Remember my post 15 min ago about having Opie's real home address? Yeah, that post never existed.

0  2015-07-05 by daterapebandit

....and I never posted such thing. To say Opie is actively aware of this subreddit on a regular & consistent basis would be a very huge understatement. That is all, you can all move on with your lives including myself.

  • hey Opie, i'll just cut the bullshit. Look motherfucker, I'm giving you a legitimate death threat. If you.....

  • Ok Opie, you say we're the obsessed ones with no lives and nothing going for us....

  • Stop the Opie death threat postings on this subreddit!!! It's not funny and no laughing matter.

  • These "jokes" and "one-liners" about Opie dying or someone actually shooting him in the face for realz.

  • Is it illegal to convince or eagerly encourage someone into committing suicide? (Re: Gregg 'Opie' Hughes)

  • Why some of you are WRONG about "Leave his wife and kids out of it".

  • Let's pretend Opie's dead (from natural causes of course), we're at his funeral and each of us....

  • Why our hate for Opie is so much more personal & runs so deep than most of you could ever realize.

  • I have the exact (and confirmed) home address of our very own Gregg Hughes & his stupid hack family.

All threads started by you. Seek help, you are mentally ill.

or is that what I WANT you to think???

No. You really are a stupid mentally ill cunt. Get help or off yourself.

Of course, that's the bit! You take after your hero.

You're a fucking dipshit.


Here we go again so why is this faggot allowed to post this shit but douggoutdoug got banned?

Well, the post didn't actually contain an address. Just another "I KNOW THINGS THAT YOU DON'T!!!!"

It was only up for 15 minutes, in hindsight I would've never expected more than 3 posts.


Sounds very Mark David Chapman'ish.

Are you Art Danielle Juarez; aka the Hi Opie Psychopath?

I clicked "delete", but I guess you have to click "hide" as well I guess.

You suck at this, you know that right?

I lured you into posting here, I can't suck that much.


i'm a fag, really??? why don't you suck my dick to find out?

Why would anyone need to do anything to find out? You're a fag and that's that. You can't even troll properly. You troll the way a stupid fag would troll. Fag.

Why is being a fag a bad thing? That's like saying "You're an electrical engineer whose mom fucks black cock" and me retorting with "No, YOU'RE an electrical engineer!!!"

I can't stand Opie either but you really need to get a new hobby. Besides if you ever touch GH I will hug you and squeeze you and hold you and pet you and name you George.

And to the individual who PM'd and threatened me, I did exactly what you asked. You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you are who you say you are, go fuck yourself anyway. Me liable? I'm unemployed and live with my grandmother who isn't even blood related to me, not to mention the shit load of college debt, so good fucking luck. Blood from a stone motherfucker, BLOOD FROM A STONE!!! I wish 90% of the people on this planet just fucking die already (metaphorically speaking of course).

wow, you're literally the target audience.

You have mental issues. Check yourself into a clinic.

you'd like that wouldn't you.

Bomb after bomb after bomb. Although I the fact that someone apparently threatened ( unless you're lying ) you is interesting. Who was it?

What a goddamn weirdo.

you know who else they used to call a weirdo? David Byrne of The Talking Heads, that's who.

Don't brag dude

I'm not anymore.

U r gayyy

goddamn right I am. wanna be gay together?


Please faggot just post the adress, they will FINALLY shut down this sub and all of you dirty opie obsessed homosexuals will go away.

or they'd just delete the post and and shitban him from the site.