Dave Smith from LOS killing GWF girls via Facebook

4  2015-07-07 by [deleted]


I have no idea who any of these people are or what they are talking about.

Come sit next to me

What a load of boring nothingness. Fuck all of them and you for bringing this nothing here.

Edit: I agree about the fat arms. It's disturbing.

I hope this "feud" is a work/bit to get publicity for their respective podcasts. It's cringeworthy and lame.

Fuck everyone involved with this hooey.

I wouldn't fuck anyone involved in this except for Big Jay.

What is this nonsense and why would anyone care?

It's been a lot of fun to follow!

(Probably not the angle to take when talking about LOS)

Are we supposed to be like "Yeah fuck those SJW cunt biches?"

I cringed when I read that. I mean I get that they're like gay or trying to get some heat or something, which is fine, but it's complete nonsense. I find this whole thing just weird. "Anti slut shaming". What?

Why did you delete the thread bro?

I don't but she sure does have fat arms. It's really weird and I hope it really gets to her and she goes on a diet and loses lots of weight but not off of her fatceps and she never goes sleeveless again and is sad when it is very hot in the summer and she has to cover up because of her fatty arms.

I remember when comics used to tell jokes instead of trying to be on TMZ. It was nice, I miss it. alternate post Woah, EPIC TAKEDOWN BRO BRO

How about some audio that makes sense of this madness

Gotcha. I'm now interested in this.

Shouldnt be hard to find when you look at the picture

Did he really say IT'S ON BITCHES oooffff

(You don't think that sounded cool?)


I wouldn't fuck anyone involved in this except for Big Jay.