This guy

37  2015-06-28 by Lilcumia


Anthony is turning into a bigger cunt every day.

To think I used to wash his balls. He is letting his real fans down.

I don't even recognize this Anthony anymore, I am a listener since WNEW, not one you new fucking fruits, Louie or Patrice worshippers that infiltrated this sewer, so I am qualified to make this assumption.

Anthony, get the fuck off of twitter, it is ruining you.

You sound like a hipster.

not one you new fucking fruits

He was a listener before it was cool

so I am qualified to make this assumption.

ew, go practice that speech infront of a mirror, faggot.

It was probably a self-fulfilling prophecy, but a part of Anthony's soul died when he was fired. He feels victimized by the SJW's out there, and it's hard to be funny when you feel like a victim. That is why he's been a SJWW (social justice warrior warrior) ever since and not a comedian.

On WNEW, he didn't even say he was a republican until the Bush/Gore election when he said he was voting for Bush. I remember because I think it was the first time as a kid that someone I thought was funny said they were a republican

You don't have to be a fan for very long to realize this.

It's what happens to pardon hikes when they get old. Apparently the predictive text doesn't do paedophiles!

Heavy burtation

It's just a circular thing

A: this is my opinion B: that is the opinion of an asshole A: don't censor me! Free speech B: but it's free speech to call you an asshole

The Internet is just constant version of that same conversation over & over again

It's hilarious how the same people who yell about people needing to have thicker skin always respond to criticism with "What, so I can't say xxxxx?"

They just don't seem to be able to differentiate being yelled at back from the idea that they "can't" say what they're saying. It makes them such little victim-wannabe pussies.

But you literally can't say it when the punishment for saying it means you get fired from your job. If that's the case, then we have a de facto ban on free speech. Doesn't matter if the government allows it.

This is a decent point, particularly when people who don't even listen/watch something threaten the sponsors or the platform.

The thing is, Ant is his own platform now, and his "sponsors" are unthreatenable. The only form of "intolerance" he's subject to is people not wanting to listen anymore, which is completely valid.


It's not about saying shit. It's the actions that follow the shit that's said.

What? Ant can't tolerate anyone's opinion that is contrary to his. If someone tweets him something that he can't agree with, he will engage in an argument with them straight away, trying to change their mind or prove them wrong.

The hypocrisy is laughable on both parts.

What? Ant can't tolerate anyone's opinion that is contrary to his. If someone tweets him something that he can't agree with, he will engage in an argument with them straight away, trying to change their mind or prove them wrong.

That's not really what intolerance means. Blocking people and calling them liberal fuckheads would be intolerance (which he also does, so you could have just gone with that).

Yeah, on the radio he should have always said, "I respect your opinion and we'll leave it at that" while dead air fills the airwaves.

The arguing and trying to prove someone wrong is what drives the discussions, whether it's on the radio or Twitter or whatever.

Ant was making a point in that tweet about his viewpoints not being tolerated, despite the fact that he is intolerant of anyone who's views don't align with this.

That was my only point - the hypocrisy of what he was saying.

Ant getting into it with callers was normally great to listen to, regardless of whether I agreed with him or not.

How did you get that from what I said?

I don't think it's the same thing. When he disagrees with someone, he argues with them. When someone disagrees with people like him, they try to figure out a way to name and shame them.

Oh. So Ant should pretend he's not a talk show host.

Being intolerant of others opinions, would be to block, try to get fired, or tell them to shut up. Arguing is literally tolerating the others opinion and trying to counter it

No. Tolerating would be to just let other people's opinions be and to allow those people to have those opinions unchallenged. Trying to counter something is, by definition, not tolerant.

Ant is not tolerant of other people's views yet he tweets about he his views aren't tolerated. Either you're a blind Ant-follower who can't accept any hypocrisy on his part, or you're just not intelligent enough to grasp what basic words and actions mean. So, here you go, pay attention now...


  1. allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one dislikes or disagrees with) without interference.

..."without interference" is the part I'm referring to in case you couldn't grasp that either.

No. Tolerating would be to just let other people's opinions be and to allow those people to have those opinions unchallenged. Trying to counter something is, by definition, not tolerant.

That's absolutely not what tolerance means, particularly when it comes to tolerance of opinions. If a debate is held on a college campus, both opinions are being "tolerated" insofar as they are being permitted to make their case.

Or are you suggesting that whenever anyone attempts to persuade someone or engage in a discussion, they are being intolerant?

Wait so having an opposing opinion is interfering with the initial opinion? If Ant was intolerant of other people's views he would interfere by shouting them down(O'Reilly style), trying to have them silenced, or blocking their views all together. If I tell you that "The one and true God will punish you for your sins." and you respond with "No, that isn't how that works" You aren't being intolerant, you are disagreeing. SJWs pull the intolerant card

I can't believe I used to think this guy was smart.

This might be the dumbest thing he's ever said, and you just know that he thinks it's a brilliant position.

"You don't tolerate my intolerance so nothing you say matters. #IMTHEPROBLEM2015"

what about that time he said no niggers in nasa

hahaha I remember when everyone on here used to go on about how intelligent and "well read" Ant is.

Anthony shows the true difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowing how a lot of things work but no critical thinking and social skills.

Ant never gave the impression he read anything. He had tons of TV knowledge, but no depth.

"I know a little bit about [two] things"

I just meant in terms of Guns N Ammo back issues.

Anthony is a crushing bore. Why the fuck would anyone be following him on Twitter at this point?

He's making a fool of himself.

If you tolerate this then your children will be next, is what I've always said on this subject.

Good reference

He's reached a point where even I can't tolerate his nonsense. He's at the point where he's only arguing for the right wing talking points.

He's really starting to annoy the fuck out of me now with this garbage.

Only now?

"But they kept sayin' tolerate this, tolerate that, so I said yeah sure, why not?"

That "about a piece o' shit" old racist pedophile is a fucking barrel of laughs, aint he?

"Tolerate my intolerance or YOU'RE the real bigot!"

I'll repeat from an earlier post about much the same. an excerpt from a creative meeting at Casa de Cumia

""Is there some controversy here? Will this get the blogosphere a yappin? Will they put me on Hannity for this crazy tweet? Everything offends me/nothing offends me. This is an outrage. It's no big deal. Hello! Notice me! My income depends on it! I'll say anything!"

He's learning quick from cheesedick Gavin and in the process losing all the remaining shreds of authenticity.

PS: the Opester is still a cornball, legit retarded person too. "Hate" (or in my casethe dissapointment of watching the slow death of something once great) is not mutually exclusive.

"everything offends me/nothing offends me"

what the actual fuck are you talking about? anthonys twitter hasnt changed in 6 years. he posts some pics of the tv show hes watching, then wars with lefties. i dont find comics on twitter funny anyway, so i dont give a shit what he does myself.

What the fuck is this creep even talking about anymore.

and next they will come for your guns Anthony

lol stupid old white guy thinking the slippery slope is real :-)

That would be hilarious if they did.



another spot on tweet from Sir Anthony Cumia. All ya'll a bunch of faggots.

Another unfunny tweet from Sir Anthony Cumia, faggot.

You were probably on his lawn

He's such an angsty teen.

This sub is filled with liberals now.

He's right.


I'm not sure...but it seems that this sub apparently doesn't like Ant's political and social views. Better start another 10 posts all saying the same things to complain about a guy saying the same things.

This one sounds drunker than usual. It looks like Bobo trying to do an Ant impersonation.

Faggots getting butthurt. You guys new to the show?

Thanks for pointing that out. These noobs should know Ant gets butthurt over this faggotry endlessly.

Yeah, on the radio he should have always said, "I respect your opinion and we'll leave it at that" while dead air fills the airwaves.

The arguing and trying to prove someone wrong is what drives the discussions, whether it's on the radio or Twitter or whatever.

what about that time he said no niggers in nasa

Being intolerant of others opinions, would be to block, try to get fired, or tell them to shut up. Arguing is literally tolerating the others opinion and trying to counter it

What? Ant can't tolerate anyone's opinion that is contrary to his. If someone tweets him something that he can't agree with, he will engage in an argument with them straight away, trying to change their mind or prove them wrong.

That's not really what intolerance means. Blocking people and calling them liberal fuckheads would be intolerance (which he also does, so you could have just gone with that).