
22  2015-07-06 by mr__hat


Why do people delete their accounts when they bomb on Reddit? How could you possibly give a fuck what anybody thinks about your account? This generation is so fucking soft, we are doomed.


i know right? anyone who goes with the crowd on reddit is a fucking loser, who cares if you get downvotes, ive never checked a message on here before.

i hate everyone on here and im only on here to keep cumia youth in check.

im only on here to keep cumia youth in check.


so...o and a fans have officially become the morality police.

We should submit this picture as evidence to get Roland officially recognized as a sex offender.

TACSdiscussion is complete garbage.They should delete that useless sub.

I don't know if that has more to do with Gavin's show or the obnoxious vote-begging.

/u/adamtensta3 you stink.

I feel so validated, I've had him tagged as "this guys is really stupid lol" for months now


saying something is "the tits" makes me think he should be killed.

In my opinion this thread is more bitchish than what that guy did