Just watched the "Banksy in NYC" documenchree. They used Greggs footage but did credit his name. Very satisfying.

0  2015-07-05 by smokinswindler

Im sure he got a lil' envalope from them, but they just presented it like it was just some random person getting footage. Anyone have the clip of 'Shells defensivly claiming he sold the video to banskys team?


Nah, it was kind of a KKTITN thing. He acted like it was a real exclusive and coveted thing to have his footage used by HBO, then sal and Travis said they used theirs, too, and pretty much used all footage they found from anyone.



He found out they were making a doc and kept annoying & begging them to use his video. i bet the lives of my unborn children he did exactly that.

Well lets hope you're wrong for the sake of future generations.