Did O&A only reference like 10 movies?

0  2015-07-05 by axeheadroad

Why was the show so limited when it came to movie refferences? I getthat theyre old, but they seem to ignore every other film made after1999?


Ok so movies referenced ( which includes quotes ) somewhat often,not simply discussed or dissected. Let's see: Godfather 1 & 2 Jaws Apocalypse Now Platoon Aliens Independence Day Gladiator Escape from Alcatraz One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest Scarface Goodfellas Casino Raging Bull King Of Comedy Pulp Fiction The Shawshank Redemption Q&A Caddy Shack

Some were referenced a lot more than others and I may have missed a few but yes it looks like you're correct about the year it ended but not about the number although this could be argued. As to the why? Well they're mostly classics and classics take time to garner saturation and status and are easier to reference and get a giggle from due to their familiarity and also, importantly, their writing. There's a lot of sweary lines and violence in the above films and O&As demo was male reprobates so it makes sense to pander to them too.

Let me know how I should die.

You forgot about "the boat movie".

I wanna see it

Full Metal Jacket

Did you even listen to the o&a show?

A few movies referenced much more than your shit list: Slingblade, silence of the lambs, pulp fiction, reservoir dogs, forest gump.


Back to the Future.

Seriously, how can you make a list and not mention the movie they did special commentaries for.

Yeah I kinda missed a whole lotta obvious ones. The Shining as well. No excuses gang except that perhaps my retardation is evidence enough that I belong here amongst y'all.

As long as you hate both Opie and Anthony, or wish for the old days, you belong here.

Oh yah, that one too.

The Usual Suspects

iiiii'm gonna go to bed

Me too #;)

looking forward to season 2.


Christ man, of course hes not going to remember everything. Calm down.

Relax brother man

Yeah I notice that now and I said I may have missed some but it is more than 10 and I did list Pulp Fuction. I omitted Dogs coz I mainly remember it being a Jay thing. Can't believe I missed Lambs and Blade. I appreciate your measured response.

I don't appreciate you calling silence of the lambs "lambs" and Slingblade "blade"

I thought I might get called on that. Apologies, I was in a hurry to get my thoughts posted.

Ive just always wanted more Jim Carrey movie quotes, "Dumb and dumber" for fucks sake, Even "Me myself and Irene" was great.

Also I don't think I have ever heard a " Being John Malkovich" quote, well maybe one or two but thats not enough. That movie is the fucking best.

...can't tell if serious...

What comedies do you enjoy?

Im serious. Dumb and dumber is probably my favorite comedy of all time, followed by being John Malkovich, Planes Trains and Autos, jimmy tide with The three Amigos.

Oh yeah, fuckin Planes too. Although I don't think I ever heard anything other than " I like me..............".

Oh shit, yeah they do reference that a lot. My mistake.

I hate you so fucking much.

" His head fell off? "

" Yeah, he was pretty old "

I feel you but ah..........not an O&A movie. Too young and it's been done better before. They had Caddy Shack, and when you have that D&D is by the way yo.

Finger of God.

I still love that movie.

Great observation. Never noticed that!


Thanks! ?


i thought there was this movie called "clockwork orange" or sumtin...

Yep missed that one too. At least we're flushing them all out. " good evening "

I dont get it, are you making a chip joke or suggesting a movie that was left out?

The strawberries. How many portions did you have?

One of the deepest movie references on the show.

American Psycho Dog Day Afternoon Devils Advocate

no OnA didnt but ant did, we all know opie didnt start saying those, he cant do impressions and he doesnt have time for movies.

and its pretty obvious because you dont hear those old hacky references on OnJ only on tacs.

Yeah the movie references were usually jokes between Ant and Jimmy. Opie was busy checking TMZ or his numbers on the latest pathetic video he posted.

Did Opie ever reference a movie straight off himself without the ol piggy back routine? His " damn I gotta see that one again ( liar ) " is well known but did he ever bring anything to bat at all?

...can't tell if serious...

I hate you so fucking much.

" His head fell off? "

" Yeah, he was pretty old "

I feel you but ah..........not an O&A movie. Too young and it's been done better before. They had Caddy Shack, and when you have that D&D is by the way yo.