When Opie tweets that he's having Sherrod on again

26  2015-06-30 by jamieblake


When people realize Opie gives 0 fucks about his fans, he will have none left.

What the fuck

If this sub turns into /r/TrollXChromosomes I'm gonna off myself

Colin and Bobby and Fez said he has comics in to do the heavy lifting for him and he buries the audience with them and burns everybody out with them. Tard-Tits thinks is a material problem. "These guys hate Florentine on all the time? Okey doke, I'll run this other comic into the ground instead!" It isn't a problem of the specific stand ups, it's a conceptual problem, you moron!

when did colin and bobby say that?

please, good sir, give us a link to what you're referring to.

shut up you fucking faggot with your gay stupid picture fuck you

Nice try Sherrod

ME: It's gonna be great. That's gonna be great. It's gonna be great. That's gonna be great.

It's like poetry.

The fuck? Is this tumblr? Why are you posting animated reaction images?

Nice try Sherrod

Sherrod will be the official 3rd mic

Say it ain't so


Sherrod is just as bad with using the #opieradio hashtag in EVERY ONE of his tweets.

..still better than the halfrican Sam

Sam is a sweet afro-headed angel.