Not to sound like a jew

17  2015-06-26 by DickBloodRed

Saw Norton was coming to Houston. Was discouraged when I saw it was at the House of Blues but the 48.75 price tag a ticket made me put my card back in my wallet. I am pretty sure he mentioned not to long ago how he likes to keep the tickets under 30... could be wrong. I go to comedy shows simi regularly but that shit is ridiculous.

Forgot to mention standing room only....


$48.75 to see a worm.

A blinky, awkward, unfunny worm.

Doing a weird, pacing, half-crouching, bad posture thing that implies he's really intense, and has had enough! But does anybody remember the jokes?

DeRosa pays less for his snuff films.

That's a lot of money to go see some guy on radio do an average attempt at his side gig.

It's the House of Blues, they jack up all the prices. They fucking suck. Although you can blame him for going there, not sure what else is around.

There is a Improv and a independent comedy club. But yea HoB is garbage.

RIP Laff Stop


Wantagh comedy for Branson prices.

I remember getting pissy when doors for Louis and Stanhope started creeping over $15. "Who does this fucker think he is? Charo? I'm only buying six beers."

You kids have it rough.

I saw Brian Regan for $30, he fucking KILLED it

You paid $30 for a cup of dirt.

I too like Reagan

Oy vey !!!

Greed is a motherfucker

I saw Tim Allen in Hollywood a month or so back and it cost me 39.99, the fact Norton is charging more, and in Houston (not L.A. where he's known for Leno) is a bit hilarious in and of itself

Edit: Don't ask me why I saw Tim Allen

So how was the toolman?

Actually surprisingly good. Wasn't as family friendly as I expected him to be, had a lot of adult-themed jokes and had the crowd going most of the time

being a kid who grew up watching Home Improvement religiously, it was kind of a big deal

You wrote an Edit without actually editing, and then, when someone asks you about it, you tell them. What the fuck was the point? Reddit circlejerk points?

I did edit my post, do you want me to e-mail and call reddit and ask why there isn't a star next to my post you little fag?

Why did you see Ti--...oh.

I saw him last year in Baltimore. He was funny, but barely said anything I haven't heard before from amateurs at open mics; jokes about pop culture and tinder. Definitely not worth almost $50.

50 bucks to see Jim Norton? Holy shit. i saw him in 2013 for $18

If theres no minimum drinks then youd be paying what you'd pay for a 25-30 dollar show.

I would be getting drinks for my girl and myself. If I remember beers at HoB Houston are 9 bucks.

Jimmy HAAAAAAATES standing room only and insists NEVER to do that to his shows!

Only if they don't give him 30 percent raise

Kenny, get out there with your clicker and count every last one of those standing motherfuckers!

That should be the price for two to see a mediocre comedy act.

I dunno...on the one hand, I've never seen Jimmy live before...on the other hand, I'm hesitant to pay fucking $50 on general principle. I'm seeing Danzig next month for $30, and he's playing with four other bands. House of Blues can eat ass.

"You ever notice that gay butts the porn sex in the news?" * blinks, nods, and walks across stage *

I think you meant, encouraged and semi-regularly. As for the show, just listen to OnJ. I'm sure it's all the same shit he talked about for the past 6 months. Caitlin, ISIS, pilitical correctness..


Any idea what a gig like that actually pays the comic? What do you think Norton earns at a place like the Chuckle Hut in Pittsburgh?

I don't know that actual Jewery has anything to do with not wanting to be $50 a ticket to see Norton.

You can see Jim Jefferies or Louis for about 40 bucks. That's pretty crazy that Jimmy is askin for more than those guys.

I payed a bunch of fawkin money to see Louie's big red pekkah.



If you're not a fan you're not a fan. That's ok

Found a discount through groupon.

Fucking buy the ticket!! I bought mine

50 bucks to stand around... only if somebody is kneeling infront of me.

Just yell "monster rain."


soz man, you sound like a jew.


Cheap Jew fuck.

Happy Passover you heeb, nothing like celebrating a holiday where everyone but Jews are killed, you Abraham fuckers have no right to bitch about Nazi genocide considering what passover means.

Pay the money, tape it, then put it on you tube with ads, if you are going to be a fucking shylock at least make money on it.

lol, bring up blood libel, while you are at it.

Joe Derosa did not teach me about that yet, next weeks episode is on why they all have big noses, then the blood libel.

You have to keep it in order.

To be honest, I did offer good advice on how to be an even bigger shylock, his parents should teach him that, but it is a free lesson from the Gentile.

Put a good word in for me with the big guy.

Kenny, get out there with your clicker and count every last one of those standing motherfuckers!