When Jimmy bashed the mentally ill, he was describing Opie without Tits realizing it

0  2015-06-28 by L0rdDougmanWGodspeed


I could never tell if he was doing that intentionally.

But Anthony totally implies its Opie at 7:30

He also described himself and Anthony.

Also I wish he'd stop calling people "brother." Yuck.

"You're speakin' my langusssshh. You're speaking my languashh"

UGH. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. First of all, you don't fucking talk like that. Stop trying to sound cool. Second, hes doing the same shit they talk about. I ME I I I ME MYSELF AGREE ME AGREE MEEEE. God, he is SO fucking terrible.

Every time the subject of mentally ill people making everything about "ME ME ME" comes up Opie quickly makes it about himself.