Guess Jim reeeeaaalllyy doesn't like being known as co-host of this show

4  2015-06-26 by Lilcumia


I said this before and got shit. He doesn't want his name on the show because he wants an out. It's much easier for him to leave next year if he doesn't have to get a guilt trip from Opie about breaking up the Opie and Jimmy Show. He can always say, "hey man, it's your gig and it's going in a creative direction that I'm not comfortable with." Then move on to Ant's show where they can go back to being funny.

He said the same thing long before Anthony got himself fired.

I don't remember that, but if he did, it was probably because he thought Louis or Gervais would bring him to Hollywood and he could leave easier. He knows that won't happen now...

I remember him saying that while Anthony was still around. My guess is he wants to be "standup comedian and radio host" not "radio host and comedian." In the past he was very proud to say that he made more money from standup than he did from the radio show.

good point

I HOPE Jimmy goes back to being funny; he's started to become much more cranky than usual lately. I used to enjoy listening to his advice show, but the past two episodes were really lame...the last one was unlistenable: he's developed a habit of sniffing on mic incessantly. Between that and his twerky behavior of late, I suspect he's been doing cocaine.

The crankiness goes hand in had with having to work so closely with tits.

You're being downvoted by all the truckers who cry about jimmy "not having any integrity" and meanwhile they think they're rebels for sleeping ten minutes longer than the time they set aside for a break and pumping gas into a trash can so they can get that free hot dog with their purchase of 15 gallons of gas

I am with you on the "integrity vs paycheck" thing, but on the other hand, Jim Norton has ranted about it so much.

Jim Norton has ranted about it so much

Yeah that's true and I can't really refute it in any way.


That's Super Troopers, sir.

I was waiting for someone to know that was Farva


If that's true, then why on Wednesday's show did he have to stand by Opie after what Rich Vos said, then tweet that Vos had nothing to apologize for 24 hours later.

Enough of this tug-of-war shit. Save Jimmy or Fuck Jimmy?

because he doesn't want to make his time there miserable. He saw what happened after OnA's fights and he knows that Opie is a baby.

If I recall correctly, his most recent Time article had a byline that neglected to mention his role on the radio show and only said he's a comedian and host of a Vice show. I thought that was very telling.

he never mentions it. its not even in his Twitter bio.

His bone of contention doesn't seem to be with whether his name is attached to the show, but whether the word "and" or "with" is used.

Yip. "And" would imply its his show.


So the unfunny black guy is Sherrod? They must keep him on there as racial bulletproof jacket.