What Opie sounded like when talking about True Romance this morning

17  2015-06-29 by OrangeManhehe


I thought he was pathetic for JUST stumbling onto the 30for30 films only few yrs after they were out.But this nigga made my nerves tighten when he JUST finally watched True Romance. I hate him.

Did he have the brilliant observation that the Dennis Hopper -Christopher Walken scene was "good"?

And also that Patricia Arquette use to be really good looking but has now gotten older, and people don't look as good when they age and it makes him sad.

That's fucking amazing insight, this is why they pay him the big, big money hat0rz!


Im starting to feel sick to my stomach just thinking of that chameleon with Tits trying to be cool bringing up this (obvious) classic flick for discussion. He really really is empty noise.

Erock has had a bit the last several weeks on his show where he is giving away the 'Opie movie collection' - tons of DVDs Opie cleaned out from his apartment move that he didn't want anymore. When Erock gives one away (and there are apparently 80-some DVDs) he comments on the condition. The majority are totally unopened, and the quality and quantity of classic movies/shows given away so far that have never been watched is staggering. STAGGERING.

He hasn't watched GOT, Breaking Bad, or Walking Dead. He has watched the voice and keeping up with the kardasians. He's a hunk of shit.

It's because he can't follow a driven narrative with multiple characters who speak properly. He just watches people he can judge and feel like he's better than.

He must have thought it was White Boy Day. It ain't White Boy Day, is it?

Now it makes sense why he totally ignored all the True Romance references Anthony and Jim made over the years...

Everyone that has ever been in the studio has riffed on Platoon..except Tits.

You would think that after 20 years Tits would have watched it to at least get the references every single other person was using.

Yeah it just highlights his apathy towards the show. It's enraging to think he was able to wing an entire career without bothering to make an effort. He thinks he's earned everything because he didn't like doing it! Cunt.

This morning Ope told Adam Nimoy he was "certainly well spoken" Ya think? The man has directed a dozen movies and hit TV shows and that's the best he could come up with? I thought that compliment was reserved for sports talk jocks referring to black athletes.

Thank god I don't listen anymore. I couldn't deal with this level of rage. Nothing gets under my skin more than when they talk dumb shit about movies.

One of my most hated aspects of Rogan, I can't stand when he talks about movies on his show. He turns into Opie for like 6 minutes.

Rogan wouldn't shut the fuck up about Rise of the Planet of the Apes. And Avatar. He did like Ex Machina a lot, which surprised me because his taste is usually so bad.

I liked Ex Machina. The disco dance sequence is still one of my favorite scenes of 2015 so far.

How about Jimmy saying it wasn't considered a "great film" - umm, it's on best movies of all time lists, it got 92% positive on RT, the critics loved it. Film fans have always loved it. It's a great film. Listening to them talk about movies is still not nearly as infuriating as MUSIC TALK.

Because, as Opie said, it was too violent. As if that's some sort of prevention from keeping a movie being considered great. He's such a dope. Think of how many unanimously great movies have excessive violence in them - Taxi Driver, Saving Private Ryan, Pulp Fiction. The list can go on and on. How was he so good at math and science if he is incapable of drawing correlations and thinking logically about stuff like this?

It isn't considered to be a great film because it isn't. It's an ok film that shows whoever wrote it had great potential.

Of course it's not a great film. It's disjointed, directed by Ridley's baby bro and has Christian Slater in it. It is however hugely entertaining and with Tarantino's input, a kind of a guilty pleasure.

It's an above average film with some good scenes. I wouldn't say it's among the greats.

probably could have been better in another directors hands. Scott insisted on changing the ending, how ever the casting is top notch. I think I read on here that David Chase cast gandolfini in sopranos from his role in true romance.

They had Alan Cranston on more than once during Breaking Bad and other cast members the week of the final episode. Anthony admitted later he never watched a minute of it after blowing smoke up their asses the entire time. I call that shitty.

That's not true at all. I don't know when he started watching, but Ant was pretty active in his Breaking Bad fandom by season 5.

And who the fuck is Alan Cranston?

Also a good question.

I love this place. Always a giggle just around the corner on a daily basis.