Roland got casted in the new Ghost Busters film.

89  2015-06-25 by GumbleDog


he should go hiking with Troy

He would fall asleep in the car ride there.

Easier to push off the cliff, just make sure roundboy turkey leg signs you as the beneficiary to the life insurance policy before you give him the heave ho. Right Troy?



eww that cast stinks. fat hunk of shit form and the stupid little rubber sole. I'd rather be amputated than wear that abomination.

Never been one to judge how someone looks in the workplace and I know it's radio, but how the fuck do they allow this monster to roam the halls?

Because he's really good at his job! Who didn't love those classic shows last year that the gang spent talking about eating New York delicacies and then eating those New York delicacies and talking to the guy who made those New York delicacies? It was almost like we were in the room with them!

lol like when he booked a taco guy, and THE GUY DIDNT BRING TACOS

Oh my god, that made me so mad! How dare the hipster foodie not bring free goodies to the fancy and important men! Thank god we got to hear them complain about it for several hours/days

lol I know it's dumb to have to listen to millionaires eat food on the air. But my point is about how dumb Roland is. He sucks so bad at his job, he couldn't even book a Taco guy to bring tacos

Hey hey one time there was a guy from Vegas! Promoting his ferris wheel.

It's bad enough he's a blob of shit, but he's bald and he's got that conehead thing going on.

How hard is it to put on a shirt that fits and a pair of pants instead of gym shorts that have never seen a gym and a tshirt 3 sizes too small that looks like it smells. He has to scare away guests. He looks like a real life character from the trailer park boys.

He looks like he should be laying on a glacier, being clubbed to death.

Its astounding that he deals with celebrities. At least be a little bit presentable for reputation sake.

What does Roland actually do? He books guests, but does that really take up 8 hours a day?


He is a very grim looking person. He looks like Danny Devito halfway through makeup to be The Penguin.

Hahaha holy shit, best description of Roland ever

Holy shit, get some looser fitting clothes. You can see his gunt protruding below his waistband.

Of course, the show continues to call Erock fat, but not dare touch this tub-o-lard. First Greggshells, now Roloshells.

He's a sensitive piece of trash. Really shouldn't be in studio if he's going to throw hissy fits over mean comments.

He has no business on air on O&A. He is very sensitive, while being completely shitty to everyone else, and playing "pranks". Never forget his autistic fit he threw at Master Po.

He's probably a perfect fit for Ow/J though.

He would make a great Slimer, rather than Stay Puft.

Slimer shoved food into his face without chewing, makes a fucking mess wherever he goes, leaves his shitty fat person smell wherever he sits or inhabits.

Slimer actually has more social grace than that fucking slob now that I think about it.

As a fat man, this guy is in serious denial. He doesn't want to admit he's a 3 possible 4XL shirt I went through that when I had to bump up to 2X...

dont you mean gut busters?

So many awful shapes.

He could be a triathlete and I'd still want to kill him for his clothing. A stained t shirt and basketball shorts isn't an outfit that somebody who interacts with celebrities on behalf of a multimillion dollar show should wear. It is so classless and tacky.

he looks like he smells bad. He probably does.

Imagine what the celebrities must have thought when they came on this shitty show. As they are let in through the door by security, they meander through the various interns and employees who stumble and fumble around, looking like they got employed through some sort of state funded drug and mental health rehabilitation program. They are then "greeted" by an extraordinarily fat fuck Mexican who can barely speak, is dressed like he just came from Skynet and is wearing the first outfit he could find from a homeless man, he reeks like fucking shit most likely, HE is the go between for you and the show, and then he leads you down the hall and into the studio. After several seconds of awkwardly standing there, you are casually greeted by what appears to be one of the hosts, a sickly looking man in a Grandy Theft Auto shirt and noticable handgun around his waist, who says to grab a chair. There are other people in the room - an odd looking neanderthal-foreheaded high yeller, a big titted blond staring blankly at his Twitter feed, and a guy you think you have seen before somewhere...Jay....Joe....Jack...Morton? Is he a comedian? You want a better look at his face but he is wildly typing away at his phone and blinking uncontrollably. Your first thought is to ask "Are we live?"

This is the hang. It really makes the guests feel welcome and comfortable.

A stained t shirt and basketball shorts isn't an outfit that somebody who interacts with celebrities on behalf of a multimillion dollar show should wear

celebrities don't deserve respect. roland is dressed accordingly.

PSA: commenting "slobooo" will get you blocked by mr erik nagal

"was cast"

Thank you

He goes to work dressed like that?

"Gut Busters"

So very pedestrian.

He looks like a child molester.



more like Rollo

ba dum TISH



He can't find overpriced vintage Springsteen concert t-shirts on ebay in an XXL.

I wish Roland was a ghost

The original Stay Puft was slimmer. I guess they want to go bigger and have it profusely sweat for no reason.

It's not sweat, it's ectoplasm.




Erock is fatter he just hides it. At least Roland owns it.


What's worse, being fat or too dumb to grasp 4th grade English?

Something tells me op is both.

Aww, you won me over, get over here and give me a super strength hug.


Whoa. I didn't know Downs people got that old.

He looks like he should be laying on a glacier, being clubbed to death.

Aww, you won me over, get over here and give me a super strength hug.

Whoa. I didn't know Downs people got that old.

Imagine what the celebrities must have thought when they came on this shitty show. As they are let in through the door by security, they meander through the various interns and employees who stumble and fumble around, looking like they got employed through some sort of state funded drug and mental health rehabilitation program. They are then "greeted" by an extraordinarily fat fuck Mexican who can barely speak, is dressed like he just came from Skynet and is wearing the first outfit he could find from a homeless man, he reeks like fucking shit most likely, HE is the go between for you and the show, and then he leads you down the hall and into the studio. After several seconds of awkwardly standing there, you are casually greeted by what appears to be one of the hosts, a sickly looking man in a Grandy Theft Auto shirt and noticable handgun around his waist, who says to grab a chair. There are other people in the room - an odd looking neanderthal-foreheaded high yeller, a big titted blond staring blankly at his Twitter feed, and a guy you think you have seen before somewhere...Jay....Joe....Jack...Morton? Is he a comedian? You want a better look at his face but he is wildly typing away at his phone and blinking uncontrollably. Your first thought is to ask "Are we live?"

This is the hang. It really makes the guests feel welcome and comfortable.

A stained t shirt and basketball shorts isn't an outfit that somebody who interacts with celebrities on behalf of a multimillion dollar show should wear

celebrities don't deserve respect. roland is dressed accordingly.