Opie Vs Rich Vos (06/24/2015)

194  2015-06-24 by Johnniebutters


OK, Vos is officially my favorite guy on the show now.

He's doing the Lord's work.

Accurate, mean, hilarious.

Three words that Vos will never be able to pronounce.

Opie goes out of his way to make fun of every single thing that comes out of Rich's mouth, whether Vos deserves it or not, and then Vos fights back once, the entire room stops, Greggshells immediately starts fuming, and shit suddenly becomes real. What a fucking pussy.

yeah, Opie went after vos a few times today when he was actually correct. He does this because when Vos IS wrong about something, Jim or Bobby jump all over him with great lines and Opie can't get a word in, so he does it when there's nothing to go after.

It's more of him trying to set somebody else for the joke because he knows there is one, when he is too unfunny to think of it. He just wants to say he was setting the joke up or say he knew there was one there.

Opie is a cunt.

I'm talking about vos saying a word correctly and Opie saying, 'what was that word?"

Now that I think about it, he probably really thinks that Vos said a word wrong when it was correct because he's an ass.

He is just hoping he said it wrong, so somebody will make fun of him and Opie can say he set that person up.

Opie just sucks at radio.

I'm all for making fun of Vos being dumb as much as anybody, but it's depressing when they all clearly want him to fuck up so badly and they're trying to pounce hoping to catch him. Just fucking let it happen you hacks. Jimmy and Opie are not the intellectual heavyweights to start calling him out on medical terminology,

I am pretty sure Opie is dumber than Vos.

I'm positive Opie is dumber than Vos.

Poor Vos never does well in group settings with other comedians or shitty Opie. On stage he's pretty great.

Heshres the tsching; Vosch has an i-que of 1-40, ok.

and opie cant pronounce "sonography" which is easier than "endoscopy" and rich(said it right the first time) just tripped up and made a d into a g sound, Opie straight up couldnt do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=804&v=PnHNn9WPz-M


I love that he's so bad every now and again Rogan even has to correct him. Vos really is a dunce.

Opie sees comedians who are actually talented and funny go after Vos and thinks he's entitled to do it as well. Unlike those comedians, Opie has the thinnest, most transparent skin, and thus can't take the heat.

Seriously if Vos is done with the show, then just fold it up, call it quits.

he apologized on twitter. he's back on the show

Fuck Jimmy and Bobby too, 2 years ago they would have burst out laughing at Rich's joke but now its just uncomfortable silence.

Two codependent dickless turds. Vos is retarded, but he's the only one that's had the balls to openly call out Opie on the air.

It's like in a movie about a corrupt family where the kid finally stands up to the dad at the dinner table. Jimmy, the long suffering wife, just puts his head down and hopes it will all blow over.

Balls or lack of brains?

But seriously though good move Vos.

I think there are alot of off mic talk on the matter then vos goes for the throat anyway, which is awesome. Bobby and jimmy followed the schedule.

Lol at Opie saying "enjoy your last show" like he is a media mogul blacklisting artists.

Lol at Opie saying "enjoy your last show" like he is a media mogul blacklisting artists.

It's the only "real" thing to come out of his mouth during that whole show. Vos will be back, but the threat was genuine.

Don't really know why that fat pig Bobby is even there. He's not funny or quick. Just an out of breath whale.

He's never made me laugh, he's always just been the go to punching bag for Jim and any other comic that's in.

I'll pile on the Bobby hate. His voice is shrill and annoying, he has the ugliest Boston accent ever, he makes up total bullshit stories ("I fucked a 75 year old massage therapist dude, she had a charm bracelet."), and he's repulsive to look at.

This. The guy gets so much love and I have no idea why.

Because it was the truth.

Fucking paycheck and stay puft

What does 'let's play' entail, apart from some passive aggressive women shit? How about try and be funny back you cunt.

He's done this with Vos forever. Usually he says "Oh, you wanna get real?" when Vos jabs him, as if he's about to drop a total truth bomb trashing. Somehow, Opie never actually says anything.

Leave it alone.




*burp Snnooowwaay!

Opie was all-in.

It's his verbal way of shadowboxing for an exhibition that never happens.

The only annoying thing is Vos usually backs off after that.

I wish he'd be like "yes, I do."

The only power Opie usually wielded was to sick the fans on his social media. Doubt he could swing that these days.

The hi opie guy and the philly crew are about it for him these days

I actually would love to see him attempt it.

Imagine Sam having to scroll past all the pictures of Bam...

The scariest thing is that it's a real account. I thought for sure it was bullshit but he really just says hi....to every single tweet.

Where's father Doris?


Let's be honest, the fans were pretty sick in the head back then. Dugout Doug? Lt. Bam or whatever? No Filter Paul?

If they did "play" the only thing Opie could say is something like "I funded your stupid documentary when no one would touch it." Or, "I paid for dinner at Nobu and paid for golf 3 years ago." Meanwhile, he should give 90% of his paycheck to vos, bobby, florentine, etc for doing his job.

Here's a psycho destroyer. Vos better watch his step.

"You wanna play, lets play" Opie is the raddest dude on the planet.

God, the amount of times he gets away with that, or threatening that an appearance will be somebody's last, is enraging. Like he could best a comic who has 30 years under his belt who is praised for his crowd work in a trash talking competition. He says it a couple times a year, like he could verbally bury somebody.For once, I want somebody to say, "Yeah, shithead, let's play. Let's get real. If this is gonna be my last appearance, I wanna make it count, you hack."

He's like a girl threatening her husband that he's gonna sleep on the couch if he doesn't take out the garbage. What a bitch move.

To be fair Vos is not on the list of 1000 best comedians.

Correct. Derosa and Bonnie are though

I can't wait for the day that Opie retires or gets canned and all the comics can do a week long bashing, every 3 months.

Don't film this mahn, they're stealing the new Aerosmith record...



Gregg "Rad2TheMaxx" Hughes

He learned all his posturing moves from the Philly crew. No brotherman would dare to take it further than that egg carton of an ego he flashes about.

whoever termed the word Greggshells should have a whore everyday of his life to pleasure him

Boy,does Opie instantly get hateful. He legitimately cannot take/tell/understand jokes.

Fuck, what a worthless piss bag he is.

ME:I'm working on that

He's been working on his personal problems for 15 years now... maybe it's time to give up.

I think Ron put him on the spot and that was the only thing he could think to say.

Keep working on it. Maybe in the next 20 years you will cultivate self awareness/more breast tissue.

Same way he is working on his chemistry with Jim.


but thats the bit

he knows it's true

Yep, but he will only admit it to be a victim like his crazy mental mother.

Oversensitive, in denial, defensive little bitch. This clip makes so clear why the show has plummeted.


That's his big problem, really, this forum/"fans" would make a 180 degree turn if he just started owning the opie is dumb/not funny shit and start being humble and normal

Exactly, he only shows humility when nothing is at stake and no one wants to call him on it because he will have a mantrum.

No hindsight, sense of irony, comedic timing. Jesus, he is the worst person to interview comics that thrive on being vicious.

In a nutshell :

  • Opie goes after the weight thing first.

  • Vos legitimately tries to explain it, but Opie tries to rally the audience against his explanation anyway.

  • Jim knows where his paycheck is coming from and adds a comment showing he's on Opie's side in this.

  • Vos retaliates with his 1 and only jab : Anthony, instantly silencing the other two.

  • Almost immediately, you can feel the butthurt from the guy who STARTED the ball-busting, as Opie scrambles to think of his next line, which is that the guest sucks.

  • "You wanna play?" Oooh, the master has unsheathed his weapon. If everyone doesn't calm down, he will pwn all of you. That's the message behind that, right? Laughable.

It's like watching high school kids that never grew up, passive-aggressively trying to dominate one another verbally because physically is illegal. Opie was true to type here, but Jim surprised me by not holding back a bit. He's usually good at pulling back when Opie gets more ridiculous than usual (to keep his brand from taking on any of Opie's stank).

Oh, and in case anyone's wondering, Opie's knock of Vos' weight gain made the 'accelerated' edition.

Vos' rebuttal about Anthony is conspicuously absent.

& why make fun of Rich gaining 5 lbs when Bobby is at the point where I think his gut hangs over his genitals. Look at his shirtless scene in "Maron". He's, without question, morbidly obese

Opie has TITS, I don't care how many juices he drinks. He shouldn't be making fun of anyone's physique.

He's going to take the belief that he's got one more "Thin Bobby" cycle in him to an early, double-wide grave.

It's worth remembering that Vos and Opie are actually friends outside the show.

Are they? Vos needed money for his documentary and 100k worth of kitchen cabinets as well as access to golf clubs. I highly doubt that Opie has any friends (or wives) that don't want something from him.

They go on vacation together so, yeah, they're probably friends.

Opie's a douche but this is their gimmick. Vos always gets a little rough with him and Opie always pretends like that it's the last time he's coming on the show. It's a joke going back to when Vos use to come on, get mean and call to apologize later. Opie use to make fun of him for that all the time on air.

I highly doubt that Vos goes on vacation with him other than because he wants to give the illusion of being friends with him so he can continue getting funding and access to things he normally couldn't. Plus, Opie probably foots the bill.

Friend or not vos is very dependent to the show he's not even on the 1000 comic list or something

I hear he just missed it and was number 1001.

I agree and Opie knows that, which is fucked up and why he made Vos apologize.

Vos even plays golf with Opie's father in law. They're friends...

You never did things you didn't like to do for business?

I have no problem believing it. So-called "friends" attack one another on their most sensitive issues all the time. I guess that's why I became antisocial - who needs it? None of the people I know is worth that abuse. ;-) But for everyone who knows Opie, his airwave will always make him worth putting up with.

Imagine Opie's social or family life if the show goes away.

Opie will bluff at a card table while holding his cards backwards.

Without the radio show, Opie is nothing. He's like the bratty kid with the coolest toys in the neighborhood. Everyone knows he's an asshole but they want to play with his toys. Similarly, Vos and Bobby want plugs for their shows so they have to hang out with Opie.

when I was in high school, a bunch of us would spend the weekends at this dumb chicks house, just because her parents let us get away with anything. she was annoying as fuck but we had to put up with her for the sake of drinking and smoking and fucking. she was my Opie.

that is so cool

You liked his story too, huh?

Im upvoting just for the fact that I do the same thing all the time. "I like stories." (Homer)

Check out the empties

Opie would have been the kid up the road from me in the eighties who had the most he man toys.

Imagine the amount of dick he sucked to keep that radio gig after Ant left?

Lol so true, like the shitty, arrogant kid who had a swimming pool, and everyone kissed his as to go swimming in the summer.

Without the radio show, Opie is nothing.

If he lost this gig, he would never get another national platform. Ant would have if he hadn't had the stigma of racism attached to him, but Opie brings nothing to the table. He's not even a good "Radio Guy".

This is the best analogy about Opie I've ever read. ME: Vurrry good.

The reactions are quite interesting. Jim stays silent but chuckles when he feels safe. Bobby is aware of the greggshells braking and seems to enjoy it but not play along. After the Dan Soder comment Vos should have annihilated Opie but held back. Opie said he cancelled Dan Soder for "this shit." What? Having Vos on? Seems odd.

Vos is the man


You wanna play, let's play.

Good thing Vos stepped down at this point. If not, Opie would have been forced to unleash one of his legendary (if seldom heard) ultimate put-downs.


That's definitely not radio worthy

You wanna play with me? THE PSYCHO?

Jesus Opie is a pussy. He can dish it out but can't take it back.

He can't really dish it out either, though.

What are you talking about after a good 10 second pause he fired right back at vos with that zinger.



"I don't even know what that means"

2 months later "I'm working on that..."

I heard about this on Twitter and thought it would be much more vicious than this. I wish Vos DID actually want to 'play'. If Opie thinks he could win a war of words with anyone, let alone Rich Vos, he's out of his mind.

Last time Opie tried he cried.

Ha ha! He sniffed like a bitch! Boo hoo hoo, poor ME. Boo hoo hoo, nobody knows all the things I've been doing since I was 18 behind the scenes leaving no evidence of said things. Boo hoo hoo, I'm old and have breasts now!

That's definitely up there with Otto's comment

Would you happen to have a link?


Starts at 10:00 or so if you are on a phone.

This is all you need to understand what an unfunny douche he is. He is sitting there trying to be upset about someone being upset at a joke, and then he immediately gets upset at a joke made about him.


Classic, thanks for posting, first time I've heard that one.

I miss Otto's brutal delivery :(

Wow, what a thin skinned pussy. Vos has always been the butt of a million jokes on that show. Makes one about Opie and you can just hear the spoiled little bitch seething. Bobby is really at fault too. Exhibit A on why Bobby's never amounted to much. Back in the day, these guys said this kind of shit to each other all the damn time. The reaction was always a big ooooooooh, followed by everyone laughing and trying to insult each other. Of course, Greggshells always avoided that because he couldn't hang. But he's finally the butt of one after dissing Vos for putting on weight and mocking him for taking off the shirt again, and the wimpy frat boy can't fucking handle it. Then the fat slob foster kid whose daddy didn't love him enough gets upset because Vos upset his foster daddy. I don't fault jimmy too much. Jimmy is like all the miserable whores married to athletes patiently and silently suffering, waiting for the athlete to retire and for the last big check to be deposited in the bank before going forward with the inevitably ugly divorce proceedings.

I blame Jim more than Bobby. You can't expect Bobby to burn this bridge before he has a new show coming out. Jim should've laughed his ass off at Vos' line and if Opie started a fight, then he could use that as ammo against Opie for not re-signing in a year

Jimmy immediately starts laughing at Opie's 'comeback' also. Fucking douchebag.

Bobby and Jimmy walked on those Greggshells like champs. I burst out laughing when I heard it, but then again, I have nothing to lose by doing that.

This is a prime example why Anthony is so bitter. He knows exactly how much of a cunt Opie is and that he doesn't deserve to be in there hanging out with funny guys busting each others balls. If Anthony would have been there it could have been like 2010 again when it was all of them smashing each other and them smashing Opie to the point he couldn't stop it.

Vos rules, he's the guy you can always count on to say something awkward and clench everyone's asshole.

That was a great joke, but the room wouldn't allow it. You can really hear the mood change immediately. Opie takes a few minutes to compose himself, but you can hear the fakeness as he barells through his anger as to not create any sound bites. His follow up comments were a low growl, and was pissy to Vos for awhile after the comment.

If any ones ever deserved Jimmy's "baby boy" comment its right here.

He only says that to actual babies. He's terrified to speak truth to anyone that matters. Jim has lost a ton of credibility in the very thing he presents himself as, being brutally honest.

Ugh, that makes me sad.

Having just listened to the "most vicious show ever" with Rich and Bobbie, probably the funniest O&A ever (the paralyzed Opie one), this sucked to hear. What a contrast.

God I've been meaning to make a thread here about that one, just because it's so fucking funny and would be just what everyone would love to hear.

It starts off already being one of the funniest shows, and it somehow manages to get better and funnier with each minute. I've listened to it multiple times and never tire of it. If I were into conspiracies, I'd think they wrote the whole thing in advance. It's almost too good to be so off the cuff.

Yeah, and Opie wasn't much of a cunt during that either.

He still kinda was, but there was so much comedic momentum and uproarious laughter, nothing could stop it

that show is glorious.

Translation = I can't take a joke, like EVERYONE else on this show, so I'll hurt you financially.

The funny part is that if Vos did "play" with opie and he got banned from the show, it would help Vos' career and really hurt the Opester.

lol "you wanna play lets play?" and his big line was "I cancelled dan soder for this shit?" vos wasnt bad he was just mean to you, dan soder is just another guy you use as a crutch, they both would have been the same thing, someone in there being funny while you sit there like a fat idiot.

exactly. He wonders why people like Louis stop coming in. If Ant wasn't branded with the Scarlett R, he would get more of these comics in - they genuinely like him.

I can't tell if Bobby is laughing at the balls of that comment or being a worm. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt because I don't think he's a worm.

I think its more a laugh to make it worse and force a reaction from Opie but not say anything to annoy Opie.

When Opie says "You want to play, let's play" everytime somebody takes a light-hearted joke towards him and he responds with trying to take a personal shot, it's so enraging.

A classic Vos one-liner off the cuff and Gregshells goes into overdrive. Calm down Opster, this is how comedians built your career for you.


This is not the first time Vos has done this shit.

I think Vos feels more comfortable than most doing so because he has a personal relationship with Opie, and both thier wives are pals.

This entire sub and it's existence would be neutralized if Opie knew how to take a joke, we live for shit like this!

I hate how he shits on Vos, when Vos has 1000 times the talent. Stand up is way harder than button pushing, and talking about Caitlyn Jenner, or doing music breaks, or watching you tube on the radio. Stand up requires people skills, original material, instinct, and the ability to make people like you.

Opie has none of those, yet he is richer than Vos (no pun intended)


Vos: Bonnie, I know you don't like Linsey and she's closer in age to Reina than you, but you HAVE to hang out with her if we want to make another movie.

Greggshells against the wall.

watch it get scrubbed from replay


you were right. it got cut from Accelerated while the comments about Vos' weight remained in.

Anthony Cumia ‏@AnthonyCumia 1m1 minute ago Anthony Cumia retweeted RichVos http://twitter.com/RichVos/status/613788868916215809

-It was a funny joke. No worse than the shit we all threw at each other over the yrs. get a talking to did ya? 😉

Anthony is no better. Took him to get fired for him to speak up.


2015-06-24 19:20 UTC

Folks I made a bad joke today wasn't personal in anyway positive or negative to anyone. I am sorry. Don't feed into it just a dumb joke.

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In case anyone's wondering, Opie's knock of Vos' weight made the 'accelerated' ed. -- Vos' rebuttal about Anthony is conspicuously absent.

Of course it is. Opie's banal observation that he thinks makes him look alpha and in control is highlighted in a best of topic while the interesting thing that exposes him and has everybody talking was cut out. Just like many people properly predicted here. God, he is such a predictable crybaby.

And you just know Vosthhh got a talking to after the show.

of course he did, that's why comic630 had to kiss the ring on Twitter today.

The word a anthony is like saying voldemort on that shitshow

LOL, that was great. I wish Opie wasn't such a bitch and Bobby and Norton could laugh at that. Bravo, vos.

Rich is already suckling Tit's tits again.


Folks I made a bad joke today wasn't personal in anyway positive or negative to anyone. I am sorry. Don't feed into it just a dumb joke.

It's damage control. Opie is probably throwing a major fit behind the scenes.

Looks like Vos did truly trample those Gregshells, he just apologized on twitter for it, I'm not even kidding:

"Folks i made a bad joke today wasnt personal in anyway positive or negative to anyone. I am sorry. Don't feed into it just a dumb joke."

Opie's been a self-proclaimed gym rat and health nut for 20 years and he has no muscle mass and a big set of saggy old cans.

Pretty sure he has clinical gynecomastia. No amount of exercise is going to fix that, he needs surgery.

That right there, is A PERFECT example as to why his name is: Greggshells


2015-06-24 19:03 UTC


-Lol. Fucking Rich. Never back him into a corner. He destroys. Seen him eat up full rooms.

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A link to a Rich Vos video is the only funny thing to come out of Cumia's corner in.. weeks? Imagine telling that to him in 2013. He really is just a crumpled-up paper bag of a human being now.

Cumia is crazy. But he takes the beatings like a man

If by taking beatings like a man you mean blocks anyone who even slightly disagrees with him on Twitter, then yes, he's a regular fucking John Wayne.

There's a difference between engaging in friendly banter with someone you have mutual respect for and being yelled at by unfunny strangers on the internet.

Well sir you are correct.

Ok, terrific.

The only comic Opie ever shits on is Vos and he just takes it. It's pretty sad to hear. Vos makes one joke about Opie and is now apologizing on Twitter? The fear people have over that talentless hack is incredible. I can't imagine that their plugs would actually get to enough people to make a difference at their shows.

Vos makes one joke about Opie and is now apologizing on Twitter?

yeah right.. checks vos twitter


As Colin Quinn once said, "Rich Vos is the master of the counter-punch".

he termed him the Floyd Mayweather of idiocy.

haha that's amazing. Fucking brilliant

Let the Eggs Hit the Floor

For the curious: 18-times. ALMOST 19-times.

Leave it alone. That means he has NOTHING to come back at ant with.

Omg i really, truly hate him. I know we like hyperbole around here but I would not help the man in any fashion if he needed me or asked me to do so. I would relish in his misfortune and sleep easier at night knowing he was in a bad way.

Am I imagining it or does Opie's voice wobble with hurt feelings a bit after Vos's great smash. He immediately tries to control it and get it back to his fake deep radio guy voice. What's the opposite of a falsetto?


Nah, a baritone is a natural male voice pitch, lower than a tenor but higher than a bass. It's the most common singing and speaking voice for men. Falsetto is a fake high-pitched thing. Just meant what would you call someone who fakes a lower voice than they naturally have. Also it was kind of a rhetorical question and an attempt at a joke.

It was fun in a way listening to his awful cuntiness, just because 1) he can't take it, acts like a little bitch, and it's funny, and 2) the reddit threads that would come of it would be entertaining too. It was fun up until:

ME: People ask why these guys aren't on more. This is why. Because it's EXHAAAUSTING!

translation: I hate the feeling of knowing everyone around me is infinitely more talented and funny than I am, so fuck what the fans want. Fuck their entertainment. And fuck Rich's and Bobby's plugs.

I guess there's a chance he was kidding, or just kind of 'saying that'. But the possibility that there's some truth to it, and that the excuse he makes for himself is it's "exhausting", is so enraging I can't think straight.

Those are the best things about the show. They've always been the best shows, consistently. And he wants to put the kibosh on them because of his faggot little feelings.

I'd love to see how much more "exhausted" this cunt would be if he hadn't had his career made for him by the cellar comics and Ant.

He's spent 20 years in radio, working alongside some of the most gifted comedic minds on the planet, and he learned nothing. There are college students whose demo tapes would send Opie into a shame spiral, had he even an ounce of self-awareness.

Yup. And it goes so much further than him simply not learning anything from them. He kept going with that "I'm 50% of the show" cuntshit, so he has to ruin. Fucking. Everything. Because of his cuntball ego. God dammit if there's one person you wish would die tomorrow to make the world a better place. Is there even a single world leader that would save enough deaths to make up for the number of laughs Gregg has massacred?

It's better than the other times the Greggshells have been cracked, but still cringey and extremely hypocritical as always. You're gonna bust a comedian's balls and expect him not to fight back? Come, on Opie.

1 year of radio condensed into 2 minutes ... brilliant

"you son of a betch" - #AngryOpie

"I cancelled Dan Soder for this shit?!" #TalentIsGoneOpie

calling his "friend" this shit...

I'd buy a mug of all these.

And not a peep out of Jimmy.

The way Opie says "geh hyed" for "go ahead" is so damn cool!

i love that the clip ends on "here's the thing"

that's inspired editing.

Classic greggshells.

Enjoy your last time on this show

That threat holds absolutely no weight any more.

Also, Jim and Bobby are worms for walking on greggshells the whole clip

"Wtf duuuuude?" like he just walked in on a Vos having a child orgy. What a hole.

Vos really is great, this clip misses that he took a couple subtle jabs at Funny Mofo's and OPie taking pictures.

I want to smash Bobby's faggot face with a rock. It's amazing how he can seamlessly transition from pontificating, holier-than-thou bore on YKWD to a snivelling faggot on O&J. I think I was tricked into thinking he was funny due to Patrice and Colin's repeated trashings of him throughout the years.

Jim can go fuck himself too, Vos says words wrong sometimes. We get it. It's not funny and it comes off as kind of spineless if you relentlessly go for Vos while that mumbling sack of shit Opie is left untouched.

The opening exchange reminds me a transcript I read of an argument between Kate Moss and Gwyneth Paltrow:

[Gwyneth Paltrow had gone for a jog on the beach. Kate was out for a walk, eating crisps, when Gwyneth ran past.]

Kate: "Oi, what you out jogging for?"

Gwyneth: "So I don't look like you when I get old."

[Kate throws crisps at her]

Kate: "Why don't you eat some fucking carbs!"

Thank god for Rich for being the only one with a set of balls. It's like when Opie when on about his awful book he was reading and Jim made a remark he found it in tampon monthly and got all pissy. How dare this Jelly tit monstrosity have the audacity to say the show is the same and then threaten to ban one of the only great guests who still come on for a joke. Guys like Vos, Bobby and Colin need to realize they don't need Opie anymore. They can be just as successful with their own podcasts and leave this fool to do his own shit radio.

What does Vos mean his movie is in the top 10 on iTunes? Women Aren't Funny isn't on anyone's list...

That was satisfying yet extremely uncomfortable to listen to

Damn, who let !~tHe PsYcHo~! out of their cage

Nothing annoys me more about a person who can't take a joke and laugh at themselves, Opie is that person

holy shit that was awesome. one shot at opie and the only defense he has is "ENJOY YOUR LAST TIME ON THE SHOW". and vos apologizing on twitter really shows how anti-fun opie is. take a fucking joke you cunt.

This is why I've lost interest and pointing out Opie's idiocy. He is fucking INCAPABLE of hearing let alone absorbing outside criticism. If I worked with someone for nearly 20 years and they put out a public, very well thought out, not hysterical criticism of me I would at least pay a little bit of attention to it.

this defines exactly what Ant was talking about.

HAHAHAHAHA. Opie was fucking begging for this. Trashing the shit out of Bobby and basically asking him to confirm that the show is the same. Vos couldn't help himself. Greggshells, ME: I'm workin on 'dat! Workin' on, workin' on that!

Jesus. I think Opie actually made an effort to take it in humor, but he still comes off like a butthurt baby.

Such a flawless exhibition of the infamous Greggshells. Almost too perfect.

how many pounds have you gained?

vos shoulda just said 'shut up tits'


Clicked the sub and saw this thread title. Got really excited expecting some massive blowout. Sorely disappointed.

Hate when opie says"you wanna play lets play" he'd get out witted and destroyed by ANYONE he would try to "play" with

he doesn't mean have a verbal competition. He is just making threats on their career. I will ban you from the show, yank your podcast from the channel, trash Bonnie's new book, etc. Such a humorless mean hack.

That was really awkward but I don't think Opie was as upset as he's being made out to be.

I think Opie is more upset than he's making out to be. That would have stung. Remember when OnA was brutal when busting balls. Whats with the awkward silence. uh-oh

Well, in the words of Louie, I'm gonna play the "deveril's advocate." Vos didn't kinda fuck up saying the line in the first place. He tripped over it, stammered, etc. There was nothing about that that wasn't awkward.

You guys always take the words out of my mouth (if you could only help me with food). Bennington brought this up the other day and Opie said "I'm working on it." At this rate, he should be all better by the time Jimmy and Ant are working together and HE goes back to terrestrial radio (to make the changes Pettengill hoped to make).

That was a direct hit. The thing you do NOT say to Opie. Ant must have loved it. I would! Vos clearly is worried.

Still can't believe "Opie and Anthony" have not seen or spoken to each other in a year. That's so fucked up. And yeah, Opie is disloyal and should have reached out first. I bet Ant has some slow Sicilian revenge thing on his mind.

Oh and the way Opie said "enjoy your last time on this show" was stone-cold pissed, not a bit of levity in it.

Dude, get a life.

OW! You hurt my feelings with your searing wit!

Was that Jimmy saying "what was that.." right after vos dropped that nuke? If so, Fuck you jimmy. edit Sorry Jim it was faggot Kelly

Opie is such a cunt.

And that is why i love Vos, nobody can take it, and dish it out like this soulless piece of duddie can

I was listening to this expecting ol' sugar tits to actually get angry.

Ol' fecal boobs got a little flustered for 20 seconds and then moved on.

Vos probably apologized during break and everything's ok.

Yeah kind of a let down, I expected a fight and some real awkwardness.


2015-06-24 16:26 UTC

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow @marcmaron Can't wait to ask you about the behind the scenes stuff on your @BarackObama interview.

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"Did he explain what the deal is with the economy? Why haven't they figured that shit out yet?"

I'm sure it will be illuminating.

Fuck Opie, Fuck Opie, Fuck Opie.

That was schmooth.

That was magnificent. That dumb Jewish crackhead is the man!

Damn I was hoping it would be longer but it's a reminder that Rich can fight back hard when pushed. Tits didn't stand a chance.

vos was right about the talent.

Every day I hate that cunt Opie more and more. He tries to be like one of the guyzzz. "GOTTA PREPAIR FOR THE BEATING THAT'S GONNA HAPPEN TODAY". You're a zero. You're not one of the guys, you can't play around, you take everything so seriously and it's so aggravating to listen to. No one gives this cuck the ribbing he lets on because he's a big giant pussy, as displayed by yesterdays show. Jim or someone close to the show just needs to put this cuck in his place. And stop saying son of a bitch and fuck every other word, you dope.

"Enjoy your last time on the show". Because that's opies diluted idea of a threat. VOS DOESN'T WANT TO DO YOUR SHOW!

Can someone remake walking on sunshine and insert "Gregshells" over sunshine?

That's it? Sure Vos snapped a few greggshells but it wasn't that bad. Maybe if he kept going at it it could have become, I dunno, something.

200 comments for this? Jesus. This is the most pathetic place I've ever been a part of.

Brandon 72 is a douchebag. We all dump on Opie, and this Harvard graduate uses the tried-and-true "basement" insults. Sorry we're not brilliantly educated and swimming in pussy like you. Or perhaps cock, since you love Opie so much.

Opie forgets that Vos is a seasoned comic who's hung out with the likes of Patrice and Keith Robinson for decades and crumples at the SLIGHTEST jab.



Jesus Christ, all these comments for something that was barely a moment.

Opie is playing along with the Soder comment. Opie and Vos most likely thought this bit up when on the beach together

That you believe Opie and Vos have the brain power to think up a bit is adorable.

Dickless turds? Go fuck yourself you crybaby. Why would Jimmy ruin his day to day job? Letting the two of them go at it was the smart move.

I'm positive Opie is dumber than Vos.

Poor Vos never does well in group settings with other comedians or shitty Opie. On stage he's pretty great.

Of course it is. Opie's banal observation that he thinks makes him look alpha and in control is highlighted in a best of topic while the interesting thing that exposes him and has everybody talking was cut out. Just like many people properly predicted here. God, he is such a predictable crybaby.

Three words that Vos will never be able to pronounce.


Heshres the tsching; Vosch has an i-que of 1-40, ok.