Gregg goofing around in NYC. Hillairiously mediocre & good showcase of his inability to create original content.

11  2015-06-28 by smokinswindler


Fuck Opie with his "I'm a lifelong Regular Joe New Yorker, this city's got a million people with a million stories!" persona

It is almost sad. He is a 52 year old multimillionaire that wanders the streets of NYC recording what he does in desperation of a viral video. Really, who does this? I have never even posted a YouTube video, let alone even want one that is "viral".

Meanwhile, his wife that is 2 decades younger is at home in the $7 million home with 2 children, one named after a river. She is on the hot side, especially considering the age difference. I would almost feel bad for this freak were he not such a toxic narcissist. Add to it the bore fest that is Opie Radio, and I am surprised he has not hanged himself.

he is too oblivious to commit suicide. if he examined his life, he wouldn't behave this awfully to begin with.

narcissists don't commit suicide

i'd like to follow that cunt around town for 20 mins with a camera in his face.Wonder how he would handle that!

I wonder how much footage of wandering around he has that didn't get posted? I bet there's hours and hours of banality like this that he's recorded in a desperate attempt to capture the next viral sensation.

What the fuck was that

did anyone find the dollar bill he let loose in times square?

"Spread the word....." (bows hooded head as camera eerily pans away).

The fact that that video didn't lead to an unprecedented soul-crushing trashing is the single best proof of Greggshells.

"Spread the turd....." (rubs shit on his face)


And hilariously, he chose not to film the only thing that would have been interesting, because he's an idiot: 1:17:53

Every few months he tries to make "donger" happen. No one goes along with it.

He actually said "rock on".

what an annoying asshole.