If Anyone Cares - Subreddits are going Private as a form of protest to Reddit CEO Pao

25  2015-07-03 by [deleted]

/r/gaming /r/AskReddit /r/iAmA

just to name a few


These subreddit protests are still more than what Opie did for Anthony.


"These people at SiriusXM who are half-headed dimwits for hiring this gu-- f-ff-f-firing this guy."

Bobo never disappoints.

Opie: I had a long talk with Scott Greenstein; the door is not closed.

Ant: *goes on a white supermacist radio show

KtC: *makes chimp noises

Jimmy: *edges

Laughed at "edges". Well done.

ME: Of course I fought for Anthony. But he's gotta see that it's on him in the end. They're not that mad at him. Thanks for your tweet.....

Greenstein: we're firing Ant and giving you his money.

ME:Where do i sign?

ME: But also I really really don't like him. But also he didn't hang around me enough! He didn't, didn't wanna be my friend. But also he didn't wanna do the show anymore! Wanted to do his own thing. Really glad I get to do, get to do my own thing too. Really figurin' it out..

It sure makes sense to jeopardize your own job because your racist co-host was being racist.

"We're still going to use your site, but in a really retarded way." That'll show the Down-syndromed chink.

i suppose the idea is to take some traffic away from the site.

I think the idea is to embarrass reddit higher ups and get everyone pissed at them.

And this will last, what, 2 days? Just like FPH people on this site move on and forget. No one will give a shit in a few days and they know it.

Which it will. Less clicks, less ads being seen, less money.

What? It means people come to the site and nearly everything in the main (and other size) subreddits are private. It's both hilarious and a massive fuck you to the owners of the sites who never communicate with the mods who basically manage the site for free for them. I'd think this sub would get it before anyone, it's basically as if O&A or Howard actually did something instead of bitching and Jocktobered their own station.

i hope they block /r/suicidewatch

I wouldn't put it past /u/TheToolMan to make this subreddit private so he can push his shitty gaming sub.

He really is a tool, man.

I like this place better when the mods did fuck all except occasionally changing the sidebar pic.

What exactly do we do now?

Haven't you heard? We're all free-speech opponent Nazis.

I just wish these retards would go discuss this issue in the appropriate subreddit instead of making multiple posts about a issue that doesn't effect us.

To be fair, this issue effects everyone, but as I said in the PMs that were sent, this sub is more detrimental to Reddit than if we went private.



They would....but it was made private.



Well, a few months back you changed the subreddit header, it used to be Op, Ant and Jim in snoo form. Actually, that is my real only gripe with the mod team, I like how you guys are ultra lax when it comes to banning users or removing posts.

Zomg one of the mods tried to mess with the CSS to make the place look cool. We really do suck.

Honestly I thought the css was an April fools day joke. Sorry it's super bad.

but gaems

Yeah, I preferred the place when it had nothing going for it aesthetically, subs that have a bunch of flashy shit all over them are, for the most part kinda gay.

Click the button that turns off CSS if it bothers you so much.

pac man


Most of the good subs are down.

For those that don't know, this lady was fired because everyone's favorite race-baiting reverend, Jesse Jackson, got asked some tough questions during his AMA today.

The top comment in that thread called him-

an immoral, hate-filled race baiter that has figured out how to manipulate the political system for your own gain.

It went on to say-

How is your relationship with the illegitimate child you fathered in 1998 while cheating on your wife? Bonus question: How much money have you extorted from various people and companies over the years of practicing your shakedown scheme? Do you think Al Capone would be jealous of your business model if he were still alive?

Which is just fucking hilarious. So Reddit panicked like corporations always do and fired this Victoria Taylor who ran the AMA sub.

RIP Reddit

WHAT? That's what this is about? Fuck it, I'm shutting down every sub I mod. We already closed /r/netflix, I'm closing /r/podcasts right now if it's not already. That is hysterical, Jesse Jackson is a piece of shit and finally someone called him out to his face, and they fire the AMA lady? Get bent Reddit.


way to take a stand

also 2edgy4me

Apparently that's not what it was about. Something about the higher ups wanting to add things like video AMAs and Victoria not complying.

Edit: I should restate that the Jesse Jackson thing is only a theory and there are other plausible theories as well

The reply seemed kinda odd tho...

/r/funny... Which wasn't funny anyway so who cares. Also /r/straightgirlsplaying which really pisses me off

Thought they weren't but this is good news. 9gag and Buzzfeed must be crapping their pants.

Edit : ugh. Typos!!

We just closed /r/netflix, or it's going down shortly, it's a huge sub.

I don't want /r/opieandanthony getting involved in any of this Reddit bullshit.

I bet as soon as Opie heard about huge chunks of Reddit going down he said "I want /r/opieandanthony getting involved in all of this Reddit bullshit."

What a faggot form of protest.

Send her cock pics or do nothing.

I can verify that she rubs cock pics on her filthy albacore twat.

Indeed. They need to take out a page from the 4chan handbook of trolling. Just spam swastikas and dicks.

Edit: it looks like they have. I'm seeing posts featuring swastikas and other allusions to Nazism referencing reddit and Pao. Hilarious.

Why swastikas? Are you trying to give Chairman Pao an orgasm?

We're not talking about DeRosa?

X-post from /r/spacedicks

Her husband is black so she probably won't be impressed.


TL;DR /r/IAmA[1] , /r/AskReddit[2] , /r/science[3] , /r/gaming[4] , /r/history[5] , /r/Art[6] , /r/videos[7] , /r/gadgets[8] , and /r/movies[9] have all made themselves private in response to the removal of an administrator key to the AMA process, /u/chooter [10] , but also due to underlying resentment against the admins for running the site poorly - being uncommunicative, and disregarding the thousands of moderators who keep the site running. In addition, /r/listentothis[11] has disabled all submissions[12] . Major subreddits, including /r/circlejerk[13] and /r/ImGoingToHellForThis[14] , have also expressed solidarity.


Today, we learned that Victoria was unexpectedly let go from her position with Reddt. We all had the rug ripped out from under us and feel betrayed.

Before doing that, the admins really should have at least talked to us (and all the other subs that host AMAs, like /r/Books, /r/Science, /r/Music, etc.) (Edit: not to suggest that we expect to know about Reddit's inner workings. Just that there should have been a transition in place or something worked out to ensure that Victoria's duties would be adequately handled, which they are not) We had a number of AMAs scheduled for today that Victoria was supposed to help with, and they are all left absolutely high and dry (hence taking IAMA private to figure out the situation) She was still willing to help them today (before the sub was shut down, of course) even without being paid or required to do so. Just a sign of how much she is committed to what she does.

The admins didn't realize how much we rely on Victoria. Part of it is proof, of course: we know it's legitimate when she's sitting right there next to the person and can make them provide proof. We've had situations where agents or others have tried to do an AMA as their client, and Victoria shut that shit down immediately. We can't do that anymore.

Part of it is also that Victoria is an essential lifeline of communication. When something goes wrong in an AMA, we can call and get it fixed immediately. Otherwise, we have to resort to desperately try messaging the person via Reddit (and they may not know to check their messages or even to look for these notifications). Sometimes we have to resort to shit like this (now with a screenshot

because I can't link to that anymore for you) where we have to nuke an entire submission just so that the person is aware of the problem.

Part of it is also organization. The vast majority of scheduling requests go through her and she ensures that we have all of the standard information that we need ahead of time (date, time, proof, description, etc.) and makes it easier for the teams that set up AMAs on both ends. She ensures that things will go well and that the person understands what /r/IAMA is and what is expected of them. Without her filling this role, we will be utterly overwhelmed. We might need to scrap the calendar altogether, or somehow limit AMAs from those that would need help with the process.

We have been really blindsided by all of this. As a result, we will need to go through our processes and see what can be done without her.

Tl;dr: for /r/IAMA to work the way it currently does, we need Victoria. Without her, we need to figure out a different way for it to work.

That's a solid 10 huge subreddits. This is like the Virus but on a bigger scale and less cock.

Fucking dumb Reddit drama. This subreddit and a few others are the main reasons I bother to go on this shitty site at all. Would be a shame to have this one go down like the others.

That's the whole point? They're making them private so people can't access the site and traffic is driven down.

...and nothing of value was lost. Seriously, the only one of the subs that I frequented was /r/4chan, and I can just go to regular old 4chan if I want that content.

8chan stinks.

It's better than 4chan.

It's 4chan with a Reddit userbase, what's so great about that? On top of that, the two boards I primarily visit on 4chan, /lit/ and /int/, stink on 8chan.

I like the obscure boards.

i suspect victoria got fired over the jesse jackson AMA.

SWJ is leaking.

I suspect that Reddit got scared when Jesse Jackson threatened to do exactly what the person said in the post, show up to reddit headquarters (which I guarantee you has ZERO black people working for them) and demanding their "racist" website be shut down.

Did Jesse Jackson invest in Ellen Pao's (black) husband's hedge fund? I heard that didn't go so well.

On the contrary, I think we should use these dark times to invade and take over other subs. /r/poland , /r/france and make a go at /r/russia

are we gonna round up the /r/christkillers over at /r/ihatejesus too?

There doesn't seem to be anything here

As of: 10:56 07-03-2015 UTC. I'm checking to see if the above subreddit exists so you don't have to! Downvote me and I'll disappear!

shut it

Is this for a day or something?

who knows. supposedly someone named Victoria was fired today from Reddit, who was the main help for all the moderators to the big subreddits.. So they made all their pages private



Dawwww, TURD?!?!?!

Who goes on Reddit anymore?

You and I and some others.

Oh literal axeheadroad.

Update: /r/science is now public again. What a short protest that was. I don't even think it was a few hours lol.

Eww. That's faggy as hell.

Real men protest by sending shitdick pics.

How do I still view the Movies subreddit it's one of my favorites and it won't let me visit there anymore

you can't. they have to make it public again.

https://www.reddit.com/r/flicks is where everyone seems to be congregating now.




It just figures I'd start posting in /r/TrueDetective/ just as the "protests" began. How come all my shitty fanboy comments/responses disappeared from my userpage in the process?

Did you just watch that show for all the hot naked girls in the first season?

God, men are pathetic.

I don't know what any of this means? What's going on? Can some kind person explain it to me?

Reddit should respond by disabling the ability to make anything private, then people have the option of leaving and paying for their own hosting to continue their protest.

What, do you own a stake in Reddit?


/r/gaming should be banned just for being chock-full of fags.

If that was a criteria, we would have been banned years ago.

I really want to flood reddit with cocksucking pics but there are so many options i don't really know where to start.

This is a funny start though... nws


Good for them,

I want everyone to see the hatred I have for that transvestite Al (Ellen) Pao.

I hope someone mistakes her horseface for a fucking 5 point buck and splatters it with a .308 round.

Bambi had the same fate, it would be a beautiful thing.

Disney animal faced cunt.

Won't somebody PLEASE think about the children?!


are you serious? the thought of anyone giving a fuck makes me lol.

edit: I wrote that thinking you were saying we should do it here.

worst form of protesting. Now I can't visit tons of subreddits.

No one can. Therefore the website doesn't get any revenue. Now a day or two may not do much in the long run but a week or two would cause a shitstorm.

Don't give even a fraction of a shit.

Just enough to click and comment?

If I do give even a statistically insignificant quantity of shit, it is to inform others of said shit's scantiness.


I don't

Wow what a great protest. It's like jews protesting Hitler.

It's not your fucking site, you just visit it. The admins can do whatever and whenever, you just have to deal with it if you want to keep coming here.

You are an idiot.

This is the mods that did this, not the admins

I don't give two shits about reddit, I'm only here for the 4 or 5 O&A extended family of subs.

If Reddit went away tomorrow, all that means is Voat and Wackbag would get more traffic.

I don't give two shits about all of this autistic e-protesting, every subreddit outside of the O&A subs is infested with hipsters and autistic dipshits, literally nothing of value.

No matter what happens, nobody will ever use Voat or Wackbag

I use Wackbag. I Like it.

Say autistic again.

If Reddit went away tomorrow, all that means is Voat and Wackbag would get more traffic.

How are people not understanding that THIS IS THE ENTIRE FUCKING POINT. Holy shit.


Yeah, I preferred the place when it had nothing going for it aesthetically, subs that have a bunch of flashy shit all over them are, for the most part kinda gay.

but gaems

I bet as soon as Opie heard about huge chunks of Reddit going down he said "I want /r/opieandanthony getting involved in all of this Reddit bullshit."

Honestly I thought the css was an April fools day joke. Sorry it's super bad.