I've never hated someone I didn't know more than Al Sharpton.

0  2015-07-03 by [deleted]

They've talked about it for years. When he was getting random people fired I didn't care. Now he's almost definitely getting people on the internet fired. I hate this man so much. So he's a millionaire coddling the black community instead of addressing real issues. Fine. Fuck with my internet? Fuck you.


What did he do now?


I think you are thinking about the Jesse Jackson AMA... there was no Al Sharpton AMA... aside from that, someone posted info on subreddit drama and said that the Jesse Jackson AMA had nothing to do with that woman being fired. She was fired because they want to change the AMA format to more of an advertising based thing and she did not agree with that plan/fit into the new direction.


nope that did not happen, at first that was the suspicion but Victoria said it wasen't that, it was chairman PAO (ceo of reddit) who fired her because she woulden't play ball with their new approach towards AMA's, they wanted to introduce video IAMA and other shit to make a buck of it.


Is that how all this started? I haven't been following it. But I hate Sharpton too and I think he does more bad than good for blacks and democrats. But I'll never forget fat tracksuit gold chains sharpton from the 80's.

EDIT: 20 seconds of googling it was jesse jackson, not al sharpton but I don't care for either of them fellas.


Here, listen to this and calm down a bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBcKdBZVTIw