"Fun fact" from the OApedia.

24  2015-06-30 by CuckECheese


Poor lil' feller

Put the lil' feller in a shoebox.

I cri evertiem ;_;

I still don't believe this actually happened. Opie just wants us to believe he's the kind of cool guy who will kick an animal to death for eating his unattended food.

Was listening to a Patrice compilation and a caller references kicking his girl in the liver if she eats his steak Whole time Opie is all "alriiight, alriight, uhhhh, okaay okaaay" Faggot

Young Opie looks like a live-action Jimmy Neutron

Fun Fact About Opie: Every childhood photo makes him look like he suffered from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

That story was likely a lie anyway...

Balding and wearing a dress. Throw supreme idiocy into the mix and fuckin kid never had a chance.


I fail to see the little Ron Howard resemblance he claimed to have

That's the bit.

nigga has a sixhead

OH my God that is so horrible who are these sickos?