The awkward silence

24  2015-07-05 by bizzlbone


Fuck I forgot to timestamp it at 3:22

Okay he's just rubbing them in Jim's face at this point.


The one thing I hate more than Opie is grown men whining about Twitter.

Or grown men who obsessively twitter.

It is incredibly lame, but a bunch of semi-famous beta male men who are in love with themselves, why wouldnt they love a site they can long onto and have people tell them how great they are, and have their fans attack anyone who says different, its a spoiled self centered grown baby thats desperate for attention's (a.k.a. entertainers) dream

Repeat "hard" again you empty headed hack fuck.

Sherrod is fucking annoying as shit. If he was a bit darker he could do a blackface act.

And people need to stop saying "hung" when referring to a hanging. It's HANGED you stupid pricks.

Hanged sounds retarted

Edit: i'm retarded.

Maybe so, but it's the proper way of saying it. If you're gonna sound like a "retart", might as well be correct about it.

That's like lady Di saying, "at least I don't puke in the sink."

I'd rather listen to Judy Gold interview Hal Sparks and Jenine Garafalo. #AllMyReferencesAreADecadeOld

whats worse is listen to sherodd laugh and look at that dumb face and try not to want to beat him to death with a hammer.

That "um" from Kurt...the Greggshells are palpable