Is Opie just your corny uncle?

0  2015-07-03 by McGowan9

I get the antagonism against Opie, I really do. Have done so ever since I started listening. The guy's a cornball with no comedic value. But it can't be denied, he knows funny when he hears it, even if he tramples on it for the benefit of his own ego. After all he brought us (funny) Ant, Jimmy, Patrice etc. I know it hurts to admit it, but credit where credit's due. So is he just the cheeseball at the family gathering, who knows what's funny but can't quite deliver himself? Or is he just a humourless cunt? Discuss.


I hate when auto correct does that. No, my horny uncle is named Paul.

ME: Uhh, I don't appreciate that sort of humor. As a father, as a father.

He's NOT a father! Jesus!


The thing people miss about Opie 'discovering' Ant is that Ant at the time was an intelligent and talented guy doing his best and most desperate impersonation of a hacky high energy radio jock douche to try and get any kind of a gig on radio.

The Anthony that Opie discovered was a cheesy zany morning zoo radio sidekick. Opie loved this terrible hacky douche with his zany voices and wacky noises so he hired him. As time wore on Anthony got bored with the gig and started to feel more comfortable doing his own thing without fear of being kicked off the show by Opie and having to go back to blue collar work. Ant toned down the wacky Schtick and started to inject far more of his own real point of view and sense of humour into the show. Around this time Opie started to feel that he just didn't know who Ant was anymore and seriously considered ending the show. This is also the time, incidentally, that they started to become somewhat listenable.

We do owe Opie a debt for hiring Ant to be a regular zany morning zoo sidekick but no more than we owe Brother Joe for pushing Ant into the spotlight to try and get his own comedy music career off the ground or no more than we owe Joe senior for fucking a racist wop trash stripper back in the late 1920's.

Haha, yeah. Opie "discovered" Ant as nothing but a SONG PARODY GUY. He just got lucky that later on he became really funny conversationally.

Any moron could tell that Anthony, Jimmy and Patrice are funny in a hang out setting. Opie said himself he didnt understand Chip and why people found him funny. Id say hes worse at "hearing funny" than the average listener here.

There are plenty of morons out there who don't find Ant, Jimmy and/or Patrice funny. Let's be honest.

Ok, I will be. I sometimes think about performing oral sex on a man.

He's a corny grandma.

I wouldn't say he knows funny and brings it via comics. It's not like he's going out and scouting clubs looking for talent. They were all friends of jimmy or other comics that Opie just said yes to and then relied on heavily. And he only gave the final yes because his ego won't allow him not to be that "in charge" guy.

It's been said before on here, but he's David Brent. He's your corny boss

Yes but Brent is a character specifically written to be a knob, Opie is actually like that.

Stick that in your pipe.

I'd argue that Brent was funnier. And certainly more likeable/sympathetic.

Ive considered Opie to be the embarrassing uncle for awhile now, he repeats stale jokes and purposefully calls thing by the wrong name to fit in with his neutered crowd of impotent men in their 50's who drive trucks and don't care that the show hasn't been funny for atleast a year. it baffles the fuck out of me that people still subscribe to the rotten corpse that was the O&A show.

Yeah, except my uncle wouldn't be caught dead drinking pineapple infused beer.

No, my uncles, a mechanic and a nuclear engineer, are far funnier and more likable than that retarded no charisma-having fuckwad who somehow became a millionaire in radio.

A mechanic and a nuclear engineer? Let me guess, the younger one is the mechanic?

I don't get it. But yeah, even though they are both in their 50s. I was just pointing out that one is an average joe with his cup of coffee etc etc and the other is a nerdy egghead and they're both better at something than the dude who makes millions of dollars for it.

No he is a confirmed liar with zero loyalty and talent

He's much worse than my uncle who insisted on daily penis inspections

Ant and Joe were trying to get on any radio station they could. knowing what we know of Opie it was dumb luck he gave Ant a chance before someone else did. Ant's Dice impression is what ended up getting Jimmy on the show. Jimmy brought Patrice and the rest of the comedians. Stop giving Opie so much credit. Colin Kane and the Stangel brothers and this is where the poops comes out of are what Opie thinks is funny. Opie is just your corny local FM rock DJ that won the luck lottery.

Of course it was dumb luck, it's Opie.

He has the comedic value of a high school teacher. "All you out there in radioland.", calling people by their first and last name"Hows it going there Sam Roberts", stinking in general, etc...

*cunty back-stabbing uncle.

He's a radio guy.

He is funnier than 99% of us, but if you compare him people like Ant or Jimmy, who are one of the most funniest and quickest people ever in the history of the medium, of course it looks ugly.

He's there because he created the show. It's his show.

Opie is NOT funnier than even 25% of the people here. Look, I despise that whiny potato named Joe Derosa but in terms of bringing comedy to a radio show I'd say Derosa is about as funny as most people here would be. He is unexceptional in every way but he might throw out an occasional okay line and usually accepts a bit of a bashing if the mood of the room is jokey enough. I don't think he should be making a living as a comedian but then I don't think I'd make a better comedian than him.

Opie on the other hand is truly fucking awful. He's just a typical dumb 80's jock, in both the radio and highschool sense of that phrase.

Never gets old when it's the truth. I'd give you gold except I won't and can't.

You should've deleted your middle sentence.

"I started this show! I was stepped over!"


as do most people in here. Constant show references. People playing Chip..using Jim like insults. Most people in here couldn't keep up the pace in that studio. They wouldn't have the security of being able to craft a reply for 20 minutes before posting.


It's not expected from Opie though. He never went into this claiming to be a professional Comedian.


You can enjoy comedy, and stink at it yourself though. Does a host of a comedy show have to be funny? Who cares so long as the rest of the room is? I dunno ..not arguing with you ..just Opie bashing is pretty boring now...we're all here because we loved the Opie and Anthony show.


Yeah, that's all he ever does. You're an ass.


You are now saying he never had one original funny line. That's retarded. I'm not going to argue with a retarded person.

I don't mind you thinking and saying he's not funny, at all, but your rationale sucked ass.


Depends on the question to be fair.