My god...

23  2015-06-27 by [deleted]


spinny spin-spin, spin spin

I am genuinely embarrassed for ever liking this show or anyone involved in making it.

Spinny Spin Spin! ME: I'm contributing! Doin' a lil of that CON-TENT! A lil of that, a lil of that CONTENT!

Tied for biggest paycheck in the room.

What the fuck was that? And everyone pretended it didn't happen, Patrice kept talking like he heard nothing.



Normally these annoy the shit out of me but this actually made me laugh at how fucking retarded it is.

That is from some kids show he watches. spinny spin spin spin spin the one eyed propella, shuuure.

You know, I'm not so sure about this Opie guy. I'm starting to doubt his qualifications. DAE agree?

On a related note, I was listening to Patrice with Dr. Z, and Opie keeps interrupting what is probably one of the best instances of Patrice ever talking about women. He doesn't seem to know what good radio is, I swear. He's making me furious. This is one of the best episodes of the show and he just keeps on babbling through it by making these horrible jokes. Every time Patrice is on a roll he slows it down, and you can hear Patrice getting annoyed at him. Why does he even like Patrice if he interrupts this? This was who Patrice was at his core.

And another episode, Bill Burr comes in and Patrice was talking about playing black rooms and how he's different from other black people. Probably one of the most true, profound things he'd ever said about race. The differences between "churchy blacks" and "niggas," and how he was one of the "fair blacks." Probably the only time anyone's even come close to saying something like that is the famous Chris Rock bit, but it was much much less subtle in the bit. This was him really talking about how he feels to be this middle of the road guy who doesn't fit into any commonly conceived groups of black people. He brought up the black rooms to make another point about how they were different but Op just cuts him off and we'll never hear about it now.

He says "hey, Billy knows a lot about the nigga rooms, let's talk to him about it," to which Opie replies that they've got tons of guests and need to hold off on the topic. Then they go to break, come back, and talk hockey for 45 minutes. I mean, what the fuck. If podcasting was popular ten years earlier, the amount of actually great Patrice audio would be insane, because it'd be without that fucking awful radio hack. He'd get to really speak about his life.

He says "hey, Billy knows a lot about the nigga rooms, let's talk to him about it," to which Opie replies that they've got tons of guests and need to hold off on the topic.

Gotta get the UFC fighters and the fucking random actresses from whatever generic horror movie just came out in there. Fuck. Patrice...He's dead now, died horribly, and Opie has a great life.

Why does he even like Patrice if he interrupts this? This was who Patrice was at his core.

Opie liked Patrice because he heard good things about him from Jim/Vos/etc. He liked him because he said things that made Ant and Norton (and guests when they were in) break into hysterics. He heard Patrice discuss serious matters that don't get talked about in a way that sounded "deep" to him, so Opie said "Wow" and considered him deep. Also, he was a very large black man who was kind to Opie so Opie enjoyed having him around.

I genuinely don't believe that he understood what was so great about him, and that's true of all great guests they've ever had on the show.



oh my god why did he try it again?

Howard is so much better.

This is his "choo choo" moment.

Moment, you mean, as in, singular?

His choo choo life

He should spinny spin-spin his breasts into bread like braiding dough.

featuring spuds buckley

What's even more embarrassing is Opie ripped that off from that kids show Yo Gabba Gabba.

The humiliating part is the fact that the song is "skippy skip skip skip". Because if it was "spinny spin spin spin", Ant did say that, so at least you can argue that it's an obscure reference & maybe some dad in a minivan got a chuckle. But since it's a parody it's just gibberish

Yeah guys, definitely funnier than TACS.

Opie is just the background noise. These Patrice shows especially, are so much better than TACS.

It really isn't even close. Ant's race talk is just as bad, maybe even worse, than Opie's life. And Jimmy and other comics are there, so no, TACS is much worse.