So Jim Norton, Rich Vos and Jim Florentine all cancelled their scheduled TACS appearances last week.

33  2015-07-06 by Lilcumia

Which sucks cause I generally only watch for OnA stuff. To be fair to Ant Bob Kelly and Nick Dipaolo showed up.


They really need to make it happen, I dont really watch Ants show much anymore but I could give a shit what he does, if he did one 2-3 hour show every month or so with a few of the old OnA crew sitting around ripping on each other with no politics discussed, I would pay 60 bucks every year just to be able to watch those handful of shows, I miss hearing the old crew in action

When the NYC studio is here, all the tweets about race wars and black crime will be magically forgotten and everyone will want to come on the show, all the time.

the nyc studio is a myth

Florentine is a hack anyway.

Hey man Dennis Le... I mean Jim Florentine here. I don't know what you don't like about my act, but let me tell you something I don't like - any variety whatsoever. I hate it when I go to the store and there's more than one kind of anything. That's dumb and girly.

Couldn't help but read this in his dumb voice.


"Unless your kid is with you.. then its ok to have a bite of taffy or whatever...or if you did it to bang a chick."

He's not bad on anything other than Opie's abortion.

bob kelly shows up yet he still gets a ton of shit here.

for being fat-not his performance. he was fucking GREAT on the show

He was better than he's ever been on anything.

I've seen his standup a few times and heard him on O&A every time, and this is the first time I ever laughed because he was funny, not because he puked or got made fun of.

He has been funny plenty of time on O&A, but the other day he was just non stop. I think he has a new confidence about him because of his show.

he's always been funny but the puking was just his sthick, just like vos's fake over the top dumbness.

With his Dunlop windbreaker.

We make fun of him but we dont hate him. You are obviously far out of the loop

Yea. i must be. I thought everyone that went on Ants show got a pass

Your phone crapped out dude

oh i call back on a landline

One of the top TACS shows was bawby's appearance last week.

Bullshit, there was a thread here and at r/tacs praising him.

He's not the who has to do all the heavy lifting

Holiday week traffic on Long Island. Not surprising.

The worst part for all 3 is that not one provided a good reason.

Norton and Cumia asked us to speculate the reason

When you want to play opie, opie will play !

Bam's private video screening party?

If this happened on O and J all you Cumia Slurpers would be like "Seeeeeeeee no on wants to do the shooooowwwwww!!!!!" and go jerk off to your NRA magazines.

The New York studio won't make an iota of a difference until Anthony gets over himself and makes it free a la Carrolla...a right winger (California right winger though...Ant belongs in ALabama) who is a radio outcast and wants to build a podcast network.

Face it. No one is cancelling SXM or NBC or even Carolla appearancesat the same rate. But some lame podcast that likely isn't among the top 100 entertainment or comedy podcasts? Who gives a shit.

"Nobody jerks off to magazine anymore."

I doubt that'll happen, even if he only had 10k subscribers that'd be 60k a month, and he probably has at least double that. I don't think he's going for wide acceptance anymore. He pretty much promoted it as "The show I'm gonna say nigger on."

Redditor for 2 months...

Every time.

I leave this sub for a week. Not being used to this for a couple of days really shows me just how creepy this place is. Who gives a fuck if a bunch of z-list celebrities don't want to do a z-list podcast?

Y'all are 15 year old high school girls.

So I guess Ant has probably fucked all of you then.

This sub was created to talk about Anthony yet somehow you are surprised when people talk about Anthony.

It was on the week of 4th of July, not a good litmus test.

They didn't know that when they booked themselves? Nonsense.


And why wouldn't they have?