Do you believe Anthony is being honest when he claims to be happy (or free) that Sirius fired him?

19  2015-07-07 by TheTacsMan

In the beginning he was irate about the firing. But as time went by, he started to say he was happy with the way things turned out. Going so far as to thank the blurry faced black chick that caused it all, for giving him his "independence."

Personally, I think he's fulla shit. I'm sure he loves doing TACS, but I know damn well he isn't making close tp the millions he would be if he were still at SXM.

So what do you think? Happy or fulla shit or somewhere in between?


I believe him as much as when he says he doesn't hate black people

But...but...he DOESN'T hate Black people! He's just trying to have an honest and open discussion about problems within the Black community!

These things need to be discussed (ad nauseum) in an Internet echo chamber behind a Netflix-priced paywall! If Ant doesn't do it, who else will? The Liberal media? Ha!

He's just trying to have an honest and open discussion about problems within the Black community!

Haha, god I'm so sick of that line. He even uses it to describe why he was fired. "Gee, I thought everyone wanted an open and honest discussion? I say a few things on twitter and suddenly I'm fired, real open and honest!"

Ant is the output of a society that is one sided in discussion and destroys and slanders anyone that doesn't tow the line. I imagine due to SJW policies and bullying there are more Ants out there then people realize and it will only get worse.

Seriously, though, when does the media comment on it? Network TV, and most cable channels called a 6'4", 300 pound gorilla (not a black joke, a reference to Young Frankenstein) who had just strong armed robbed a little, old, Asian man for cigarillos and picked a fucking fight with an obviously armed cop for asking him to get out of the God-damned road, nothing but a kid, at least. Similarly, a pudgy Mexican gets the shit kicked out of him by a 17-year old punk, and people call the Mexican so racist for pulling the trigger on a man beating his head into concrete that he gets promoted to White status by the media. An Internet echo chamber? The community of people who know him best, and are probably youngish white men who don't live near "coloreds" have upvoted everything you said, bash people that disagree, and can see no justification for any of his attitudes. Blacks in the US have an IQ a standard deviation below the norm. This doesn't happen in Germany to black children, there by black US soldiers. The genes are not different, can't be race or genetics, the culture is still white, and famous for racism, can't be racism or discrimination. That leaves culture. You think the black community is doing fine? You think black kids named D'Ante have an equal shot at life? Or will you agree that the terrible culture, inherited from the South and allowed to fester under decades of self-congratulatory, liberal government control hasn't, uh, worked out?

So because of all of this, it's Ant job to rant about it every single day for years and years? What a hero he is.

There just aren't enough outlets for right wing politics.

Who in the media - besides the top rated 24 hour news network, every single political radio program, multiple online programs and a fleet of shitty authors - is talking about this?!

If you haven't found him entertaining for years, it really is pathetic to be on a forum about him. I mean this for people in regards to Opie as well. We get it, you have a complaint, a criticism, that's fine, but when nothing is being moved forward? Forget it. Let me explain to you how life works, you have to find what's called a niche. Ant has found his. I'm not surprised a pack of basement dwellers like us can't glance out their own transom, but if he strikes a cord with just 1% of people, which you'll admit he undoubtedly does, even if you don't like these people, he has a fan base of millions in America alone. There's also a large constituent of the English speaking world that has a similar mix of liberal views and conservative ideas that are rarely heard together. Put simply, do you know how many pot-smoking, swearing, gun-nuts their are? Enough to where he doesn't have to go after an already saturated market.

Be a man and promote it as a political show then. Quit trying to pretend that it's a comedy show.

And the old 'if we even get 1% of the market, we'll be billionaires!' line is Bad Business 101.

One, I find it funny, lots do, sorry if you didn't understand that part. Two, We'll be billionaires? That's a good way to misunderstand. No, but Ant's already a millionaire from doing THE SAME EXACT SHIT. Three) I actually got a BS in Economics with honors, Bad Business 101? There are no courses called business. Did you mean economics, finance, and/or marketing, but your only knowledge of comedy, business, or college comes solely from the shitty, Dangerfield movies?

one, lol

two, there's no way anthony's made a million in profit from his podcast. if you're talking about the radio show, his political talk went into full force after obama was elected and o&a was already on a career downslide by that point.

third, that was an idiom. and while you may've graduated from fancy faggot academy (and i've only watch dragon's den late at night) the number one tell of a bad businessman was somebody trying to sell their product or service as a good investment on the size of the general market.

OK, terrific.



can't be race or genetics

Haha, of course not. It must be because of a "cultural problem in the black community". Nothing to do with their average 85 IQ, warrior genes or higher testosterone levels.

You must ask why that is caused, in the same sentence, I explained it. If you're reading level is that deficient, it's hopeless to continue, you don't have the necessary foundation of reading comprehension and analytic reasoning to keep up, and would probably more at home with a crack pipe and a fo'ty, regardless of your race. I'll leave you this: every single thing you ascribed to blacks was present in the South 200 years ago, and in those parts of the British Isles from which they came centuries before that.

The difference between the military family and the average African-american family is that the dad has a decent job, and that job provides financial incentives for the family to stay in tact. The family in the hood probably has parents with a low-level job (if any job), and government incentives for the father to be absent.

Genetically, the two kids are different. The military dad is probably a standard deviation in IQ higher than the average guy living in the ghetto. Smarter women tend to mate with smarter men also.

Yes, the kid from the hood is surrounded by hood rats while the kid in Germany is surrounded by Germans. Also, the German schools are better than schools in the hood.

I'm an Anthony supporter, a Republican, and agree that Democrats hurt black people more than they helped, but the German example is an apples-and-oranges argument that shouldn't be used when we have much better gripes/arguments that we could be using.


Yes, the kid from the hood is surrounded by hood rats while the kid in Germany is surrounded by Germans. Also, the German schools are better than schools in the hood.

Do you people ever stop to think about WHY hood schools are absolute garbage? Because the media is pointing fingers at any direction except black parents themselves. If you want black kids to succeed like asian kids do, then the solution is not to blame whitey (or in Zimmerman's case, Mexican crimes on whitey).

The solution is to ensue barbaric humiliation and shaming for failing to parent your child like a decent human being. There's a culture of 'Get 6 kids, collect welfare, move on to party' among blacks and it's seen as normal, expected behavior. It isn't normal.

Agreed, but the root problem is the way that the welfare system is rigged. The black people who exploit the welfare system are only responding to the incentives placed before them.

Most inner-city schools get enough money, but they're mismanaged because of the de facto one-party system that they operate in.

No. It's not whitey's fault that Black people keep having unprotected sex, making 7 children and then deciding to break up and abandon their children. This is not white people's fault. There's welfare available for Indians, Russians, Americans, Asians and Mexicans, but this garbage is perpetuated by nearly solely blacks. It's not my fault.

Most inner-city schools are managed better than hood schools, because inner-city schools don't have animals for students. If you're well educated and have good credentials, why would you piss your life away trying to "teach" kids who have zero interest in getting an education or building a future? This is once again not whitey's fault, this is the fault of the thug culture that blacks worship. Having interest on providing a sane, safe future for yourself is actually looked down upon among black people. THIS is the problem.

nope. He's making appearances at shitty tattoo conventions and doing infomercials. He's probably suicidal.

ants a convention guy now? geez that just took all the fun out of it.

In three years we will be posting photos to

He's in 100% denial. Realizing his own drunken racist behavior cost him millions is far too much to swallow.

I wonder how many times he thinks about eating that gun he carries on his side?

Ant uses denial to deal with rejection. As evident in this video of Melissa Stetten trying to let Ant know gently that she has outgrown him as a person and wants to see other people. He seems oblivious the entire video that she's not into him anymore.

Holy shit that was cringe.


This is fucking awful, but it is a weird thing to have happen while he's broadcasting. I wonder if he would've handled it way differently if it had happened privately. On the other hand, it almost seems like these two are strangers who have never spoken before this broadcast.

"gotta get some other damaged, unhappy, bitch in here"

Ant dates a lot of crazies, but she seems reasonably sane. She likes photography and she's understandably fed up with watching reality TV every night with a 55 year old racist pedophile.

Wow how can someone be so funny on the radio and so fucking boring left to his own devices? This entire clip is difficult to watch.

he actually comes off as super desperate here

Wow I never even seen that before!

After Anthony, Stetten started dating James Gunn but broke up before he became one of the biggest filmmakers on the planet

Best part of that video was a drunk Ant over and over saying Koi-Trawn.


My favourite part are all the mindless youtube comments from Anthony fans acting as though HE'S THE MAN. How pathetic they all are.

If he was offered his job back at SiriusXM he would take it in a heartbeat and he would joke on the show about: "Listen, I know I was saying that I was glad to be working on my own but HOLY SHIT!! that was scary! I have bills to pay for the love of pete!"

He would go back to SXM in a second. He had a million dollar job with no responsibility. He's now making fraction of that with it all hinging on him. Of course he doesnt prefer TACS over O&A. He's ridiculous to even suggest it.

"Fine! GO! I was happier on my own! This is gonna be great without you. I'm free. You suck! You were dragging me down anyway! And you're not hot either! You never were!"

It's all bluster to hide a broken heart. Same as an 13-year-old would do. He probably cries himself to sleep every night.

Way to tell if Anthony is lying: he's moving his ugly, fleshy lips.

Ironically his life once again very much resembles that of the black people he so despises. He's newly emancipated to now be impoverished with minimal prospects for bettering his condition.

Umm, I'm pretty sure he's a lying sack of shit.

Is there a crowd of fans outside the frame?

There are more people in the picture than outside the frame

Ooofff, that isn't good

If you consider "fans" people walking by his table to look at airplanes then yes. If fans are people that know who he is and realize he's doing a show then no.

whats the story behind this?

He did a aviation convention on a Saturday and I have no idea why. Nobody was there for him. It was chilling.

Watching TACS he's kind of always changing his mind. I think he said as much a few times.

I do think he was briefly really happy when he got fired and just partied.

It can't be fun though when Chris Rock says something like "Opie Radio! Apparently racism helps some people!"

No, of course he wants to work at Sirius you fucking faggots. You guys are delusional if you think this was a step up for Anthony. Keep sucking his balls.

If theres one thing the visual element adds its seeing he's unhappy when he says he's not.

He's making a fraction of his previous salary while regurgitating Faux News talking points in his basement. Of course he's happy.

I think on some level he likes being a right-wing political crusader, considering how firmly he's dug in his heels on pursuing that course.

But there's no way he hears about Schwarzenegger interviews without wanting to put a gun in his mouth.

ME: he misses ME

He is definitely feeling the pinch. I mean.. the cable company wouldn't even let him watch the big fight.

SXM Money is surely > TACS Money

Eh, I'm sure ant assesses his life trajectory from a tin knocker to a multi million dollar radio DJ and is pretty pleased with how his life turned out. He's in all likelihood making less money now but with no ceiling to restrict his financial possibility in the future. Whatever he makes will be his and that has to make him happy. Couple this with the fact that he owns a mansion in long island, an apartment and studio in new york city, and he's still probably making a couple hundreds of thousands, with only working 8 hours a week afternoon time, 3 day weekend, id like to think he's pretty happy all things considered.


I think the hedonistic recluse in him enjoys the freedom, but I'm sure that part of him also realizes that he'll never reach the level of success he had as part of O&A, and that bothers him.

I don't think he is lying, but not being entirely honest either. I'm sure he loves the freedom, loves the schedule, and loves the fact that his firing has sort of made him the O&A Messiah and turned Opie into Hitler. I can't imagine he enjoys the pay cut, the lack of security a "contract" provides, and having Jim around to riff with and Opie around to blame show failures on.

Ant was probably happier when he was on Sirius. But I bet Ant is still pretty happy considering he probably thinks any day that he isn't a tin knocker is a good day.

But I think he would rather go into the City for 3+ hours 4-5 days a week and do the Sirius show with Jim and then not have to worry about anything else when he gets home.

Based on how little effort he puts into TACS I think that he probably doesn't enjoy the business aspects of the show. Paying all the costs and running his own small business probably takes up a lot of his time that he could spend trolling for 17 year olds. Not to mention taking a pay cut and losing the stability. Although I bet Ant is still putting together a decent paycheck it's likely not close to what he was making on Sirius or even when he first started TACS.

17 years old are u some kind of ball washer


Even with Greggshells, the radio gig was a dream. Seven figures to riff with comedians and B-list celebrities for three hours. I'd kill to hang out with Patrice and my worst enemy for even half an hour.


Probably yes and no. Somewhere in between.

Yes; because it's still a shitty corporation full of nonsense.

No; because it was a fucking easy job that got him to meet talented people and got paid well doing so.




id take a pay cut to not have to fake laugh at Opie anymore.

I think he misses the easy money but likes what he's doing and building now.

I believe him. I think he was miserable there the last few years. I think he probably misses the good days when O and A where at their peal though.

until the money runs out sure, I don't see him as a whore for fame that Opie is, but he will miss the money eventually

I believe him when he says he misses the studio, the people who work there, and Jimmy.

Opie, not so much.

Is he happy? Dunno. I hope so. Are you happy?

Most times I'm happy. I'd say 95% of the time I'm happy. Thanks for your concern.

How is this a question, of course he was pissed who wouldn't be? But then he was his own boss for a year and now the freedom is more important than the money.

Having your own business is better than wage-slaving any day

Having your own business is better than wage-slaving any day


He is making the best of an awful situation you softheaded dope

ant's gonna end up wandering into gang territory with some heavy artillery wearing a black latex face mask rocking his old blue colored hair transplant bandanna in hopes of breaking any ongoing truces between the residents.

WTF you talking bout? Just weeks after his show launched he claimed that he's already made more money than when he's on Sirius. He now have 2 more shows on his network and a studio in NY which will be ready by August. So yeah, he was mad at first but after he sees how things turned out for the best, I'm pretty sure that he's happy now.

The only thing that he still mad about is about how hard it is to get quality guest in, and the NY studio will surely change that, so yeah.

His subs spiked for the first couple months at a push because we all wanted to see/hear what he had to say and the excitement of a new show. It didn't take long for most of us to realise it was boring and subs have been dropping ever since. The so called 'more money than sirius' must have been fun for a month. He's going all in with the studio. He likes a gamble. If he stinks in the studio's all over.

What is it with people claiming that they represent everyone? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that everyone else don't like it. Even i don't know the amount of subscribers that he has, how the hell did you know that his sub count has been decreasing all this time?

I don't get it, he laid out his plan, he will go to New York, he will get a cohost, he will get more show in his network and so far he already has 3. What are you people still mad about? What's with the negativity? I can understand criticism but this? And what's with the downvote? I don't get it, i didn't say anything controversial, i didn't bad mouth anyone, i merely just expressing my opinion. I don't get it, i just don't get it man.

What is it with people claiming that they represent everyone? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that everyone else don't like it. Even i don't know the amount of subscribers that he has, how the hell did you know that his sub count has been decreasing all this time?

I don't get it, he laid out his plan, he will go to New York, he will get a cohost, he will get more show in his network and so far he already has 3. What are you people still mad about? What's with the negativity? I can understand criticism but this? And what's with the downvote? I don't get it, i didn't say anything controversial, i didn't bad mouth anyone, i merely just expressing my opinion. I don't get it, i just don't get it man.