I love Anthony but his "charming smug" personality can be kind of annoying

0  2015-07-02 by oiler3

He displayed a lot of it talking to Vos today and acting like he (Anthony) was a sneaky genius poking fun at Opie. It's way too reminiscent of the tone I see people take when they get drunk and bitter at the end of a party. Plus he was singing Vos's praises but he pulls the same Opie shit with Vos that he talked shit about (making him uncomfortable, acting like they control his career)


"You have a subscription cost a and advertisers including advertisers that interupt in the middle of the show? Why?"

Charming Anthony: cuz I'm a greedy fuck! Gotta keep my pool heated

Yuck! Glad I never gave his shitty show a dime

That awful moment when there's a lootcrate commercial.

Lootcrate where you can get all your gamer and comic related gear and toys YES! This month's theme is antisocial loser which was the theme two months ago and will be next months theme.

Ever wanted all of the free shit that people throw away after conventions? Lootcrate has you covered.

Loot crate is for everyone that sees the trailer for the Adam Sandler movie "Pixels" & thinks it's a good movie

Did this interaction actually happen?

Well, it's a collaboration on real things. On Rogan he asked Ant about the subscription & Ant said he has both subscription & advertisers cuz, his quote "I'm a greedy fuck" & on Twitter he tweets "gotta keep the pool heated" to people complaining


Vos used to go on Anthony's show to help sell tickets. Now Anthony needs Vos to help sell subs.

he is a passive aggressive racist, drunk, and a sexual predator. but I loved O and A.

Why do you "love Anthony" exactly? He had one minor incident and lost control then destroyed the show. His new show is garbage. He constantly lies to the few fans he has remaining. He can't even not drink and put on a decent show. What exactly do you still love him for?

its like when you grow up and your VERY OLD grandpa is a big part of your life for a while. makin ya laugh, yadda yadda, but eventually he grows old and cant control his bowels or the use of the words niggers and shines but just because hes uselsss and embarassing, you love your grandpa still, sort of the same

Except he's not your grandpa. He's a bitter, old, unfunny, pedophile that gave you some laughs years ago.

right, and for those years of laughs, ill always thank him

Obviously, the point I was trying to make is that once someone has given so many years worth of good times, its hard to not have some kind of appreciation towards them, no matter how much you hate what theyre doing now

He loves reminding you how rich he is


The nouveau riche always do. It comforts them by reminding how far back down they can fall.

The thing about Anthony is that he gets uncomfortable in "human" situations and will project his own bitterness and jealously constantly. It's the only reason he still prods at Opie. Jealousy and lack of material. If Ant was tearing shit up and gaining subscribers do you think he'd ever mention Opie as much as he does now?

Tacs sucks, Anthony sucks by himself. He should be sucking Opie's dick because it's clear that, like him or not, Opie got the best out of Anthony and Anthony is at his best with opie.

100% agree with this post op

he's a schmarrmmmyyy cunt duuuudeee

its just pathetic that he has to keep taking shots at opie, it makes him look sad and desperate. i wonder if he does this with his girlfriends. my guess is he'll be begging people to sign up for his free podcast in a year or two when people completely tap out, at that point he'll just want someone to hear his babbling.

For those who don't know why people don't like Cumia/Cumia show anymore. Take a look at Gavin's show, gauge entertainment/humour/wit upon viewing, then look at your average piece of shit TACS. Everything Gavin does is supremely better than that lazy wop & his dumb cop producer

Tsss with friends like these, who needs enemies or sumptin

He's very smug with his wop grandmother hair.

Lol it's the exact same fluffy mess.

I've been away for a couple months. I haven't been able to listen to Tacs, and this is my first time back. When I left, this sub was all about the Opie Hate, and over 90% of you were Team Anthony. Has anything changed with that? And is there anything huge that I missed?

over 90% of you were Team Anthony

Just because people hate Opie, doesn't mean they automatically like Anthony. He never had 90% of the crowd behind him, and more people have turned against him recently because TACS is not entertaining. This sub is more about being anti- than being pro-, so it is the natural order of things to turn on Ant.

I've noticed that nobody leaves shitty hateful comments anymore when Opie posts something Hilarious on Facebook. I don't know if trashing Opie on Twitter got to boring to everyone, or God forbid everyone started liking Opie again?

Well, this bizarro SJW army formed and now they see themselves as fighting against "real" SJWS by being upset about anything that they see, no matter how obscure or niche. Mixed in with the bizarro sjws, are the "race realists".

I think his superfans are really helping turn the tide against him. Even more than Ant himself is doing.

yeah, a bunch of sensitive, young, SJW types have been migrating here lately because they just started listening to OaA on YouTube

Is everyone who makes a criticism about Ant an SJW, or could it be possible that he does have faults that people could dislike about him? Anthony can be brilliantly funny, but his incessant race rants, his cunty shots at Opie, and his pandering to sycophants is annoying.


Yeah, I get it. His race rants annoy me too. But a lot of people on this thread actually don't think that black people commit a lot of violent crime, which Ant rants about. Nobody is saying that Ant's rants aren't too over the top and frequent. But to disregard the facts that he brings up is retarded.

This is exactly why you Anthony ballwashers are annoying as fuck. Opie & Anthony fans didn't become fans of Anthony Cumia because of the crime black people commit. Think about that....in order to defend this guy, you NEED to discuss the crime rate of blacks in the inner city.

When was that the core of what used to be a COMEDY show? Doesn't it ever occur to you how out of fucking whack that is?

NO ONE ever became a fan of this guy because of crime statistics, and if they did, they're fucking retarded.

If you wanna use the word "wack", like an angsty black teenager in 1998, you should spell it right. "Whack" means to strike forcefully with a sharp blow.

edit: I was wrong, didn't notice the context you used whack in.

No, he/she used it properly. The phrase is "out of whack". OP just threw a "fucking" in the middle there.

Oh damn you're right. I saw "fucking whack" and jumped to conclusions. My apologies to everyone involved.

Did you not read my previous comments in which I said that I was sick of Ant ranting about race, you dumb fuck? Apparently not.

Ant is on a downward spiral. Like I said before, he's not funny on his own. He only talks about blacks, guns and cops. It sucks.

"Opie & Anthony fans didn't become fans of Anthony Cumia because of the crime black people commit. Think about that"

Really? OMG, REALLY?!?! No way! Are you serious?!? Shit, you just really enlightened me! Thanks SOOOOOO much!

"in order to defend this guy, you NEED to discuss the crime rate of blacks in the inner city."

I'm not defending Ant's shitting TACS. I'm saying that his opinions about the ridiculous amount of black violent crime are justified.

I swear that you libtards just hear what you want to hear and ignore all facts and reason. Go back to protesting against nonexistent white oppression, you noble SJW you.

You lost that debate by the way lol

No, not at all. Keep crying SJW, your tears are soothing.

Yeah you did, fag.

keep using "libtards" in your arguments, its a helpful reminder we're arguing with a retard over the internet

The fact that your 'go to' was libtard validates everything I assumed about you. Good effort though. Anthony would be proud.

He does make some credible points, and I say that as a black person who hates that certain issues are not brought up within the black community. However, Anthony's points are often broad-stroked to the entire black community. Also, my personal issue is not that Anthony brings up crime in the black community, but the hate, vitriol, and disgust that he uses to discuss it is off-putting. He has no concern about fixing any problems with crime in that community. I have heard his arguments before and it comes across as 'protect all the white people...the Negroes are invading.' Honestly, that's not even what bothers me most about Anthony, but since you brought it up....

I agree. I wonder what his endgame is. Does he want to see progress made and talk about some solutions? Or does he want to just point out the hypocrisy of the liberal media, MAAAANNNN! Maybe he's just racist and doesn't even care that it's ruining what were really good chances at widespread success.

Nobody cares that you're black. Being black doesn't make you special.

"Anthony's points are often broad-stroked to the entire black community."

That's because the majority of blacks in the US have criminal records or dropped out of school or don't work and instead live off of the government for entitlement money. The blacks who graduate from college, work, pay taxes, raise their kids and don't commit crimes - especially violent crimes - are in the minority of the black community.

"but the hate, vitriol, and disgust that he uses to discuss it is off-putting."

Sounds like the natural response to black mobs destroying private property and physically assaulting white people daily. You want links? I can provide plenty.

"He has no concern about fixing any problems with crime in that community."

So he's just talking about it for no reason? Right, makes perfect sense. Yeah, I'm sure he'd much rather have the epidemic that is blacks attacking whites in the US rather than it not happening... The fuck are you talking about?

"I have heard his arguments before and it comes across as 'protect all the white people...the Negroes are invading.'"

Well, not that they're invading but that they're getting really out of control and need to stop committing so much violent crime and blaming whitey for all their problems. That's reasonable. You're taking what he's saying personally because you're black.

"Honestly, that's not even what bothers me most about Anthony, but since you brought it up...."

What bothers you the most? The fact that he speaks the truth about the epidemic of black violent crime? Yeah, the truth hurts sometimes.

Trust me, I think you have more emotion about this discussion than I do. I don't think being black makes me special; I am saying that as a black person I think that Anthony has made some credible points about the black community...it's not about being special, but coming from a different perspective. I don't need links of violent mobs of black people, but can you please provide a credible source that shows crime committing black people are the majority, and educated, and/or hard-working black people are the minority in the black community? I am not taking anything Anthony says personally for any reason. His racial rants are barely a blip on the radar for me. Actually, it sounds like you're walking around with a chip(what's that) on your shoulder. What bothers me most about Anthony has nothing to do with race...it's actually the cunty remarks he makes about Opie that annoy me most. He comes across like a hypocrite and someone who panders to the mob mentality on this forum. I get that you have an agenda with the race issue, but it bothers me more that Ant takes a break from being funny to lecture people about the evil, invading black people. I don't get my news or race relations from Anthony.

(My muddah thinks it makes you special)

"I think you have more emotion about this discussion than I do."

Yeah, maybe I do since I live in a major US city and ride the public transportation every day to work and school. I can't count how many times I've been harassed, threatened, seen physical violence perpetrated by blacks, heard gun shots probably from blacks who had illegally owned guns, and been called racial slurs by blacks because I'm white. I was jumped by a group of black "teens" last month and ended up in the hospital on my way to work. These are the same leeches who are living off of my tax dollars. In my city, tens of blacks are murdered every weekend, yet Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Loretta Lynch and Obama say nothing. But when one lone racist nut job shoots up a church, which never happens, suddenly all blacks are oppressed and black on white violent crime doesn't exist. Look up the stats on your own, I'm not your bitch. Start with the stats from the government's own websites. Every day I see how many blacks are not working. From my own personal experience, it's most of them. And they make more money in EBT, welfare, section 8 housing and other entitlements than I do, and I work almost full time. I'm walking around with a chip on my shoulder? No. More like most blacks are. For example, white oppression is totally bullshit and nonexistent, but blacks still use that any time they fuck up. And of course, only white people can be racist, right? Yeah... My agenda is nothing more to tell the truth about race relations, and this isn't being told by the PC SJWs or the mainstream media or the Marxist college professors or the black supremacists who don't want equality but rather to dominate whites and eliminate them if possible. I live in the real world, and unfortunately I have to deal with real, inner city black people every day. I know what they're like. I don't hate all of them, just the majority of them because of how they act. They're the most racist, spiteful, envious, aggressive, egotistical, impulsive, lazy, dumbest, violent race on the planet. That's the truth.

Jesus, shut up.

suck my white dick you faggit SJW

I was jumped by a group of black "teens" last month and ended up in the hospital on my way to work.



you social justice warriors and niggers are all the same

innocent person gets jumped by 5 black teens and then he decides that he hates niggers. then you root for the niggers because hating niggers is "wayyyyycism," which is THE WORST thing in the world, instead of hating the niggers for committing violent crime in the first place. makes perfect sense

Hopefully next time they finish the job.


Tss tell us how ya really feel!

Bernie motherfucking Goetz is here ladies and gentlemen! We have our own celebrity redditor in the house.

wow that was a good one



The majority? You are fucking dumb.

Yes, the majority, at least where I live. I'm in Chicago. Over a thousand reported shootings since the beginning of the year here. Those are only the reported ones. Hundreds of murders already. The large majority was committed by blacks. What magical fairytale land do you live in where blacks are actually decent? I want to move there.


So because you live in a dangerous city with an insane black crime rate that means the majority of blacks have criminal records? There are facts and figures that prove there's a major crime problem among blacks, but none that would show the MAJORITY have a criminal record. You're not even good at being a racist. You're all emotion, just like Ant.

Look them up for yourself. Keep in mind that blacks constitute anywhere from 12-20% of the population.

http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/expanded-homicide/expanded_homicide_data_table_6_murder_race_and_sex_of_vicitm_by_race_and_sex_of_offender_2013.xls https://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/crimestats http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/aug/21/michael-medved/talk-show-host-police-kill-more-whites-blacks/ http://news.yahoo.com/black-americas-real-problem-isnt-white-racism-070000529.html https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=GQlvBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA1699&lpg=PA1699&dq=NCVS%2Brace%2Band%2Bracism&source=bl&ots=V30qcpC3JI&sig=DY9qaaM5SFkLhr7o401MmB0g04k&hl=en&sa=X&ei=XUp3VJODMZLB7Aa_1YHIAw#v=onepage&q=NCVS&f=false http://time.com/3605606/ferguson-in-defense-of-rioting/ http://www.parispi.net/opinion/columns/article_f460f2fa-8222-11e4-8203-f7aa828d24aa.html https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2012/crime-in-the-u.s.-2012/tables/43tabledatadecoverviewpdf http://www.libertyviral.com/dont-bring-up-this-controversial-statistic-about-racial-violence-over-thanksgiving-dinner/ – FACT: Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks commit around half of homicides in the United States. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, blacks committed 52% of homicides, compared to 45% of homicides committed by whites. https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/race/news/2012/03/13/11351/the-top-10-most-startling-facts-about-people-of-color-and-criminal-justice-in-the-united-states/ http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/black-men-arrested-age-23-study-article-1.1586000

More up to date FBI statistics tell a similar story. In 2013, black criminals carried out 38% of murders, compared to 31.1% for whites, again despite the fact that there are five times more white people in the U.S.

– FACT: From 2011 to 2013, 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. This figure is three times higher than the 13% black population figure. When you account for the fact that black males aged 15-34, who account for around 3% of the population, are responsible for the vast majority of these crimes, the figures are even more staggering.

– FACT: Despite the fact that black people commit an equal or greater number of violent crimes than whites, whites are almost TWICE as likely to be killed by police officers.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, between 1999 and 2011, 2,151 whites died as a result of being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks.

Critics argue that black people are overrepresented in these figures because they only represent 13% of the population, but they are underrepresented if you factor in violent crime offenders. In other words, you would expect the number of blacks and whites killed by police to be roughly equal given that they commit a roughly equal number of violent crimes, but that’s not the case. Whites are nearly 100% more likely to be victims.

And what about black on white violence in general?

– FACT: Despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commit eight times more crimes against whites than vice-versa, according to FBI statistics from 2007. A black male is 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse. These figures also show that interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white.

So you've proven there's a major crime problem among blacks. I agree with you. And you've posted multiple articles proving that. But you can't prove your original statement, because it's dumb, and comes from your own perception as a victim. just like your hero who got slapped by a girl and lost his career over it. It's not surprising black teens target you.

You know what's gonna be really funny? When whites are finally fed up and start targeting blacks. Blacks will get slaughtered, easily. Blacks want a race/civil war? It's almost here. Keep pushing whitey.

Wow you really just exposed what a fucking scared faggot you are. Hang yourself.

I'd rather hang a nigger, and so would a lot of white people.

I know you would, but instead you'll jack off in your lonely bedroom. Punk bitch.

Or I'll just fuck your mother in the asshole and then make her suck my dick afterwards while I beat her and make her cry.

Oh no not my mother! Your girlfriend cheated on you and you became a redpill faggot. You got beat up by black teens and became a racist. You're a reactionary pussy. I can feel your tears.

Lol you're a little faggit who's obsessed with me and where I post, I love it. It's more like I fuck girls who are in relationships with beta pussies like yourself and then I never talk to them again, meanwhile she runs home to you and kisses you on the lips after sucking my dick. You really are clueless as to the nature of both women and niggers. Fuck off now, SJW.

Hahaha. You expect me to believe you fuck women? I get this is all anonymous and you can be whoever you want. But if you expect me to believe you fuck chicks, especially ones with boyfriends, you're crazy. I bet her boss was black. Enjoy your rape porn, you neckbeard fatso.

Cool story bro. You got me! If only you knew how many times I've really fucked girls who were married or in a relationship with guys like yourself.

And what is a "black man"? You mean a "nigger"?

Oooh nigger, what a tough guy. Were you this much of a badass when those black teenagers surrounded you? Remember...those kids who beat you up?

You mean the 5 grown niggers who jumped me? Yeah, I got my ass kicked. So? There's no way any one person is gonna fight five men at the same time and win. But niggers are like that; they are cowards and attack in packs like troops of chimpanzees. Now go back to sucking black dick, nigger-lover.

But you waited till you got home before the word nigger ever left your lips. Those black children really changed your life.

No, actually I've called niggers 'niggers' to their face many times and most of them don't do anything about it. Most niggers are all talk and just want to intimidate you. Most niggers won't fight unless they are in a group with other niggers (much like a troop of chimpanzees) and then only then will they sucker punch a lone, unarmed, white victim who's walking alone. You have to understand that niggers are stupid, cowardly animals who are rightfully full of self doubt.

No you haven't, you're an alpha online but a beta in real life. Beta.

Oooooo, sounds like this Jennifer Lopez is about to cut her hair short and start kickboxing. She's had enough!

Nobody cares dude. nobody is reading this garbage.

Apparently you are. Keep crying, faggit. And if nobody besides you is reading this then I'll continue.

then fuck off and don't listen to him, cunt

So because you live in a dangerous city with an insane black crime rate that means the majority of blacks have criminal records? There are facts and figures that prove there's a major crime problem among blacks, but none that would show the MAJORITY have a criminal record. You're not even good at being a racist. You're all emotion, just like Ant.

Did this interaction actually happen?

Cool story bro. You got me! If only you knew how many times I've really fucked girls who were married or in a relationship with guys like yourself.

And what is a "black man"? You mean a "nigger"?


That awful moment when there's a lootcrate commercial.