Bill Burr makes an appearance on the news

82  2015-06-27 by thegrape29


Erock and Roland celebrating the big news.

If Erock is a cow then Roland is at least a hippo, I would say elephant but elephants look like they have some muscle whereas hippos just look like massive tubs of lard.

I hate Roland so much.

the resemblance is uncanny

Hey asshole, Erock is a dinozaur.

I laughed harder than I should have

Holy hell, that's hilarious!

Mitch English sounds like a Jimmy character.


Which one was Nia?

They're at a dairy farm, not a zoo.

Jeeesus, Joe.

You mean the lovely, beautiful, and talented Nia?

You forgot the two Gs.

yeah, she's talented alright. I love her work as Bill Burr's wife.

You forgot the two Gs.

yeah, she's talented alright. I love her work as Bill Burr's wife.