Anthony's thoughts on gay marriage being legalized

25  2015-06-26 by CuckECheese


He's hoping the age of consent gets lowered to 5 years old.

Anthony "Meryn Trant" Cumia

Ant better stay away from any boy whores with a sword.

Where's that from?

It was a sketch from Jimmy's terrible VICE show.

I had erased that from my memory.

That sketch was pretty funny. (Uncle Mingle). Kurt Metzger is a phenomenal writer.

The sketch was good. The show was terrible.


shuuure, so he can rub their little bellies.

"The thing with young kids is that they will suck on anything you put near their mouths" -Uncle Anthony

I have no doubt that within 10 years the age of consent will be lowered in the US; not sure how significantly but I'd bet it will be 14-16 nationwide. For the last couple of years I've noticed the beginnings of this movement in editorials in the NY Times and other national publications.

I think it is 16 in some states. Not sssshuuuuure.

The Age of Consent is 16 in the following States:
Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, DC, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Mass, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, NJ, NC, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, RI, SC, SD, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia.

However if you are dating someone under 18 and are in possession of a photo of that person naked, you are in violation of Federal Law and are subject to the following:

  • First time offender convicted of producing child pornography under 18 U.S.C. § 2251, face fines and a statutory minimum of 15 years to 30 years maximum in prison.

  • A first time offender convicted of transporting child pornography in interstate or foreign commerce under 18 U.S.C. § 2252, faces fines and a statutory minimum of 5 years to 20 years maximum in prison.

  • Convicted offenders may face harsher penalties if the offender has prior convictions or if the child pornography offense occurred in aggravated situations defined as (i) the images are violent, sadistic, or masochistic in nature, (ii) the minor was sexually abused, or (iii) the offender has prior convictions for child sexual exploitation. In these circumstances, a convicted offender may face up to life imprisonment.

So you can fuck them but you can't jack off to them? The fuck?



What makes you possibly think it's going to get lowered? The more coddled we are the later we mature mentally. If anything the age of consent is going to go up.

First and foremost is the nationalization of laws that were previously left to the individual States to legislate. Considering the Age of Consent laws vary by State, it's quite possible that they will be challenged in the Courts. This will likely come about through a federal child pornography case where the person in possession of the images/video and the person in the images are both over the age of consent in that State but the individual pictured is under 18. The ultimate result will be a decision that will alter both laws for every State.

Do you think America could stomach something like a 29 year old man dating a 14 year old boy? I think it has more to do with the gay angle than heteros

Nope. However it's no different than when O&A used to highlight cases of student-teacher sex where the attractive female teacher almost always gets a slap on the wrist and the ugly female teachers & all the male teachers are given the maximum prison term.

What was the clip where Jimmy pointed out that Anthony does everything in his life based on whether or not he'd be considered a faggot? It's incredibly accurate, I'm surprised he didn't bring it up more often

His dad is to blame for everything he is. Forced him to have sex at just 13 with the village slut, constantly called him a faggot or at very least made him fear doing anything that would constitute being one, and then there's the race stuff that was handed down from both his parents. Looking at these in perspective you can't blame the guy for his upbringing.

Which is kind of sad. Anthony's a smart mother fucker. In another universe he probably cured cancer.

Well you can break the lineage, It's hard but it's worth it.

Plenty of guys live like this to different extremes. Thats normal

I dont see anything wrong with this?

"Anthony doesn't do funny anymore" is hot right now, so we pretend that nothing he says is a joke.

We should be complaining how lazy the joke is, because that's how he's actually been fucking up lately. Only Vos gets a hack pass. Anthony has to work, make "old queens making out" into "retired plumbers in Golden Girls wigs re-enacting 'V-J Day in Times Square' on the courthouse steps" or something.

(I feel like I stole that joke from Colin.)

Nobody implied there was anything wrong with it?

oh...ok, good.

Anthony has some fresh takes you guys.

He took some 14 year olds from the mall again?


i mean ant is right young gays dont give a shit about the right to marry all they care about is cock

You're not wrong. According to the latest numbers, we comprise less than 4% of the US population. I'd be shocked if more than 15-20% of us are going to go get married.

Marriage is a failed institution; we shouldn't have fought to get to be part of a failed institution, we should have come up with something better.


And with Darren's help we'll be the #1 most toxic sub!



My facebook feed says otherwise. All the young gays are ecstatic about it. It looks to me that deep down in their minds it legitimizes being gay in American society across the board. Good for them.

He's always said the gays kissing weirds him out. Like in the infamous "I could watch gay sex just not the kissing" incident.

This isn't a new thing for him.

it doesnt necessarily seem like you are..but youre not saying theres anything wrong with saying you dont like to see gays kissing, right?

God damn is this guy a bust on his own. He has nothing with any value to say.

I bet $1mil that he talks about this for two seconds on his show, then references an old T.V. show and plays clips from it instead of saying anything remotely relevant or insightful.

So don't listen retard.

I stopped listening a week ago, tried again Wednesday and it was still the same irrelevant out of touch old man.

Doesn't mean I can't say the things that are true.

What is he supposed to say? It's some obvious shit that in the end means nothing at all

I'll agree with him on this one. I don't really like to see anyone kissing. PDA = gross. And no, it's never two hot girls.


Making monkey noises over clips of rioting black people, and sitting in a hot tub with a girl who looks like she is being held hostage is so much better.

Opinion noted, but no one gives a fuck, and besides it would give you a week of hate rants, so fucking embrace it.

Maybe when you get real teeth and hair you can shit on people, your bank account has inflated your ego.


2015-06-26 17:11:15 UTC

I don't care if gays get married but I'm not looking forward to the endless clips of old queens making out on the news for the next week.

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This was pretty funny, I liked it. Shit gave me energy.

Oh no, he said something about gays! You should have included a trigger warning for the users of this sub.


2015-06-26 20:02 UTC

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Ol' pissy eyes will shed a tear when he sees the first pair of queens making out.

He'll just be sad it's not him and Richard.

Everyone's favorite HuffPo already has a giant picture of two old bull dykes kissing on the front page. At first glance I thought it was Hillary Clinton and Roger Ebert.



That was ... better than i expected honestly. Reasonable.

See the problem here is that he's watching the news.

He's just angry because it reminds him of his failed relationship with Gregg.

Wow, he's really pandering to his audience of bigoted cunts.

how can you read the words "I don't care" and find it contrary to the "not caring person" he was before.?

If he said it on the air I'd absolutely laugh, but he tweeted it -- his Twitter focus hasn't been on being funny in months, rather it's an endless battle with people different than him; so with that in mind it comes across different.

He stated literally the same opinion he's always stated.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Anthony has always stated he supports gay marriage. He has always also stated he cannot stand watching men make out with men. Most straight men cannot. He has NEVER said he was not pro gay marriage.

Stop letting you being gay make you so fucking sensitive.

Fags always had a right to marry, it just had to be someone of the opposite sex to make any kind of sense for society. It's hilarious seeing the "who's the groom and bride" question arise each time as it acknowledged the pretend sham nature of this entire thing.

Have a civil union if you want benefits or make simple contracts, but we all know and by your own admission too that gays don't want to partake in marriage, on the whole, and this is about shoving degeneracy in the face of America.

degeneracy in the face of America

Funny, considering the rest of civilized non-hayseed minded America finds you and your kind to be degenerates. Your schizoid post barely made sense, just die you moral thumping retard.

I didn't care much until I realized how bothered cock suckers like you would be. Haw-haw.

Your username is ellenpaosdirtycooch and you are complaining about other people being degenerates. Think about how much of a retard that makes you, just for one second.

You are so autistic you should take it on tour.

I'm not going to make fun of that awful attempt at humor because I'm sure going through life unfunny and stupid has been pretty rough on you.

Yawn. Did mommy tell you to say that to mean kids?


I like how he had to add the "old queens" comment at the end to keep his "Conservative Bizarro SJW" audience appeased

Or it could have just been a joke.

He's joked about that for years. Gus and Elmer. Damn, we're a bunch of over-reaching retards on this sub now.


Lol, Ant doesn't "joke" anymore

I thought this was an ok joke. Good enough for a throwaway tweet.

you would know right? RIGHT?

I think what he's saying is if it's a couple of young twinks making out, it's totally hot. Anthony prefers both pussy and cock that's barely legal, we all know that.

i think he was saying what he thought, and that was about it.