Mr. Florentine's business is way out there and Opie can't even get credit for having him on the show 4 times a week for the past year.

20  2015-07-06 by Dannyprecise


Wow, fucking my wife? What are you, 23?

Married 3 times by the time she's 30? What is Florentine thinking?

Marry young obvious flakey whore? Cool. Eat ketchup? Fuck off, dude.

She looks like an average woman in her late 40's, how is she able to score hot 23 year old cock?

how is she able to score hot 23 year old cock?

Are you asking for yourself, or a friend? :S

well she was only married 2 times by 27 when they met

Marrying her was the hip, unexpected thing to do. Against the grain, maaaaaaaaan.

As per the article:

It was the first marriage for Florentine, who also co-hosts “That Metal Show” on VH1 and is a regular on “The Howard Stern Show.”

sounds better than OnJ

No one even knows what the actual name of the O&J show, let alone list it as a credit

not even its 4 listeners

It's "The Opie Show"

i thought it was OpieRadio


I thought it was "Opie with Jim Norton"

I think officially its Opie Radio or The Opie Show: Featuring Jim Norton

ok this is interesting. According to the official site the channel is called "opie radio" and the show is called "Opie and Jim Norton". Didnt someone post a clip a few weeks ago of Jimmy losing his shit about people calling it "Opie and Jim Norton"? I suck at searching for old stuff but its on here. Jim was so angry saying "how hard is it to know the show name? its not "..and Jim Norton" because I don't want to step in Anthony's seat". Well, according to the website the official name is "Opie and Jim Norton" wormboy. Since no one here knows the real title that you think it is, guess its not that easy


How embarrassing

Norton doesn't even admit he's on the show ... why would Florentine?

Florentine is fucking finished. Writing letters to a 23-year old's boss cause he fucked your wife? lol

EDIT: I don't know why, but this just made me remember a moment from the Legion of Skanks with Jim Norton. They were talking about guys like Vos and Keith Robinson, and Jimmy was like "Those guys get a lot pussy though, man." and I think it was Dave who said "Yeah...20 years ago." and Jim a bit taken aback and said "Well...yeah..." Same mentality Florentine has, that they're still pussy slayers.

I think this incident will be the wake up blow to his ego though. He's already been venting a lot lately at well deserved targets like hamburger toppings.

Meh. I don't really like Florentine that much, but I'm a bitter fuck so I get it.

If some young cop fucked my wife - I would take any probably take any satisfaction I could find. Even if the means are cunty and pathetic.

The guy could not only beat Jim's ass, but he's a cop. I feel like this is something I would do and regret later if I was angry and drunk enough.

Unless this cop had a personal relationship with Jim, it's the wife's fault and he should be directing his anger at her. Can't blame the cop for wanting to get easy pussy. Jim should stop marrying groupies.

That bitch is only 30 and has already been married 3 times. She's a problem and Jim should have just stuck his dick in her and kept it moving.

Could you imagine going through the process of marriage & divorce 3 times before 30? And on Jim's WTF he was talking so confidently that he was completely done with crazy broads

I imagine that the process is easier as a woman

It's never a good sign when you're a somewhat known comedian and your soon to be wife is 25yrs younger than you. I doubt that she is really into you with the fact she had been married 2 times before

It's a good thing for Opie that he's not a comedian.

You can blame him for sleeping with a woman that was his. What is this new don't get angry at some guy who fucks your girl mentality.

Because if he can fuck her she shouldn't be your girl anymore. What is it with simps who would fight a dude over a worthless whore?

It's a lack of respect. She's a whore, it ain't about losing her, it's the insult of it. What some whore feels is too irrelevant to matter, she's below even getting mad at. Some guy insulting you by not respecting what's yours just is more enraging. You aren't fighting the other dude for her or to win her back, you're fighting someone who doesn't respect your territory sort of thing.

your territory wasn't worth respecting, cuckie.

It's nice to know if I ever fucked your girl you're so anticonfrontational I'd have nothing to worry about.

No argument a girl who cheats is a worthless piece of shit, it's not about the territory being valuable it's someone disrespecting you by proxy.

you're projecting a lot.

I just jerked off to that lil side thread

I'm not projecting, I'm not anticonfrontational

you can be angry, but to go after him like that is a bitch move. He has no loyalty to Florentine, but his wife is supposed to.

It's less of a bitch move than doing nothing. It's the man who humiliated him. Maybe I just can't care but so much what a whore woman thinks, it's a piece of dumb garbage you don't even get angry at, it doesn't have enough worth for anger, but having another man think I'm that harmless that you can fuck my wife and nothing will happen to you is a hundred times more offensive. Being disrespected is much worse than being betrayed.

I think his wife humiliated him more. A bitch move is trying to get a guy fired, why not key his car while you're at it? Beat the guy up or move on. There are rumors that Florentine let her fuck other guys, but only when he was on the road. Maybe she got greedy. Jim should let this go or I think he'll be more embarrassed than he already is.

I agree fighting the guy is the best move, but letting it go is the worst. I'm just someone who gets way more bothered by disrespect. A guy encroaching like that bothers me more than even whatever the woman thinks about me.

If he let other guys fuck her that's different, that says something really pathetic about him. More than him cheating behind her back, I can respect a guy who does that, but letting some other man use your wife, you have to be fucked up in the head for that, it's not natural.

I see what you're saying, but if the guy isn't friends with Florentine and doesn't know him, it's just a guy trying to get pussy and not personal. If the guy was in the audience and heckled Jim then got made fun of then he set out to fuck Jim's wife, that's a different story. I think the wife is the one who is to blame here and the true disrespectful one.

What enrages us is different. Any guy who knows a woman is married, fucks her, I think the husband has the right to ruin him, fight him etc... I just don't care about a woman's respect as much as a guy thinking I'm harmless. We're different people, bothered by different things. That's life.

oof, i feel bad for the guy.

I cringe whenever i hear about anyone getting married nowadays.

In the last few years peoples brains have been rewired towards instant gratification to the point where if theres a line in a store that takes longer than 2 minutes they have this outraged look of "I can't even believe this is happening"

The idea of a a lifetime commitment like marriage in the face of this kind of mental decay and ultra shortsightedness is laughable .

Marriage is a fucking scam if you're a guy. It's just setting yourself up for a costly divorce, losing half your stuff.

unless you marry a woman who is equally or more successful financially than yourself. Most men just want to marry these arm charm types who dont earn any money.

Which is fine if you can find a good woman, but to even consider marrying a twice divorced chick is fucking insanity.

Than you gotta listen to some woman tell you how to live though, have sex with some probably more homely chick who is just gonna get older. The only way to win the game of marriage is not to play.

Just don't marry whores

sound advice which will continue to go unheeded

That's an incredibly unflattering photo. Florentine looks like death and his broad has crazy eyes. I bet she's off the rails.

3 divorces by 30? No big deal.

What is love?

Mantis, dont hurt me...

That's a rough looking 30 too. Yamma hamma.

She looks like she should have his voice

She didn't just hit the wall, she ran face first at full speed into it.

Wtf at florentine writing a letter to the cops trying to get him done for public lewdness.

the opester should take some notes and try to get kenny to press charges on bam

guess youre not such a tough guy pulling chicks like its the 80s and then grabbing a cold beer now eh florentine

Florentine has some balls shitting on the things he does, all while having a fucking soul patch.

What a bitch his wife is. She's married THREE times at just 30? Wtf.

What a fucking whore.

Maybe she's sisters with Linzbella. It takes a special kind of broad to be married 3x before they're 30.


Damn they knew details


That's fucking amazing.

That makes me fucking rage when comments or accounts get deleted.

What did you see Clarice?

The funny thing is, that this dude who banged his wife is doing exactly what Florentine brags about. Banging married bitches in the backseat and in parks? Fawk yeah.

What's crazy is, when the rumors about Florentine getting a divorce was just hear-say, I read in the comment section that his wife was fucking a 23 year old at a Crossfit. Guess sometimes people do know what they are talking about

I saw him live a couple months ago and he gave all the details on stage, he didn't say he was a cop, though.

So Florentine is trying to have a good relationship with his ex because: their kid. She admits she still fucks the cop sometimes to the Post. And now Florentine is trying to get her fuck buddy in trouble at his job? Yeah, that'll go over well with her, Jim.

If you listen to Jim's podcast you'll know that his sons favorite band is "papa roach". So that kid has to deal with all this shit on top of being gay!

Florentine himself strikes me as someone who would like cheesy nu-metal bands from 15 years ago to stay young & hip even though the young people realized they were utter shit 14 years ago.

I'm pretty sure he's mentioned his enjoyment of Korn and Slipknot.

Let it go, Jim.

It's fucked up that he lost his chick to someone that lives with his parents

I love the upper-decker explanation at the end.

I'm convinced it's the only reason they wrote this article.

She seems like a classy dame...3 divorces and banging a new guy in a car at 30

Haha what a fag.

Why is Jim defending her and acting like she is a nice person. He totally is acting like a cuck here.

his kid. he can't have his kid growing up thinking his mother is a demon and that his father encouraged it. it'd set a bad example for him.

He's acting like some weak politician. I'm hoping the nice guy routine is a public act to help his custody case or something, because wow, that woman is awful.

Of course it is. He wants his kid.

What a bitch his wife is. She's married THREE times at just 30? Wtf.

What a fucking whore.

Shave that cooze hair off your lower lip, dick. His hair looks like a burned victim's wig.

Bedheaded rodent. He looks awful.

Lol he was cuckolded by a crossfitter.

Snatching to the cops, what am I, 10 years old?

I think she was the one who was snatching to the cops.


wow that article was more interesting than the last 30 appearances by Florentine

She looks like she's farkin' 47 and she's in her late 20's in that photo. I guess the stress of getting picked up by the police only compounds when they're lubing up with pepper spray.

She looks insane and was divorced twice by 27. What the hell was Florentine thinking?

I read the first 3 words and started laughing and laughing and laughing

"A veteran comic"

Asked whether he's still dating her he said "we still see eachother generally"

Translation: she still takes my dick on the regular.

When this documentary is complete Opie will NEVER mention it:

A Man Obsessed Will Do Anything for Love;
A Cop Obsessed Can Get Away With It...

The Jim Florentine Story: Imgur

She looks like a mental cunt. The fact that she's been married 3 times by the age of 30 on top of that should have set alarm bells ringing. Actually feel kind of bad for Florentine - cuckolded by a 23 year old man who still lives with mommy and daddy. Of course they had to bang in the car, where else were they going to go?

R.I.P. Jim's mojo



At least he wasn't black. Now I understand his crossfit rants.


He married crazy pussy

Last sentence is so hilariously unecessary.

She reminds me of this cunt

LOLOLOL. Who could blame her? She got with a better man. And he's 23.


It's a good thing for Opie that he's not a comedian.

sound advice which will continue to go unheeded