Soundboard sounds.

2  2015-07-01 by axeheadroad

Which sounds belong to who? The over use of the Homer Simpson laughs point to Opie, but what about the others?

If we all pull together, this could be a nice little activity for the sub. :)


get a productive hobby

Im heavily involved in model rocketry, so yeah I already have a productive hobby.

I realize o&a fans find it hard be ethusiastic in a positive way about the show (unless its HIV related), but wouldnt it be nice to at the very least humor my silly question?

If there's one thing this sub is known for, it's being nice to its own members.

I learned that quickly. Thought about changing my user name to hayseed faggot to save others the trouble of pointing it out

You are you. Never change.

This guy's a fuckin mo!


This was my post from three days ago. I admit that it wasn't great, but get your own ideas

Sorry to step on your toes bud, but theres a new activity organizer in town.

Why don't you work it out for yourself? The fact that you need to ask that question shows that you're a Johnny come lately lazy fucktard. One more time for the kids: THIS AINT A HAPPY PLACE! We are racists and poor and bitter and sexist. We come here to vent our frustrations of how shitty our lives are, not yo answer your Opie like questions. CLEAR?

Haha he admits hes poor!!!