Opie calls Letterman, Leno and Seinfeld hacks. Points out that Letterman has writers for his comedy.

29  2015-06-24 by cosko


Instant feedback has written 99.9999% of the jokes Opie has ever uttered on air. Imagine if Letterman opened his jokes with "Jonathan from the office wrote:", it would sound a lot like the 'ol Tit swinger.

Except Letterman has charisma and is able to move around in a conversation. And isn't mentally 12.

His argument was sound. See, all those guys are benefiting from the hard work of more talented people around them. They are useless, unfunny, and disposable beings that slap their name on a product in which they contribute very little and have no business being a part of...

Opie understands this more than anyone

Except a guy like Letterman knew how to deliver the joke. You could have the best material in the world and destroy it without having the talent for delivering it.

Opie would be in that category. All those years in the business and he still has no feel for timing or how to actually deliver a line.

"Chip gotta nigga's ribs!...Hurting today."

But see, it's not the same. The Opster has the daunting task of trying to deliver the joke he's reading off of instant feedback/twitter while at the same time checking the lines to see if Snowy's calling in. Only a true genius could even fumble out a joke given that much pressure.

Plus he has to overcome his crippling functional illiteracy. It's an inspirational story, really.

"I believe in my soul that I could host The Tonight Show."

If God truly existed, Opie would have spontaneously combusted the moment he uttered this.

Eh. Jay was very, very awful too.

I guess passable solo at least unlike Opie.

It's comedic exaggeration. It may not be funny but it is a joke.

That was my first reaction too but then he kept talking and trying to justify it. Can't blame you if you bailed out early.

ME: Of course. Of COURSE! It was a JOKE you IDIOTS!

Very good.

Lets just tweet an audio excerpt of the quote at the Strangels over and over again.

R.I.P. Opie 1994-2014

I wonder what the Stangels think about this?

Weren't they writing Letterman's hack bits?

Nice work detective



Opie has breasts