In case you were wondering about why the AMA lady got shit canned today.

0  2015-07-03 by [deleted]

The Jessie Jackson AMA was awesome and that piece of shit got called out. Chairman Pao didn't like it. I guess people who try to manipulate others with bullshit lawsuits gotta stick together.


It's been all but confirmed it had nothing to do with Jesse Jackson.

Wot? It's been all but proven Bigfoot exists too. Elaborate

My choice of words was too strong. What I should have said is that the Jesse Jackson angle is pure speculation, and it doesn't really make sense anyway. There are many other plausible explanations, including this one:,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/1323902764750118801.jpg

This actually makes sense. I was fired from a job once because in a meeting the boss had a "great new" idea. I very practically and politely said it was bullshit. Everybody else liked it. Boss called me in after meeting and I reiterated why it was bullshit and he disagreed (again, politely, I wasn't being a cunt about it). Two weeks later I was laid off (this was like 2009 when economy was super shitty). I asked why I was picked when there were lesser experienced people doing my job and I was told it was for "not being a team player" and "everybody needed to be on the same page during this difficult time."

So I could see if Victoria was like "yeah let's not do it like that" and Ellen Pao was like "觸發此屄!" and then she was fired.

How does Jesse Jackson have any power still? I thought everyone still viewed him as a joke the same way they do Al Sharpton.

What was said specifically?

I wonder if she was the one altering the questions Jessie read