All I hear when Sherrod is on...

62  2015-06-26 by boomstick420


And I'm hack ya'll

Somebody posted a clip about Marc Maron's talking about how he likes black tea and Small reflexively blurted out, "AFRICAN AMERICAN TEA, MOTHERFUCKER!"

How corny. You're black. We get it.

The weird thing is that Sherrod tries very few times to make a joke on O&J. Like, he literally does not even make the attempt, he just kinda contributes occasionally. But when he does go for a joke, it's always, always some sort of double-entendre thing involving being black. It's a hugely noticeable crutch for him.

You're 100% right. He doesn't make jokes, yet some people on this sub will still say they like him. He just says "absolutely" when Opie tries to make a point.

He's used to white libs seal clap at every highlight over racial difference, the more congratulatory towards black the more "hilarious" the jokes becomes. I'd post that Simpsons clip about him that has been posted so often.

It's not a crutch, it's his entire professional career.

Shuckin' and jivin' for Ope's approval.

He's obnoxious. I liked him at first but his shtick gets old VERY quickly.

His aggressive, big negro in the room attitude is the antithesis of comedy. Talking over everyone, and constantly putting it out there that you're the Alpha in the room isnt a trait of a comedian. It just makes you come across as being rude and unlikable.

Ive never seen his act but im betting hes had sex with many stools on stage.

Love Kurt/Race Wars, but can get the sense that even he is getting a little tired of chaining that portion his career to that retro minstrel act. How many times can you make the "sorry I did this that or the other when referring to something/someone else" joke? Dude is draining.

"So I got mugged the other day walking through Central Park..."

Sherrod : "Oh that was you? my bad!"

He does use that way too much.

This I agree with. Definitely one of his go-to's.

Hey cmon Sherrod is cool, he calls people money and stuff

Ever heard of a guy named Patrice O'Neal?

if you cant see the world of distinction from the most spontaneously funny person ever and the shameless predictable pandering of sherrod, i truly feel bad for you.

I do see the difference. But the things you're complaining about perfectly described Patrice.

Patrice was charming and idiotic and funny, Sherrod is pathetic and desperate and never funny.

Yeah... didn't say Patrice wasn't funny.

I agree. Patrice should have learned to sit his ass down every now and then.

This is why he's a nigger rather then a black guy.

He's not Dante Nero, you fucking idiot.

Sherrod is hyper-ADD and a a bit too cornball shuckey and jivey.

When he tried to say that Patrice sent him for Ant on TAC. I died a little inside. He is the housiest of podcasting 3rd mic negros.

He was saying that Patrice sent him to be Ant's replacement Public Relations Black Friend, not to be as good as Patrice.

He tries way too damn hard to be heard, but doesn't try hard enough to be funny. His jokes are always so obvious, literal and corny. Comedy doesn't seem natural to the guy. His whole schtick seems to be that he's a black guy with irrational confidence. HIs jokes aren't funny enough for a junior high lunch table

Chris Rock's (black) cousin

And yet he fluffs unfunny white guys for a living. Everywhere he goes, he sucks white dick. All that race talk is to repress what a natural cornball he is.

Sherrod is like a 10 year old trying to impersonate Patrice, he catches all the race angles without the jokes.

He is a black Amy Schumer, instead of "look at my tits" it's "look at my skin color"

Another protected class getting a career in comedy being a protected class.

I used to like Sherrod, until Opie burned him like an old cassette tape, stretched it out, now those great songs sound like shit. (edit: child of the 80s)

I'm black y'all, and I'm black, y'all and I'm bliggity black black and I'm black, y'all!!

Some of my favorite lyrics.

I miss Patrice. Listened to the Louie Beans episode for the first time in years and he was just so fucking funny.

You read Jshohn?

He just comes across as a corny dude.

I'm reminded of Louie's response to Godfrey during Jimmy's birthday show: "Oh I get it, because you're black."

Holy fuck this is hilarious OP

I think I would like the video on it's own but your title has me in stitches

This is perfect

Fawkin homerun OP!

unfunny opie's black punching bag that doesn't fight back. we get it.

Okay now that's funny hahah

He was saying that Patrice sent him to be Ant's replacement Public Relations Black Friend, not to be as good as Patrice.