Lady Di's dream bathroom

22  2015-06-26 by GRIZx


"No no that's not my bathroom"

Bullshit! I bet you have 20 of these in your bathroom.

I always liked that she was such a piece of shit she wouldn't even vomit in the toilet. She had to make her vile vomit clog up the sink.

In Lady Di news she's decided not to go to the inpatient rehab thing afterall. More when we have it.

She didn't go? What a shocker.

Where did you find this info? I creep on her Twitter pretty regularly and didn't see that she bailed on the rehab.

check her tweets to people.

Good god. She really is a thick headed water buffaler.

Dr Steve also confirmed it on his podcast. Said he would stop taking her calls, too

She's been like 1 natural ice away from a heart attack/liver failure for the last 5 yrs, I don't know how she's even still alive

She's a human cockroach.

She would just need the toilet placed right in front of it, so she can evacuate both ends at once.

That's terrific. That's terrific.

I know the Lady Di thing is a sad situation, but she's seriously one of the least like able people I've ever been exposed to. Her mess of an internship was basically radio gold. That being said, this bathroom had to have been made with her in mind! Haha


seems like it might be Big Jay's bathroom too.

When will Lady Di end up whacking her head like Tipppy Toe Tommy???

I never understood the fascination with tippy Tom and his petrified turds, however I found him marginally more tolerable than twitchels.

No no no, I do not barf in the sink.
