've seen jim act. Give her a break

You're right and maybe my point was missed but I was actually implying that Norton stinks as an actor. Even his opening act blew right past him, and all he could muster was a line that gets cut.


He stinks and I don't like him!... As an actor.

you can see him in his head trying to fight blinking 1000 times

I think he did decent on louie and inside amy schumer.


How classic is that. I guess edging for 12 hours a day instead of a new life expeirnce for 15 years was a good choice.

Lol ol jelly fish spine norton flipp flopping on the deck of life. Good thing he has no spine or actual bone mass, he can drip through the cracks in the floor board back to his home of under a rock.

I hate fat slob Bob Kelly going "u see amy had to apologize"

She didn't have to. There wasn't even pressure on her. She chose to. Not only did she choose to, she did it so fast at the second the littlest amount of possible controversy it's like she was just waiting for the opportunity to apologize.

It's not Tosh. There was no pressure. Jimmy could change his cadence to his "..u know's like.." thing he does. But ultimately Amy's apology is a betrayal of the "cellar comics" she claims to hang with. She could not possibly sell out the artistic integrity of comedy faster

I think back to Patrice's lines on the peer pressure Hollywood puts on you in moments like these. It's getting a gilded cage when Hollywood recognizes you. It's very hard to keep yourself "whole" when get to mainstream movie level.

Then again, I don't even know what's the context of Amy's apology.

Opie adds nothing. Stop making noises.

Kinda funny how he defends Amy and then a few hours later we find out he just so happens to be on the Oddball Comedy Festival lineup that she's headlining.

Of course. His stance on the whole thing is a fraud - he talks tough, up until the minute his paycheck is threatened. He's no better or no worse than Amy. Go back and listen to his tirades on Tracy Morgan having to apologize for the gay son bit. He talked a real tough game then, about how nobody should have to apologize for telling a joke - but he didn't get gigs from Tracy.

If Norton ever gets a break, and makes it to the next level, he's gonna have to apologize for the first tranny joke he makes (he can't drop tranny material, it's half his act). And he'll do it, loudly, and anywhere they tell him to.

I don't get where Jim was this paragon of truth and justice. His friends have been calling him a hypocrite for over a decade on the show. Jimmy is like anyone else in entertainment - he'll run his mouth, until his money is effected. Then he'll shut the fuck up, just like he did with Ant.

hes real brave preaching that shit in the SXM echo charmer for decades, and he pretty much would chose the paycheck every time when something is up. and who called him a hypocrite on the show? i remember partice said it once he will only show up to parties if there is ppl to suck up to


he knows he will never have to apologize because he will never get that famous, its over for him, he knows it. he can do tranny jokes for another 20 years.

Jim is terrible.

For the first time I agree.

How is it possible for Opie to speak so much in the first few minutes of that clip yet not say a goddamn thing?!??

I just don't understand how that guy is still on air in a speaking part as the "leader" of discussions... unless Sirius is being ironic.

Fair enough.

But it kinda feels like she's selling her soul. Like Patrice talked about, the "Cartel" owns her now. She'll have to pay them back at some point.

Yet another incident we all wish Patrice was alive for. He'd have said he was disappointed in her. Wouldn't be the first bridge he burnt. Wouldn't have been the last.

like shining a black light on a hotel bedspread, jim norton has been exposed as a jizz stain on the world of serious discourse.

Someone mentioned it in the thread yesterday and I can't get over it:

Equivocating/deliberating Jimmy! "uccch I get it"

Used to be funny when he did it in the past.

Haven't listened yet, did Bobby Brown Nose make an appearance to white knight for her too?


I cant believe anybody likes amy. Why is everyone treating her like a sexy super interesting version of jesus? Shes boring, not funny or interesting at all, and shes ugly

Well dude, she isn't ugly. That's just stupid. She isn't hollywood-hot, but she definitely isn't ugly.

Ugly is strong but she's definitely closer to "ugly" than she is to "hot"

I'd honestly call her hot, at least in the face.

I'm no looker (shocking) but Amy does have a cabbage patch doll face that annoys me more than turn me off is a ugly way. Buy annoying still makes my dick go soft.

Her body is worse than her face if that's any consolation.

I feel like her body has been decent in the past. Bitch needs to lose weight.

? she is definitely ugly. She's not a model so it doesn't make much difference but she is not a good looking woman.

Not even close to ugly.

Who is another woman you think is of equal attractiveness?

Equal to Amy Schumer? Maybe....Natasha Lyonne? I think that's about right-ish.

I've been wondering if she was serious with that "wage gap" shit. She should be careful with trying to score SJW fans. They will turn on her ASAP. They're not loyal fans like we find around here.

started listening from the beginning of that clip, i actually feel kinda nauseous about hears bobby and opie brag about eating pussy 30 years ago

The white knight syndrome. The same reason a fella will ignore a 95 year old geezer in need of help along the highway but burn up the brakes to assist a healthy 22 year old chick change a tire. He thinks there might be a .001 chance of getting some pussy.

Wonderful example and depicts exactly why I hate these little millennial dudes with no backbone.

Well done Opie's autism and Free Willy, they didn't attack her but they still talked about it. Jim will probably already be sending apologies to Amy. He just doesn't get it, he will never get famous trying to hang on the coattails of other comics.

I just wish Patrice was alive to rip that cunt a new hole for that tweet.

Patrice was alive to rip that cunt a new hole for that tweet.

Amen. Patrice hear our prayer.

"Too much money at stake. Apologize and move on..."

Once you become an A list celebrity are you that stupid with your own money you can't afford to risk not doing a gig? Holy fuck.

I don't even have to click on this to hear Norton's apologetic drawl and justifications

They were right when they said that Amy didn't mean a dam thing she said in that apology and that the concept of an apology is stupid. But they seemed to give Amy a pass since they understood the business aspects of why she did that horseshit.

I feel like if that was something Louie did they would have ripped him. But since Amy while close with the show isn't on that same level, so they don't want to destroy her since they want her to keep coming back.

It was a little soft by O and J but I can't blame them for not completely going after her. But I guess knowing her and knowing she didn't mean it might allow you that out.

There is no way they would rip Louie, no matter what he does they will lap his asshole

I dunno...I think this is the real Amy and the one that used to come on the show was the Amy just trying to get to this level.

That could be true, a lot of male comics who were legit comics have left comedy to pursue a movie/TV career. It's not unlikely that she could be dropping stand up if fame comes.

People like Eddie Murphy, Adam Sandler, Tim Allen, Dane Cook ect. A lot of comics leave comedy once the fame bell rings and either return when it backfires or just stay gone.

But that doesn't necessarily mean that they never loved comedy. With Amy I don't necessarily think she got into comedy to be a big movie star (An endgame that just didn't have a vision when she started). I think she got into comedy and then saw an opportunity to become main stream and is selling out to accomplish that.

I don't think she got into comedy to be a big star, I think she saw a weakness in female comedians and used it to propel her career to what it is today. I could be wrong, but just from seeing what she has become, I see this as the real Amy compared to the one that used to come into the studio and just trash everyone like one of the guys. Maybe the fame does it, and she blew up faster than most, but it just feels different than someone like Dane or Tosh.

Honesty on the show died when Patrice passed away.

I don't normally pile on, but that whole segment had me infuriated. The ethic of the show is to not give a shit about the a-list celebrity, but when one is a friend of the show and they see selfish reasons to retract on their normal stance, I'm just at a loss for words. It's discouraging. Amy is full of shit. A phony. And those two should be the first to call a spade a spade. Shame on you O&J.

Technically ant is the first one to call a spade a spade (nigger)

They try to play it off like she did it out of fear to save gigs but if you read it you can tell what her stance is. Plus it was a question on twitter.