Norton on Sean Hannity's show where he shuts down the whole "faux outrage" of Fox News.

33  2015-07-01 by pootsforever


I like how he tells her to get a hold of herself. That's really the only way to respond to a hysterical hole.

I was shocked her entire face didn't shrivel up like a prune after that. Botox maybe?

Sean really knows how to roll with a bit

He let it roll and at the end actually made an interesting comment about his grandfather.


He's a good egg.

Of the right-wing talking heads, he's probably my favorite. He comes off as more genuine than Coulter or Limbaugh but is less of a lunatic than Beck. Granted, he's still an utterly predictable encyclopedia of conservative talking points, but grading on a curve, he seems like an okay dude.


Holy shit Jim actually comes across really well. He was debating a complete moron though.

Love the crew losing it at his jokes...

Who gives a turkey.


I really want to fuck her

Taking a page from Patrice's book I see. "I wanna lick the stupid outta you."

How is that girl stupid? You really think Lena Dunham really gives a shit about soldiers? You guys are going full retard in this thread.

Well for starters she compares Lena Dunham's tweets with Jane Fonda, a woman who posed for smiling photos with enemy combatants while sitting on an anti-aircraft battery in one of the bitterest and brutal wars in US history.

So did we belong in Vietnam?

That's a complicated issue. The prevailing belief at the time was that of the "domino theory" which stated that the more southeastern Asian countries that fell to communism, the more likely others were to as well like was seen in Eastern Europe following the Korean war. However one of the major deciding incidents that bolstered the US government's willingness to get involved in the war, the gulf of Tonkin incident, was greatly exaggerated and possibly even staged to draw us into the war.

I don't doubt that the spread of communism was a threat to US power abroad due to the USSR's willingness to fight proxy wars against the US but whether or not Vietnam was that important to maintaining US power is still hotly debated. Many officials in the CIA at the time did not believe Vietnam was vital to maintaining US power in that region and the the US had much more to lose than gain by getting bogged down in a costly land war there.

During the time support by the government for the war was mainly a result of the rampant McCarthyism of the time and the US public's strongly held belief that communism should be stopped everywhere possible. While a communist occupation of Vietnam would have had far reaching implications on capitalist trade in the region, the US economy was harmed far more by it's involvement in the war than it would have by a communist Vietnam. The countries that stood to be effected the most were Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Japan.

Was it a good idea at the time? Ideologically yes but logistically no we probably did not belong there as the cost far outweighed the benefits in the event of a Western victory there.

Good answer, but not even necessary. "Was the Vietnam War a good idea?" is a separate question from "Was Jane Fonda a cunt for actively contributing to the propaganda efforts of enemy forces?"

I'm sorry I don't quite understand. Please expand.

Nice ninja edit faggot

I realized I was being rude, now seriously provide more details to support your argument. I'll be anxiously awaiting.

Eat shit

Sir, you spent 27 minutes writing fascinating information about the Vietnam War that very few people are aware of, if I have offended you with my thirst for knowledge I am deeply sorry.

implying it took me more than 3 minutes to write that

What's the problem with her point? Lena Dunham doesn't give a shit about Memorial Day lol, so she put it in the same sentence as taking a piss. How is this even a question? Her tweet was interpreted the way it was intended to be. If she intended to congratulate them, she would've left the toilet stuff for a different tweet. Pretty simple.

I doubt anyone else mistakenly merged a Happy Memorial's Day tweet with a using the bathroom tweet. Jimmy's point is incredibly stupid, to be honest.

You're forgetting how it's all speculation. Get a hold of yourself c-c-c-c-cunt

What's the problem with her point?

I don't even.

Comparisons don't have to be exact, otherwise they wouldn't be comparisons. You must have not done well on your SATs if you think that was too much of a stretch. Two actresses that don't care about soldiers, that was her point. Got anything else to be incorrectly douchey about?

You must have not done well on your SATs if you think was too much of a stretch

Louis CK's tweets about Sarah Palin's down syndrome kids were just like John Walker Lindh going to fight ISAF forces with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

I already explained why that girl's comparison works and it's clear what she meant with that comparison. It's not clear what someone would mean with that comparison. Do you see the difference? The only one bad at comparisons is you.

I already explained why that girl's comparison works

Yeah and I thought your explanation was bullshit.

Oh course you do, you already stated your stance on this and people can't reverse their stance on the internet. That's just how it goes. Oh well.

Yup. Glad I could state it without calling you a douche or insulting your intelligence too.

Same here. This argument was very civil by internet standards. We should be proud.

No it wasn't. You insinuated I did poorly on my SATs because I disagreed with you and then asked if I had anything else to "be douchely incorrect about." Then you said I was bad at comparisons because I disagreed with Povitche's hyperbolic comparison after providing my own hyperbolic comparison. You took the argument to an emotional level almost immediately.

I'm not emotional about this, lol. I'm just calling it how I see it. At least I didn't tell you to kill yourself. It was a pleasant argument, I've been in much worse.

I'm not emotional about this, lol

Your childish insults tell a different story but I believe you because you put 'lol' at the end of that sentence.

It doesn't take any emotion to type insults, LOL. And they weren't childish. I'm sorry you feel they were.

It doesn't take any emotion to type insults

No it doesn't take emotion to type insults but it sure takes emotion to want to use them. Good thing you capitalized lol this time to let us know you're having a great time and are totally not angry about this.

It's more insulting to repeatedly quote one sentence out of someone's posts, apparently ignoring the rest of what they typed.

Now It's insulting to specify what part of your post I'm responding to? Uh alright then.

I don't see anyone else doing it. You're a special breed. It looks, especially when you do it with the first sentence, like you just stopped reading there.

You're using the "appeal to emotion" style of debating. Now you're calling me "A special breed" another insult. Dude I'm done replying to you, go ahead and declare victory like every other person who destroyed the decorum of a debate and then claimed victory when the other person refused to argue with them anymore because they stopped attempting to make salient points and went to ad-hominem attacks.

go ahead and declare victory like every other person who destroyed the decorum of a debate

Eww I've never seen anyone care so much about "winning" dumb internet arguments. When you have no come back you do exactly the quoted. You win again. You debate like a retard. Time to hit ignore on RES. Die.

Remember when you replied for hours to one word responses? That was fun

Sorry for calling you a special breed. I didn't mean nothing by it. I don't see other people constantly using the quote feature like you do, that's all I'm saying. Anyway, have a nice day.

Comparisons don't have to be exact

No, but they do have to be comparable. That's where that word comes from, you see.

No, if I'm playing the odds, I don't think Lena Dunham gives a shit about soldiers, but I don't think those tweets were an expression of that. You could have filled in any holiday at the beginning, and the (admittedly shitty) joke would have been the same: "Seemingly genuine holiday salutations followed by lolrandom antics".


Love how she completely missed 100% of his sarcasm.


Mentioning Obama is Foxnews' version of George Costanza's "By Mennen" jingle.


This is some expert fake outrage here

"She mentioned Veterans and peeing! What a horrible Obama supporter!"

And that cunt that kept cutting Jim off was unbearable. Fox News is fucking atrocious.


I come from a long line of people whose actions I take credit for to strengthen my shitty arguments.

I love the face lil Jimmy makes after he says that he's a sweet boy in real life.

24hr news stations was the death knell of any sort of common sense or intelligence in this country. It really is just complete nonsense and filler and garbage. What a fucking unbelievably non-story, Lena Dunham might have said something that if you stretch it could be 'disrespectful to veterans.' On her own private Twitter. What palaver. (To quote the intro)

I love how the coward Hannity tags the segment with the news his grandfather was a war veteran.Typical consevatard.

I don't care how dumb she is I really want to fuck her. Also she raped Piers Morgan in a gun debate, so she's not all bad.

"Ill never think about it again ever when we are done, ever" haha.

Jim is a fame whore.

She was just being LoL RaNdUmMmm like all those corny alt writers.

"Are you sure you're not?" That's the joke Hole.

Oh great more commentary from blinky mcgee

That girl has a point and is more right than Jim. You guys really think Lena Dunham gives a shit about Memorial Day? She was being a weird cunt with that tweet, as she's known to be. It's not worthy of a segment, but it should be obvious what the intention was there.

she wasn't more right than jim. she sounded possessed. you're right about her being a weird cunt and not giving a shit about memorial day, but she probably doesn't give a shit about it in either direction. i don't think it was meant to be sincere at all but that doesn't mean it was meant to be insulting and i don't see why it should be obvious that it was. she was just trying to be quirky and abstract but she's an untalented crutch abusing fuck who probably puts so little thought into her tweets and thinks as long as it's nonsensical enough she's protected from exposure of her unfunniness by a layer of irony. a lot of even funny comedians use that crutch but she uses it more like an iron lung. it's just a slot machine effect dude if you have someone on autopilot just pairing things up they'll probably come up with something you could read into eventually.

How did the girl sound possessed? She didn't even sound mad. I honestly don't know what you guys are watching. You see someone arguing with Jimmy and figure they're wrong. That's all that's going through your heads.

I do get your point about unfunny people having to rely on that weird nonsense on twitter. Maybe Lena did just combine two completely random things that she felt nothing about, maybe we shouldn't take anything she says or does honestly in that case.

maybe possessed was the wrong word. she looked like a weird subdued cyborg or a shapeshifter. like the alien disguised as a lady in mars attacks who moves all slowly and silently and bites martin short's finger off. also i'm even not totally closed off to her intending that tweet to be a half baked low energy jab at right-wing-patriotic people. I just think that it was too non-poignant for the woman in the video to be acting like lena was pissing in soldiers' canteens. it was just a tweet that may or may not have been a timid allusion to something vaguely related to an insult. I think Sean was overreacting to it too.

Maybe she's a reptilian, that doesn't negate what she said. Anyway it's funny this sub thinks we're looking too deeply into this, yet they obsessively decipher Opie and Jim's behavior for percieved insults.

Keep downvoting me for looking too much into this obvious scoff at the troops and go back to critically analyzing Opie's groans you fucking faggots.

now he's butthurt.

Fuck that stupid faux outrage, 'Murica flag waving cunt Amy Pavlich, and fuck that fat hipster cunt Lena Dunham too.

I disagree with you, but I don't care much either way. Only thing that pissed me off was when the cunt propped her argument around her family being in the army. Hatable. As if she's any more correct or should be respected in any way for shit she had zero part in.

VladiRad: Avid Fox News watcher

I'm not emotional about this, lol

Your childish insults tell a different story but I believe you because you put 'lol' at the end of that sentence.
