Haven't been following TACS or O&J for a few months, what the hell is going on?

0  2015-06-27 by smittyDX


O and J is boring, they overuse guest hosts sometimes having them on for the whole week, Opie and Jim have no chemistry somehow, but they have some good guests sometimes.

TACS is a disaster. The majority of it is Anthony's race obsession or politics obsession, he has no name guests, occasionally has people like Vos on, is drunk every day. It's really a joke. He's been exposed as a liar about new studios and getting people like Ron on the show but people are still holding out hope.

And Erock was finally released from captivity and rolled back into the ocean.

This is the best comment posted here in months

Erock was shit-canned?

Damn, that sucks. Hopefully they get back together sometime.

Youtube "walking on greggshells". Anthony basically burned the bridge so it's unlikely. Plus opie was terrible anyway, and Ant has devolved beyond the point of no return, the show is dead.

Here is the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzQUNVh_VUM

It's actually a really good watch especially if you've seen how detrimental Opie has been over the years.

Everything sucks and is total shit.

o&j SUCKS tacs is great tho worth every penny even if u dont like ants show gavin + skanks is worth the fee

O&J is definitely the better of the two shows. They have been hitting a stride lately. Anthony's show has had some good episodes but it is becoming more of a guy drinking beer & ranting about race. My friends do that. I can get that for free. Still love Anthony. O&A were better together than apart but give it some time. I am sure both shoes will eventually succeed.

TACS expanded into a network. And signed two amazing podcasts. Legions of Skanks, and Gavin Mcinnes show. Both are amazing.

People just NEED to justify their $7


i guess shilling for gavin show its a full time job, how much do you get paid to do those great "gavin mciness clip of the day".

If you dont get paid remember that hes against gays so he wont give you the butt pounding you want so much.