If Reddit goes down, where can I meet you sociopaths?

12  2015-07-04 by Dr_Steve_Chipperson

If your answer is Wackbag, you deserve to be raped.


Your nearest gloryhole.


This comment somehow just overloaded their servers.

It'll be okay fellas, they'll be getting some new Super Servers any day now! Yaaaaa!

Around the same time the new studio and Ronnie come on board to TACS!

Whenever someone walks on greggshells, I'll be there

Whenever Jimmy starts pontificating & sounds like an ass, I'll be there

Whenever anything racial happens in the world, & Anthony tweets about it for a week straight, I'll be there

When Bob Kelly, Roland, Erock & the Stangels finally succeed in killing themselves with food. I'll be there

Wackbag is a pile of AIDS, but I'd kind of enjoy seeing this forum & its psychosis overrun & ruin those dweebs.

Let's aim higher and go for niggermania or stormfront.


Probably in the lobby of the Probation Office

If we ever get shut down our little community is gonna be scattered to the four winds. As of now we have no place to go if it happens. Voat stinks and no one is on /v/OpieandAnthony anway. The Virus taima channel is still up but no one uses it and I don't think most people even know about it.

Taima Virus channel admin here.

www.opieandanthonylive.com is still under development to replace the taima site.

That's good to hear. It's been a while since I read anything about it. I just assumed it went tits up on you guys.

Yeah, im coding 60+ hrs a week for work and the guy whos helping me does too, so development is slow. But its coming along

Thank you for your service, CCRed95.

Just look for the angriest bottoms at the gay bar.

Wackbag and yes I deserve/want to be raped.

emergency meeting at FH Rileys

This cunt won't even look at me.

Throws headphones at your face

I was just eating my yogurt, you fuck! Everyone knows I scrape my yogurt container!

Heart of Huntington?

Your moms box

The unemployment office, the DMV, AA meetings, Pride rallies


There's always the O&A live channel- http://taima.tv/r/TheVirus

Somewhere as big as...your imagination.

Incorrect use of classic bit. You should know better by now. :(

Reddit's not going down, calm down. There's too much money on the line for it to go anywhere. There may be some changes in the management of it, but it's not going dark any time soon.

Rest stop men's room

Wherever AIDS is made

We deserve to die

At your local masonic Lodge.

by the flagpole...3oclock.

/u/opiesucks' house

I would start a shitty invisionfree forum.




you can't

These guys would hate to admit it, but they've been doing the hating long before any of us. And they still gossip like no other. Some links are nsfw.

At the compound.

Behind the Elizabeth, NJ Pathmark

Im in LA and I don't know if there's any other O&A fans here. No one out here's ever even heard of em. Mostly. Help.

Dawgz saloon has an O&A subforum.

I would add a forum to my site If someone want to run it/set it up. I have enough going on just keeping the archives up to date.



I would not want to meet any of you, it would embarass me in front of my friends.

Should bug Ant to make a forum on his site.

That's good to hear. It's been a while since I read anything about it. I just assumed it went tits up on you guys.