Let's face it. Why is Jimmy avoiding TACS?

0  2015-06-29 by BeavsLitterbox

It's almost TACS #200 and Jimmy has been on 3 times. It's what 40 minutes - 1 hour drive max? He knows Ant needs him. Jimmy works 3 hours a day.

3 times.

Is it because he'd rather not associate himself with ol' Racist McStatutoryRape?

If he dropped this charade, how would the fans react?


What a bunch of fucking hens.


He called in first week and has repeatedly called in and showed up in person. not everything is a goddamn thermite paint slathered conspiracy.

Not only does Ant need him, it's safe to say the majority of fans want to see Jimmy on TACS more often. It'll be interesting to see if Jim makes appearances more regularly at the city studio. If he doesn't then you can be sure he's avoiding Ant.

if was important to Jimbo he would do the show more.He obviously coudn't give a fuck about TACS,and why should he i guess.

The problem is that its not really 40 minutes to 1 hour away. I remember last time he was on, he said it took over 2 hours to get there. NYC traffic is a total kick in the pants and just infuriates you.

Same as with ANYONE that goes to the compound...

I'm beginning to think it's less of a compound and more a really big house occupied by one lonely guy and a couple of floundering phonies.

And a cat, and dinosaur.

Jimmy has showed no signs of deliberately avoiding TACS in the past, and it's far more likely that Keith announced his appearance before it was fully baked.

I wish I could look at life like you. I guess Jimmy's other 21 hours is dedicated to staring at a wall.

Your speculations are false and you should stop worrying about it.

BTW, Jimmy tweeted about people like you earlier..."I'm not able to make it so @AnthonyCumia's today because of my schedule. But I would like to encourage conspiracy theorists to speculate."

A Jimmy white knight?

Na. Just the drama seekers and gossiping about every little thing is annoying. OMG Jimmy cant make it to TACS, must mean he is sick of Ant's racism... Um no.

Are you retarded? Do you think it was a coincidence that Norton was one of the first guests on LOS when it moved to TACS? Ant asked him to do so even if it is clear o&j hates LOS.


Nah nothing is clear until they straight up says something, but why big jay has only been on 2 times is retarded.

The only way you'll find out is if Ant uses the "New York studio". I have a sneaking suspicion that Ant will never use the studio(it will be for gavin and skanks) and keep living the Howard Hughes lifestyle.

It's not like Jimmy traveled to Ant's house all the time when they worked together. If anything after his description of going to Ant's when there was no party or event, you can understand why he wouldn't want to go. To paraphrase the description of one night "here is a drunk man with a gun standing next to things he owns".

I think Ant will use the new studio once a week or so.(and I'd bet he's gonna do one or two morning shows, just to annoy Tits)

New account, same old shite.

I don't think he's avoiding it. He loves Ant. But Jimmy is a business man first. Which means everything else on his schedule comes first. Do we think one more ticket gets sold because he shows up there?

Would he get paid to go on TACS?


Yimmy loves ant, and vv.

He's been on at least 6 or 7 times.

I don't think Jimmy is actively avoiding Ant. I do think that when Jimmy heard the words "ukulele," "singing" and "pornstar" used unironically by Keith over the phone he suddenly remembered he had a scheduling conflict.

May the last time we see you be one of you clutching your chest while bleeding profusely out of your anus.

Jimmy will always be loyal to Opie because, shirts off, Opie is a hotter tranny (down-voting this means your hot for grandma-tranny ant)

Look at it logically: what does Jimmy get out of TACS? It's a potential career-ender. He's doing a huge favor for a crazy loser friend and if people find out he goes on that show, he could lose everything. Think CK will have him on again if it got out he does a white supremacist's show cuz he's his lil' buddy? Ant is actively dangerous for Jimmy. You think he doesn't know that? Look for him to find every possible excuse to avoid his circling-the-drain best friend. He's poison.

I couldn't agree with this more. Anyone who's serious about their career would stay the fuck away from Cumia. In the risk/reward ratio, it's all risk and no reward at this point. Anthony has done nothing but diminish his brand name since TACS began, and all he can offer to guests is potentially doing the same for them.

There's nothing to be gained by being on TACS other than showing some allegiance to a guy who doesn't even have the sense to try to right the ship after essentially committing career suicide.

Go back and listen to the Bennington appearance, Anthony agrees with everything Ron tried to tell him about himself. He agrees that he needed to stop with all the race and political shit, and get back to being funny. But what has he done since then? Not only did he continue it, there's now LESS funny than there was when Ron was talking to him.

The guy and his network are a sinking ship. Why would anyone want to board a sinking ship?

He also pretty much abandons any friends at the drop of a hat with the excuse "Hey, that's me! SORRY" while Opie, douchebag that he is, has been able to get some of these guys some (shitty) money

What? Ant's a great friend! A real stand up guy who won't get you a birthday card, a wedding gift, or show up at your funeral when you die tragically young (cuz he's just not into that). Oh and if you work with him for two decades, he'll sell you down the river on a podcast for 50 new subscriptions after holding a 20-year bitch grudge about an ex-girlfriend. He's a great guy!

Wait, whose funeral did Ant skip out on? I'm not trying to sound like a dick. I'm just curious.

I'm not certain about this, but I believe it was Steve C's funeral he skipped. I think he missed Patrice's too.

Exactly. He's the entertainment equivalent of radioactive waste. Let's look at who boarded his Titanic: guys who demonstrably needed money (LoS) and didn't have the wherewithal to market their own show (too busy getting high), and Cumia's ideological twin who is also regarded as corporate poison, can't hold down a job and has nowhere to go. The two of them lost million- and billion-dollar dream jobs multiple times. They're angry, frightened alcoholics who feel like they've been victimized when they are their own victims. Of course they cling to each other. They probably blow each other. They have no one else.

The loser in this, potentially, is LoS who may get painted with the same brush as Cumia and McInnes, which could effectively finish them both together and individually. Cumia and McInnes pretty much have nothing left to lose and they know it--and both are heavily self-destructive and on a downward trajectory.


And a cat, and dinosaur.