Jimmy Acknowledges that the Term 'Faggot' is Associated with Violence Toward Homosexuals

20  2015-06-25 by dehydrationstation

From time immemorial, Opie, Anthony and Jimmy have staunchly maintained that the term 'faggot' was simply a synonym for 'wimp' or 'pussy' or 'wuss'. According to them, it never had an overt homosexual connotation.

However, on the June 25th show, in discussing the term 'tranny' with The Secret Girls, Jim finally let it slip that 'faggot' is indeed associated with violence toward homosexuals.

It's official. The new morning zoo name for the show is Wake Up with Hypocrisy & Backpedal.


Its also associated with the lifestyle of most posters here.


When I finish swallowing this load I'm gonna give you a stern talking to.

Hoo hoo

I invented oral sex, Robin.

Very true.

Got me

Reported for homophobia.

Yeah... Or it's 2015 and this is the stance you have to take unless you want to just do a show for a few thousand right wing maniacs from your basement.

Bill Burr and Louis CK have both defended usage of the word faggot for those reasons, and even a reality denying liberal faggot like you might struggle to dismiss them as right wing maniacs with a basement dwelling fanbase.

There are exceptions to everything. Burr and Louie are legends of comedy.

Adrian Peterson hit his kid in the balls with a switch and is playing in the league this year. Ray Rice punched a drunk bitch in the face and the NFL would like you to think he died of Aids. Norton is at the level of the latter.

You can say im denying reality all you want, but you're doing just that if you think that guy working from his basement wishes he could erase a few twitter posts from history RIGHT OR WRONG. Stern could have gotten away with what Ant did... Ant couldn't.

if this is really something we all have to accept, comedy is done within 20 years.

Welcome to our beautiful future

This is the future of comedy. I suggest only watching about 20-25 seconds of this, it's incredibly infuriating. But this is the sort of new age comedian the Comedy Central will be pushing on us from now on.

Thankfully, we still have HBO and Netflix, hopefully they don't succumb to the pc pressure like cable tv has.

I got to 40 seconds and developed an irrational and unprovoked hatred for minorities and homosexuals. Is this normal?

and Jews. don't forget Jews.

Lmao, HBO and Netflix? They are pushing the gay agenda with a fucking vengeance. I like a lot of their shows but come the fuck on.

Every time you log into netflix now they push their top fag show on you in their biggest banner. I try to watch episodes of Sopranos - boom new fag show advertisement to start it off with some lisping queer.

I heard a Home Depot commercial on the radio with a lisping queer talking too. This is the new America.

You're being sarcastic but your username made me laugh so I'll let it slide.

I'm not.

I was talking more in regards to showing stand ups like Louie, Burr and even Colin had that big HBO special a couple of years ago.

I honestly don't see any agenda being pushed by either company. Unless you consider Game of Thrones gay for showing a penis every once in a while. If that's the case you're just looking for something to be mad about.

Normal Heart, that Liberace movie, and the way they shoehorn in gay characters to most of their shows.

Also I'm not mad, I'm just saying.

BTW saying someone's looking for reasons to get mad on this sub of all places is fucking hilarious. All anybody does here is wait for Opie to say or do something shitty.

Drama queen

regular queen

Take away a word and you give it power. "Fuck" has no power anymore. It used to be something your mom would hit you for saying but I see kids today in public saying it all the time.

Humanity wants to do "wrong" stuff, on some level. The most taboo word you can say, #1 with a bullet is "Nigger", and I see a lot of honkey whiteboys screaming it in place of an obscenity, when they stub their toe or fuck up on a video game. Give "fuck" a few years and it'll basically be like "crap" or "heck".

"Faggot" is #2 as of right now. I think that as a result of that, other groups are trying to push "their" word. Everyone wants to be empowered. I must be a right wing shithead, since we're name calling now, but god damn I don't see it going somewhere good.

The only humor that won't be chastised in 20 years is goddamn animal image macro memes. The road to dystopia is paved with good intentions.

#3 has gotta be "retard," right?

I don't know, it's either that or cunt.

I agree with you 100%. I'm getting bashed to hell, but I don't like it this way, the censorship the "words have power" attitude sucks... But it's a fact that this is the world we live in.

Here in Yurop we use English when talking to people from other Yurop countries mostly and use nigger, faggot and retard without any problems in regular conversations. And no, i am not running in any kind of stormfront circles either. USA is a ridiculous place on so many levels.

Yeah you guys just get arrested for mentioning the Nazis...

Is that what you've been told? awww, how cute.

As a 27 year old i can confidently say that 2015 sucks, my generation sucks and the past was better. If you take all most oppressed groups around from blacks to LGBTQIAGTR's you get less than 17% of the population. 17% of the population is somehow being allowed to completely control contemporary culture.

And it's not even ALL of the 17%! There are people in all those groups who have a fucking brain and get reality. Strange fucking times we live in.

Yes it does, it's funny people getting bent out of shape like I want it this way... I don't, but it is what it is.

O&J is less popular than O&A have ever been since their Boston days.

Still has 10x the daily listeners to the alternative.

What alternative? Anthony never thought he was going to be as big as the O&A show.


kill yourself, faggot

That's the way to prove me wrong.

He'd say anything for tranny cock.

One thing to say it is offensive and a bit of a dick thing to say to homosexuals, but to say it encourages violence. Fuck off, you faggot.

In fairness, "associated with" and "encourages" mean two utterly different things.

But...but...he was in that Louie scene!

I liked the general thread of that scene (gay comedian earnestly describing his life experience through which he's come to associate the word "faggot" with people eager to stomp on his face; fellow comics sympathize but still like the word too much to drop), but one part has really irked me for years.

His etymology of "faggot" is objectively wrong and makes no sense. Homosexuals weren't deemed worthy of a stake, so they just threw them in with the burning faggots? The stake wasn't an honor; it was to keep you from running away and jumping in a lake or lighting everyone else's clothes on fire.

When they used to have that discussion & Opie used to say "we would say faggot all the time, but we weren't talking about gays! We didn't even know what gay was!" That was horseshit

I grew up on the 80s & 90s and we all would use "faggot"'& "gay" constantly as insults. Back then, everyone I knew thought being gay was the worst thing you can be. "Faggot" always meant a homosexual man and back then being a homosexual man was a horrible thing to be.

It's almost crazy looking back that short while at how much things have changed. And now you hear a news story about the mildest thing being called a homophobic & it's like "can't you appreciate how much the times have changed?"

Yeah, I always found the "it had nothing to do with gayness" argument to be pretty disingenuous. It's a fun word, and I'd like to keep it around, but I'm not going to reinvent my childhood memories to do it. When I was in middle school in the late 90s, it was 100% used by everyone to imply that you wanted to fuck men.

Yep, growing up when we were calling eachother fags or faggots we were calling us people who want dicks in either our mouths or asshole. It's that simple


It's obvious from his lack of using the word that he knew it was offensive. Listen to O&A from 10 years ago and jimmy's droppin fag bombs like they're 10 for a dollar at sams club.

Now, he's probably said it less than 5 times in 2 years.

It's ok to grow up. Some people do it in their 20s, others in their mid to late 40s.

It's hilarious how some people act like it's a great loss to comedy that you're not supposed to say "faggot" anymore. If your joke hinges on using that specific word it probably wasn't a good joke in the first place.

I agree to an extent. I think the word has lost its punch, became more of a distraction or stumbling block because of audience reactions to it, and therefore isn't funny. And I see why people would be offended by it, but I think the outrage over its usage has been based on a false logic. The word faggot more often than not wasn't used as an anti-gay slur, but I still would be fine if gay people said "we know, but please stop anyway." the words are just carriers for ideas, the ideas will live on anyway as they always do. killing words means little but it makes things a bit more difficult, though not any more than any other time period.

There's a lot of gay people, I'm sure many of them have in fact said "we know every kid in highschool in the 90s and early 2000s said it to mean 'stupid', but it's offensive to me so please stop". There's no president of homos issuing press releases about what words you can describe them by.

Saying you didn't use it in an anti-gay way is basically claiming ignorance. Not that it's wrong or a lie to do so, but being ignorant doesn't really make it OK.

I heard something recently about people in africa naming their kids Adolf Hitler because all they know is he was a powerful man a long time ago. Are they doing it to be hateful? No. Should they stop it? Probably.

And there's also this: http://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/4-baffling-ways-continent-asia-loves-hitler/

I am literally saying the same thing as you are. Literally. I'll stop, I totally agree, but there are hypocrisies in it. I reject the notion that a group can empower words, it's got no precedent and makes no sense. I'm sure some know that we didn't mean anything by it against gay people but it does need to be said because when Alec Baldwin slips up, he obviously doesn't hate gay people but is accused of it.

And nothing will change ultimately because these things keep on happening with new words over and over again. What faggot is now will be what some other word is in the future. These ideas are able to take on many words. How do you think O&A did radio on terrestrial? No idea is dependent on any one word.


Okay...but what's next? Which word will also be off the table? And which word after that.

It's a slippery slope in the end. I'm all in on faggot. Long as they're goin for jokes.

Not all slopes are slippery. Some of them bathe!

But seriously there is no slippery slope with language. There's like 5 that are ever in danger of being "banned". And all "banned" means is you can't shout it in public anymore. People still use the n word for pete's sake, the world isn't going to end if most people don't say "faggot" to mean "stupid"

People cried the same thing when sexual harassment was the cause of the day. "I can't tell a female coworker she looks pretty? What's next, I can't say hello without getting sued??" No. What happened is women aren't harassed as much, innocent men aren't being tossed into the streets, coworkers are still hooking up, sky didn't fall. Same thing with gay marriage, "what's next, people marrying animals?" No, it stopped at gay marriage.


Jimmy is a faggot

One of the funnier words, taken away from us.

sorry for the rant which I guarantee will be downvoted by people who don't quite understand what I'm saying, but I just get angry and have nowhere to vent about this shit but here.

I used the word as a 12-15 year old boy and I knew it also meant an insult toward gay people. I also know that I used to use the word gay as an insult too. I get why people would think it was offensive. but gay people should understand that those ideas that gay is bad were inherited; when we used those words, we only meant "bad" because the idea that "gay is bad" died out and all that stuck for those words was "bad." just realize that we didn't mean anti-gay. words change by the group's own usage, they use faggot themselves a ton, but they want to keep the offensive part in intact for people not in the group who use it. it's a divisive mechanism which is fine but just tiring. it's "okay" because they know gay people don't hate gay people, just like nigga is "okay" because black people know other blacks don't hate themselves. this is the way of segregating your own group even more. humor is a normalizer. you make a jok about something, it eases tension. you joke about flaws with your friends for that reason but get offended when strangers do it because you think they mean something by it, even if they insist otherwise. it's a tough distinction when you use the word gay as an insult but if someone asked me if it was okay to be a gay person even back then I'd have said sure without blinking an eye. tough though it is, it's 100% true.

I don't mind them asking us to stop if it bothers them, because really who gives a fuck anymore. I don't. I have other things to do like jerk off. even though it's useless because words are just messengers and the ideas are what count. we'll just find a new word, someone else will get mad because the idea is negative. this happens all the time. look at the words idiot, dumb, moron, then onto "retard." in 100 years people will forget and retard will be in normal speech like idiot is, and some new PC term for mentally challenged people (another likely candidate for the chopping block) will be around.

why? because people use retard as an insult, retarded people said "hey that's fucked up," even though retard began as a diagnosis, just like dumb or idiot did. and it is kind of fucked up that people think that way, to compare to people with brain deficiencies, but they do. acknowledge that it happens, don't sweep it under a rug and be surprised that it's unclean underneath. eventually mentally challenged will be thrown away too because it will be used as an insult the same way retard was twenty years ago. eventually the term replacing mentally challenged will be used the same way. it's a never-ending cycle unless we wake up and acknowledge the realities, whether or not we agree with them. I don't use the word faggot or retard myself but I'm not offended if someone does, more just surprised when people do given the cultural climate we live in, where a bunch of retarded faggots say we can't say certain words.

and the only way to actually get rid of the ideas behind those words is by having all those conversations the NAACP, etc. pretend to want to have so that they don't just look like they want to exist forever, which they do. and when everyone is racially equal and those still exist, what then? just amazing the insanity we live in today, but really it's no crazier than any other time.

but really it's no crazier than any other time.

yea, SJW-esque faggots were always around, even before the 90s it was the bible-thumping christian who would try to ban swearing and nudity for the benefit of other people

Christians tried to ban that card game "Magic The Gathering" because there was a pentagram in the background of one of those cards. They almost sentenced the West Memphis Three to death on the basis that one of them was a goth kind of kid. They'd try to ban Marilyn Manson, NIN for being "subversive" in their lyrics. The pendulum has swaaang (RIP Steve C) in the other direction.

What do you think it is like living with all that aggression?

"we're two guys that flap in any direction the wind blows"

Jim really is desperate to go mainstream isn't he? Have to have a different stance on the word faggot once the mainstream finds out you fuck trannies. What a fucking moe.

If there's one thing about Jimmy, he's inconsistent. But he definitely hates the confederate flag; until next week when he decides people are cowards for not flying their confederate flag

Fuck yes it is. Fuckin' faggot.

Which one is Opie hypocrisy or backpedal?

He's stuck in the "rhetorical groundwork" step of his coming out program.

Let's start a GoFundMe to buy him some side-lace leather pants and a tiny GET OVER IT t-shirt.

Louis is very correct.

Is that supposed to be a problem?

Okay, thanks faggot. We'll keep that in mind.

Jimmy's a faggot. Now can someone please gay bash his head in?

For fuck's sake, can't people's opinions change?

Only if they change their opinion to one this sub approves of.

What a fucking fag.

Fucking LOL at the edgy middle aged Chips here,

"Cant say faggot??..........FAGGOT!!!!! DVV DVV DVVV".

Does Jimmy acknowledge that he is in fact a faggot?

Sexuality is like the Pride Flag; it's a spectrum.

Jimmy's on the spectrum.

It's a fact that faggot is associated with violence towards homosexuals, just as nigger is associated with violence against black people. That shouldn't be up for debate. When you hate a group of people, you're gonna use the most powerful word at your disposal. I didn't hear the episode, so I don't know the context, but Jimmy saying that isn't "shocking" in any way. If he then used that as a reason for the word to be banned, I would understand the criticism, but from the sound of it he didn't.

Nigger is said a lot these days within the Black community, and it is said very casually. That doesn't change the fact that it was and is said in anger by racists. I'm completely for the open use of all words, but denying that nigger and faggot weren't (and aren't) used during acts of violence is pretty fucking idiotic.

I mean, it is.

Are people really so dumb that they think Faggot wasn' associated with homosexuality? I've known what it means about as long as I know the word. I still say it because I just don't care, but I'm not going to pretend it isn't what it is.

I acknowledge that the term "spineless, undereducated, delusional idiot" is associated with Jim Norton.

Any word can be used in a derogatory way. I don't mind M&M's I just don't want them living in my neighborhood


It's hilarious how homophobes try to defend their use of a word that gay people have heard as they had their head stomped stomped in in the 70's/80's/90's.

Face it you bigots, the future belongs to the progressives and you're powerless to do anything about it, heh.

nice troll job faggot

Watching Norton try to switch gears into sjw Hollywood liberal cunt for the sake of his career is classic. Like watching a 15 y/o learn how to drive stick.

Well faggot is factually a word that was spawned from violence on homosexuals. Faggot was a term for kindling, which is why they called homosexuals "faggots" when they fucking burned them to death.

That being said, I will still use the word faggot to mean a "sissy," but there is no doubt that the word faggot refers directly to violence against homosexuals. To say otherwise is just stupid

I agree that "faggot" is pretty strongly associated with anti-gay violence, but that etymology is bullshit. The word "faggot" was first used to describe gay men in the 1920s, long past when we were burning anyone. It was used as an insulting epithet for women for about three hundred years previous (how that came to be is kind of a mystery), and from there it was applied to effeminate men.

No, that etymology is not bullshit. It was used in the 1500's when the english would burn "heretics." You know what would make you a heretic in 1500's England... being a cocksucking faggot.

Firstly, a "heretic" is someone who believes in a creed that deviates from an established orthodoxy. Homosexuality was a crime often punishable by death in medieval Europe, but it didn't make someone a heretic.

Back to the main point: there is no documented use of the word "faggot" to describe gay men until the 20th-century United States. In Ulysses, which was published between 1918 and 1920, James Joyce was still using it to refer to an old woman. It STILL isn't used used to refer to gays in Britain, where you claim it began.

EDIT: Some well-researched evidence: http://www.wordorigins.org/index.php/more/285/

Oh wow that's some real "well researched" evidence there. Notice how the part about it being American and recent isn't sourced at all, and the OED entry they "link" doesn't actually link to anything.

If you agree that they threw dictionary definition heretics on the fire and called them faggots, do you really think that the term was reserved solely for people who "believed in a creed that deviates from an established orthodoxy," or are you reasonably intelligent and figure that it was used for pretty much anyone they burned alive.

Basically anyone who did anything against the church was considered a heretic, and gay buttstuff most definitely went against the church. When you fucked up you got burned, and when you got burned you were considered a faggot. It didn't matter if you were a perfect dictionary definition of a heretic or not.

And actually now that I think about it, being gay is most definitely a "creed that deviates from an established orthodoxy." The established orthodoxy being that sex and love were between a man and woman.

If you agree that they threw dictionary definition heretics on the fire and called them faggots,

I don't. They didn't call anyone burned alive "faggots". The term "faggot" was shorthand for the act of burning itself, a kind of metonymy, the same way we say "the chair" to mean death by electrocution.

Here's the copy/paste of the relevant definitions from the OED entry, accessed through my university:

With special reference to the practice of burning heretics alive, esp. in phrase fire and faggot; †to fry a faggot , to be burnt alive; also, to bear a faggot , to carry a faggot , as those did who renounced heresy. Hence fig. the punishment itself. 1563 J. Foxe Actes & Monuments 985/1 Running out of Germanye for feare of the fagot. 1621 R. Montagu Diatribæ Hist. Tithes 44 You deserued to fry a fagot. 1649 Bp. J. Hall Resol. & Decisions iii. v. 274 Fagots were never ordained by the Apostle for arguments to confute hereticks. 1667 M. Poole Dialogue between Popish Priest & Protestant (1735) 101 You answer our Arguments with Fire and Faggot. 1721 J. Strype Eccl. Memorials I. viii. 86 He should go before the cross bare-headed..carrying a faggot on his shoulder. 1741 I. Watts Improvem. Mind i. xiv. 195 Mitres or Faggots have been the Rewards of different Persons according as they pronounced these consecrated Syllables, or not pronounced them. 1807 J. Barlow Columbiad iv. 144 Racks, wheels and crosses, faggots, stakes and strings. 1868 J. H. Blunt Reformation Church of Eng. I. 85 Wolsey caused them to carry a faggot to the fire..Henry placed them in the midst of actual faggots. 1888 J. Gairdner in Dict. National Biogr. XIII. 30/2 It is not easy to answer arguments in prison, with fire and faggots in the background.

A term of abuse or contempt applied to a woman (orig. dial.) Also in extended uses. 1591 T. Lodge Catharos f. 4v, A filbert is better than a faggot, except it be an Athenian she handfull. 1840 R. H. Barham Grey Dolphin in Ingoldsby Legends 1st Ser. 88 ‘What's that you say, you old faggot?’ 1862 Mrs. H. Wood Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles II. xxi. 233 She..struck at me, she did, the good-for-nothing faggot! 1882 E. L. Chamberlain Gloss. West Worcs. Words 11 Faggit, a term of reproach used to children. 1900 Eng. Dial. Dict. II. 278/2 To a stray cow: ‘Come out o' that, ye old faggot.’ 1922 J. Joyce Ulysses iii. xviii. [Penelope] 690 That old faggot Mrs Riordan. 1925 D. H. Lawrence Refl. Death Porcupine 176 To me she [sc. a cow] is fractious, tiresome, and a faggot. Yet the subtle desirableness is in her, for me. 1969 Sunday Mirror 9 Feb. 35 'Urry up wi' that glass o' beer, you lazy faggot!

A (male) homosexual. slang (orig. and chiefly U.S.). 1914 L. E. Jackson & C. R. Hellyer Vocab. Criminal Slang 30 s.v. Drag, Example: ‘All the fagots (sissies) will be dressed in drag at the ball tonight.’ 1926 C. Wood & G. Goddard Dict. Amer. Slang 16 Fagot, a chorus man; an effeminate man. 1936 J. Dos Passos Big Money (1937) 273 The first thing Marge thought was how on earth she could ever have liked that fagot. 1962 H. Kane Killer's Kiss xxvii. 207 Duffy was no queen, no platinum-dyed freak, no screaming faggot. 1966 New Statesman 18 Mar. 392/3 The American word ‘faggot’ is making advances here over our own more humane ‘queer’. 1970 New Yorker 28 Nov. 21/2 A gathering of homosexuals..a Jew, a Negro, a butch faggot, a nellie faggot.

TL;DR version: the first paragraph lists uses of the word "faggot" related to the burning of heretics. They all refer to the literal faggots of kindling or, metaphorically, to execution by fire. None refer to the people being burned as "faggots".

lol, play shitty semantic games all you want but it says right in the OED entry you posted that "to fry a faggot" was to burn someone alive as punishment. Hence the person being burned was considered a faggot. People that renounced their heresy and were spared the fire were made to wear a patch with a faggot on it, kind of like a scarlet letter. These people were referred to as, you guessed it, faggots. In your vast internet research I'm sure you came across that little tidbit. It's literally in the first entry when you search "faggot etymology." Also, When someone is getting electrocuted we say they are going to, or getting, the chair, not they are a chair, so your comparison doesn't really work. But whatever, I have better shit to do than keep this bullshit up. Have fun at Uni, please get laid more because this bullshit is no way for a college kid to spend his time.

it says right in the OED entry you posted that "to fry a faggot" was to burn someone alive as punishment. Hence the person being burned was considered a faggot.

Look at the actual usage being quoted:

1621 R. Montagu Diatribæ Hist. Tithes 44 You deserued to fry a fagot.

I looked up the full quote. This is after he lists Catholic practices rejected by the Anglican Church (cult of saints, indulgence, etc.)

Perchance, in your understanding, these abuses are as old, and elder, some of them in your knowledge, if you know so much as you pretend, for establishment by constitution: yet well you deserved to fry a fagot, if you darest adventure to plead for them in a state that hath long since justly abolished them.

"Frying a faggot" means "light the kindling", a metaphor for the execution. It clearly means "if you defended those practices, you would deserve to be burned." Not "if you defended those practices, you would deserve to burn someone else."

Also, When someone is getting electrocuted we say they are going to, or getting, the chair, not they are a chair, so your comparison doesn't really work.

You're making my point. We DON'T call people being electrocuted "chairs", the same way they DIDN'T call people being burned "faggots". It wouldn't make any sense to do so.

Have fun at Uni, please get laid more because this bullshit is no way for a college kid to spend his time.

I'm a grad student in medieval history. This is exactly how I'm supposed to spend my time.

Oh man I'm not even going to refute you anymore. You're going for a grad degree in medieval history, so you are clearly retarded. An associate degree in art history is more useful.

ninja E: Fuck, I can't help myself... He is very clearly saying that "if you defended those practices, you would deserve to be burned as a faggot." But it doesn't matter, you'll still find some way to twist something else around to make it mean what you want... enjoy your useless degree (if you're not making that bit up).

I'm not the one twisting anything. Before, you said that "fry a faggot" literally meant to burn a heretic. When I pointed out that it couldn't possibly mean that in the context of its use, you backpedaled to say that there must be an understood comma or a misprint, "you deserved to fry, a faggot" or "you deserved to fry as a faggot". That's a stretch, but I would even be inclined to believe it if there was any other use of "faggot" to mean the person being burned rather than the kindling itself.

Another use, from Holinshead's Chronicle, 1587: http://www.english.ox.ac.uk/holinshed/texts.php?text1=1587_7840

a great manie of them which alreadie were in prison, had died for it in Smithfield, in frieng a faggot.

Unless he also left out "as" or a comma and forgot to pluralize faggot, it's pretty clear that the idiom referred to the act of burning and not the people being burned.

You're going for a grad degree in medieval history, so you are clearly retarded.

Generally speaking, sure, but it does make me pretty well versed in digging through etymologies like this.

God, I love listening to smart stupid people argue.

God, I love listening to smart stupid people argue.


You really ought to sign up and bring popcorn to one of these. You'll be endlessly entertained.


I remember Todd Glass trying to argue on Norm MacDonalds podcast that because only bad jokes hinge on the use of words like fag or retard, it's ok to ban them. fuck that faggot, you don't need a reason to use a word.


I've probably used the word faggot a million times. Never once have I said it to a gay person. Never once did I have any violent thoughts behind it. It's a word you use on your friends. I saw Frozen...was kinda good. The ONLY reply to this is You fucking faggot.

I missed Jimmy saying this, but if he did....he's a fucking faggot.

So your screen name means you're "The Anthony Cumia Show Man?" That is super faggy.

It kinda is but it was a combo with True Detective. I agree...faggy. no better word.

See? I said faggy and no one got hurt.

nobody ever said it had no homosexual connotation. They said guys their age didn't necessarily mean it that way when they used the word. So yeah...um...you're just wrong.

Well I mean of course the word faggot is homophobic in the right context. It's also not homophobic in other contexts. It's why I can call all of you a bunch of stupid niggers and not be racist.

That's the way to prove me wrong.

I'm not.

No, that etymology is not bullshit. It was used in the 1500's when the english would burn "heretics." You know what would make you a heretic in 1500's England... being a cocksucking faggot.