Is Anthony Finished As a 'Radio Personality'?

0  2015-07-01 by [deleted]

Do you think he could possibly turn it around? Maybe put the race shit to rest some day in the future? Or does he go out in fuckin' flames like he is now..

because if you think about it, Anthony has all the factors in play that could result to a horrible, drunken, bankrupt death when it's all said and done.



Yeah he's old and unmotivated

there's also the whole over the top racist thing he's been doing recently....

He's actively pandering to white power types (who now frequent the TACS subreddit). The only future he's looking at is further marginalization, loss of fortune and early death: suicide, alcoholism/heart disease or murder. It'll be entertaining. It has been so far.

I don't know how entertaining his death would be, but I'm dying for the moment when one of these little batshit golddiggers pulls an Oksana Grigorieva on him. That was one of the best months in the history of comedy.

The guy called a black chick a "Subhuman Savage Cunt".

His career in the 2015 Entertainment World is 100% over, who would want to attach themselves to something like that other than Edgy Mcinnes?

LOS is great though, he should just do the show with them and be fucking funny.

There is not a chance in hell that he will ever work in any form of entertainment again. He either better be really good at gambling or get fucking serious with his dog shit basement show, because ain't nobody in radio or even the most sensationalist news out there will touch him at this stage in his lousy career.

Radio is finished. It's extraordinarily over-regulated by the feds, it's owned by stagnate zombie corporations, there hasen't been an iconic music DJ in decades, there is no successor to Rush or Hannity waiting in the wings, and O&J and Stern are the last, sad, beaten vestiges of the shock jock genre. And of course saying anything derogatory or negative about anyone other than the Koch brothers or evangelicals is instant career death in the current cultural climate.'s up to Ant what he wants to do. He could definitely find a way back on radio (terrestrial, certainly, maybe not SXM but who knows) but does he want to? I don't know. Ask him on Twitter, maybe he'll respond.

It would be perfect if O&A sat down like men and worked through their differences together and figured out a way to get the show back together.
