The Tranny Well is Dry.

48  2015-06-30 by majestik6

About ten years ago there was some shock value to Jim Norton's tranny stories. Eleven years down the line, we have Jim Norton canceling guests like Kurt Metzger, so he can kiss up to a group of trannsexual singers. Besides the fact that it's boring radio, they weren't even REMOTELY prepared. I've heard drunk housewives doing karaoke that were more prepared. They weren't talented, they weren't entertaining, they were just dudes in dresses.


"the tranny well is dry". That's true, the science just isn't there yet.

I had one of them trying to convince me that a gynecologist couldn't tell the difference between a post op and a real woman ten years after the surgery.

Cervixes must grow themselves

So did you get the discount?

Mmmmmyy tEetH aRe dRyYyyy


Yeah that whole "Secret Girls" guest booking was probably one of the worst things I've ever heard. You're right sir

Trannies are mentally ill men who think that mutilating their genitals will somehow improve their station in life. I wonder if ol' Norton wants to bring up the point that 20% of transgender people regret the surgery post-op and that 40% will attempt suicide following the surgery.

He likes them pre-op anyways, doesnt he?

I wonder if ol' Norton wants to bring up the point that 20% of transgender people regret the surgery

Yes he does. In fact he brought it up to 2 trannies that were in studio just last week. Lol dope. Calm down, morally outraged guy.

You're still a faggot.





















listen retard fresno contributes a lot more to this sub than your nubs ass ever has. you can't even come up with another comeback except fag. go back to whackbag or whereever the fuck you came from. seats taken can't sit here. also since you're parroting gavin why don't you strive more to be like him and read a book.


It just baffles me how any guy finds them attractive. They have no hips and the pitch of their voice is that stereotypical scratchy high, used to have an Adam's apple, sound.

Just say you're gay. Stop trying to justify wanting to suck dick because there's a pair of water filled skin sacks on some guys chest.

Try watching a Jane Marie video or two and then tell me you don't end up confused.

Not sure who that is but ill watch. And I'll watch with an open mind. Point is, there are humans born as females out there. Not ones who have been surgically butchered to resemble one. Why not go after those? I mean, I can sometimes see how someone gets confused and duped into believing a transsexual is a woman, but I don't understand how a straight male can exclusively go after transsexuals. Just admit to yourself that you like dick.


Just admit to yourself that you like dick.

Oh no sir. That's not it at all. A minor detail like that should not preclude a person from enjoying the work of delightful young ladies like Jane Marie...or say...oh I don't know...Sarina Valentina. It's the same as me liking brunettes doesn't mean I don't enjoy a blonde every now and then.

Lol listen, I will never try to impede someone from going after what they like. That's not my place and neither is it any of my business. I'm just asking questions. Questions like: where does it stop for you guys? If having a dick is a minor detail, then would you also just suck any guys dick? Maybe you could convince yourselves that they're just a pre-transexual person, who hasn't figured out yet they want tits.

I'm of the opinion, and again I am not negatively judging you guys, that you should just label yourselves homosexual...with a twist. You like penis but also like tits and the altered femininity of a surgically rearranged XY human.

Labels seem a bit unnecessary these days. But along those lines one could argue these people are just woman...with a twist. To me it's all about energy and vibe. Gay guys don't want a transsexual woman with big tits all dolled up...they want another guy. I'm not really an expert though. Probably just talking out of my ass...although better than having anything shoved into it! Right?

That was very cheap I apologize. In the end I don't think one thing makes you one's 2015 for Pete's sake.

You're right, labeling is quite unnecessary these days. I just don't understand the appeal.

They are not women. The cock proves that.

and they're GUYS!

I listened to that show on Youtube and I actually thought that was one of the best shows they had done since Ant left (Which isn't saying too much).

The rambling at the beginning was OK, Coulter made for a fun guest as much as I hate her, and Marc Maron was great. But those tranny singers killed the back end of that show.

Agree 100%. Marc Maron is a lot more "lively" on OpieRadio than he is on his own show. I enjoy WTF, but he's a lot more fun in a room full of other people.

It was a good show, except for the played out tranny bit at the end.

well especially since there's a Kardashian tranny that is a "respected " house hold name. my phone autocorrected kardashian and capitalized it, how sad is that.

When did he cancel Kurt?

Weren't they close with one another?

What bothered me is that they canceled Kurt and kept Sherrod

I don't think they actually cancelled him.

They got the info last minute that he was available, but since the show was kinda overbooked already, they didn't take him.

they "cancelled" kurt (he was added last minute) because they were overbooked with other guests like marc maron and ann coulter. not because of some 15 minute tranny segment to end the show at 1030.

the rube faggot OP is a liar faking controversy

it was one of the fat faggot Stangel brothers who noticed it was a little "overbooked". Metzger would have made that shitty show much better challenging Coulter, and he has excellent chemistry with Maron as well judging by their recent WTF.

Or they could have just (gasp) canceled Coulter or Maron, because they still answer to the Opie and Anthony fanbase at the end of the day, and who gives a shit about them really.

they still answer to the Opie and Anthony fanbase

I guess you haven't heard the one about management loving the new direction of the show.

Cancelling Maron would have been monumentally stupid.

But of you want to hear Coulter and Kurt, she's been on Racewars twice in last couple weeks.

Wait. Whyd he cancel kurt?

Tranny jokes/references have become as much a crutch for Norton as "hold on" and "beautiful" are for Opie. It's like he needs to shoehorn them into any conversation.

Edgar's TEETH are dry, too.


The tranny bit worked best when there was someone funny around to play off of it.


It was self-indulgent, sure. But it was probably the funniest part of the show. Although Ann Coulter was a delight.

Ann Coulter was a delight

Speaking of trannies.....

and yet you still listen, why is beyond me, but this misery is your own fault.

Once again I ask the question why do you people still listen ?

Why do some men climb mountains?

I don't listen, I come here for cliff notes

At least Gavin McInnes is a sharp dresser. He can probably roam around any elementary school while being considered a parent of high repute. Contrast with the disheveled 'Opie' Hughes, even I'd tackle that sagging sweat pant zero on the grounds of suspected elderly school shooter quick fast in a heart beat. Opie has no class grace or skills.

No Idea why you're being downvoted, probably because a majority of the fans that lurk this sub are out-of-shape unhygienic manchildren and your comment hit a little too close to home for them. You know how the karma system on Reddit works anyway: It gives insignificant people a way to feel like they're projecting power of some kind.

This reddit account is my personal diary, the votes can be a good indicator if my thoughts should be salvaged, scrapped or used for fleshy interaction humor. I think I can salvage this one and shape it into an argument against white privilege, there's no greater example of white privilege not existing than a 20-30 year old white man on elementary school grounds. But thanks for the positive reinforcement, shitdick.

I honestly have no idea what the fuck you just said.


Lets just say I enjoy the reaction, positive or negative, so long as what I typed is somewhat original. What makes this place great is original insults, the redundant O&A quotes or straight analysis is best left for people without a big imagination.

Oh well in that case I agree, at least with the part about karma telling you if something is funny or not but for the majority of Reddit and this sub in particular I see it being used more as a "I disagree with this guy, let me take away his internet points to spite him" mechanism.

can these points be traded for gifts or something like tickets at a chuck e cheese? downvotes are just as good as upvotes, it's sitting at 1 point a person should be concerned with.

what if you get 50 upvotes and 50 downvotes so it ends at 1.

that falls into the category of a schinkel conundrum.

