tss tss Hey Rich, why ya got egg on your face? Making omelets or summtin? tss tss

107  2015-06-24 by [deleted]


I'd be willing to bet that Vos' apologizing on twitter infuriated Opie more than the comment itself because now it really makes greggshells seem like a real thing

I'm not sure that Opie can read that deep into a situation.

I'm not sure that Opie can read.

You're not sure? Have you heard him try to read anything? He's epi-tome of being illiterate.

The shittiness of the shop looks like chip would have made it. I'll just assume that you are staying in character

Wait, that's a photoshop?

i did that in 3 minutes.

It looks like you did it in 3 seconds jesus

As bad as it is, I think Chip's would be much worse and probably done in MS Paint.

The crudeness of the art aside, I think the point being made by it speaks loud and clear.

I am willing to give the guy a break considering he put in some effort to entertain us.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I just heard that clip. That was actually funny.

Fuck Vos for apologizing. You should never have to apologize for a joke.

should be Vos with a sledgehammer.

not after that apologetic tweet he just sent out.

I thought Vos made Tits look like an even bigger dick with the fake apology


oof,I'm listening to it now,everyone is trying to pretend it was a silly goof instead of going after Tits.

wow, fuck. I didn't think of it like that. good call, sir.

He walks on "eggshells" cuz he can't pronounce it


Hey, Rich. For fuck's sake stop apologizing. You were one of the best that said no apologies. And now u can't stop. U & Norton can take a flying shit.

I don't listen to this awful show anymore. What happened between horse teeth and tits?

E: Nvm, found it. Jesus, opie is a fucking massive pussy

If you could animate I'd have Vos dancing across those eggs like the Billie Jean video.

Did you actually use clipart?

The only people still using clipart are women in HR and child molesters


It really is so sad and pathetic when some of you rock-for-brains idiots tries to sound like norton.

Yes. I am both a child molester and Lady in HR

Hey I made a mistake criticising your use of clipart, wasn't personal in anyway positive or negative. I am sorry. Don't feed into it just a dumb joke.

Sniff sniff that was the bit. Vuuuury good

The inimitable Ron Bennington openly called out Opie on being too sensitive in this recent discussion.

EDIT: Link fixed and set to time that Ron mentions "Greggshells."

"Tits? Is this that shithole of a subreddit where most of the users have back titties?" Seems NotLogan HighestPrimate is not a fan of this, good for him I hate this place too but have an addiction


bravo sir, brilliant shoop.

What's are "omelettes?" Baby "omes?" tss-ss

It really is so sad and pathetic when some of you rock-for-brains idiots tries to sound like norton.

Yes. I am both a child molester and Lady in HR
